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Is there...? (9)

1 Name: Fujoshi : 2013-09-08 02:18 ID:sDzrWigJ (Image: 276x183 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

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...Is there something wrong with my emotions or am I just cold-hearted? Whenever people ask me if "We're friends" or something I just nod my head because I don't know what we are. I just see them as another person, no matter how much we talk, they're just another person. Even when I had a boyfriend and I went all the way with him, I still felt nothing towards him. I mean I know I have all the emotions but I just can't apply them to people. They're just there...No matter what I've done they're just another life form. I don't know what my feelings are towards my parents or my family or anybody.

But I still have emotions, I feel sad that I can't make a connection with people. Mad when something goes wrong. Happy when it goes right.

Soooooo....I don't really know how to do this...ummmm yeah just reply back I guess....

2 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-08 02:28 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

It's okay ^^ first of all there's absolutely nothing wrong! I too have difficulties feeling empathy for other humans (I'm a sociopath) I'm more attached to animals actually X3 but you probably just haven't found the "right" people, like people with your own interests. I can't really connect with people who don't like anime X3 don't let this bring you down. Your life is your life, it doesn't belong to your friends, boyfriends, family, etc. it's your's and if you don't have meaningful relationships then you'll get some eventually, probably by surprise; things happen when you least expect them so just forget about it, be nice to others and I'm sure you'll find someone!! I hope that I helped you!! ^^

3 Name: Fujoshi : 2013-09-08 02:54 ID:sDzrWigJ [Del]

@Neko-tama :3

Thank you very much for replying. ^_^ And also thank you for the advice. I suppose I could try to be more involved or something I guess.
I wish you the best of days.

4 Name: Saika : 2013-09-08 04:20 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Hi there,
I'd really need a lot of more information from you before I help you make any informed decisions on labeling yourself. That said, labels don't matter! Embrace who you are!
Medically speaking, you sound like you're just on the further end of the spectrum of emotional reactiveness. On one side of the spectrum there are the more sensitive people who react strongly to everything, and on the other side are people who rarely feel emotionally reactive to anything. You know which side you're on. Being too far on either extreme can be considered a personality disorder, but this is merely a way of saying 'you're different, and if you want help we can give you help to understand the majority of the population better'. But many people on both ends of the spectrum can live just fine without any intervention. It all depends on your coping mechanisms.
The signs that you've described - not being able to form connections and react to others etc are signs that often pop up in relation to things like schizophrenia, depression and schizoid personality (note that there is a big difference between schizophrenia and schizoid personality). It looks like to me that despite these symptoms you've still managed to establish relationships with others (i.e. boyfriend) - so it doesn't seem to be reducing the quality of your life by a significant amount.
That said, if you'd like to understand yourself better, there's no harm in seeing a doctor and asking if they can tell you a bit more about yourself. I think it's completely fine to be the way you are. If you care about those around you, you might want to develop strategies in coping with them or teaching them to cope with you, as I can imagine that being generally apathetic makes empathetic responses hard to come by naturally, but with practice you may learn to express yourself better.
Do some research on 'Schizoid Personality' and see if it applies to you. Feel free to reply to this post with more information - it could help me understand you better and could completely change my perspective.
Good luck,

5 Name: Saika : 2013-09-08 04:31 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

I'm not sure if Neko-tama will read this, but I'll just throw the question out there anyway - are you medically diagnosed with sociopathy? Or did you self diagnose?
I'm asking because sociopathy been taken out of medical language already. What we used to describe as sociopathy is now known as APD and psychopathy, and the main focus of neither of these is having 'difficulty feeling empathy'. In fact, having just 'some difficulty' wouldn't 'qualify' you as one. The word 'sociopath' is usually used for media and sensationalist reporting these days.
If you have self diagnosed, please don't do that, it's plain rude to individuals who are actually suffering from the disorder and devalues the medical profession. If you've been diagnosed by a counsellor or a psychologist, please understand that neither are medical professionals and they do not have the expertise to diagnose you, what they say should be treated as speculation or an educated guess. Psychiatrists are the ones with actual medical training. (Sorry just checked, actually some psychologists can also perform diagnosis, but they cannot give you drugs.)
That said, if I'm completely wrong about you, then I apologise. I'd be interested in hearing about your treatment too, if you were okay with sharing.

6 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-09-08 17:33 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

>>5 Sociopathy and Psychopathy are different. But yes I self diagnosed myself and since I have "difficulty" feeling empathy and feel empathy occasionally depending of the circumstance, I guess you could call it a semi-sociopathic trait. That's not the only "disorder" that i have, frankly i hate that word, I kneow that I'm different but I am not going to view that as a bad thing; I haven't hurt anyone, it's all in my head. I've had OCD for years neow, it's been so long so I can't remember how long. I've recently discovered the psychopathy and sociopathy and also the multiple personalities that the original "Neko" created out of loneliness.
I kneow other people that have self-diagnosed themselves with these disorders if not more. Truth is, most that suffer from these in solitude and thus never tell anyone let alone get diagnosed. We're afraid of how others perceive us (example "all sociopaths are murderers" that's not true, some are but others, like me, have a good control over our desires because we don't want to end up in a mental institute or a prison.) since people don't understand it, they consider us "insane or crazy" which can be hurtful. Talking with others has helped and in terms of treatment, I don't want drugs to henceforth "fix" me, like I stated earlier, there's nothing wrong with me, it's a part of my identity and honestly it's nice thinking differently, it makes me feel unique :3
Not a lot of people kneow about this stuff so these questions are nice, thank you for asking ^^

7 Name: ayastigi waya : 2013-09-13 01:34 ID:q5o08NuS [Del]

more neuro a-typicals?? And I would take a guess as to say that the poster has a neuro a typical Brain as well , Most of us don't have *normal* interactions with people who we can't Relate to

8 Name: megnekko!8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-09-14 01:33 ID:NJiZZNNZ [Del]

I know what you mean cause I am the someway. I walk inside a classroom and not talk to people I want to but cant. it took me months to even remember one person's name. even my now ex boyfriend's name I sometimes have problems remembering.
everyone at school thinks I am a shy and quiet girl who can do no wrong. but I am far from it. I was an only child of a single mother and my grandmother would take care of me while she work. I had no one to play with. I was alone. I grew up to be a very anti-social as my family says.
after school I go to my bedroom and stay there I don't really go out and socialize. my mom like go see a movie or something. but nothing really catches my interests. i just don't care much to be around people.

9 Name: Red X : 2013-09-14 04:28 ID:o7mSJKGe [Del]

Same I'm not a very good conversationist when people are around I'm trying really, really hard to over come that but I guess it's not good enough for people to recognize it.