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Sexual Attractions and Morals (8)

1 Name: Tekato : 2013-09-08 00:03 ID:8RBVI0EP [Del]

For the past 2 years I have been dating this amazing girl who I love more than anything in the world. In the past few months we have been sorta having an issue. We are both 15, and I have this condition that when I do get excited I actually nosebleed (not shitting you). So she likes giving me nosebleeds, after a few months it got to the point were I started like being aroused, and it was a normal thing. But I hate this kind of thing before marriage but now I want to be aroused more. Then she started thinking she was a slut, because she put my hand on her chest, and down her pants to get me a nosebleed. I told her that she isn't a slut, and that we shouldn't do anything like this anymore. Problem is Now my hormones are unstable and I want to at least keep touching her boobs, but I don't want her to think she is a slut, and that I'm taking advantage of her because I truely love her, not just for her body and beauty but for her mind and amazing personality. But now I have been getting these urges and I want to be able to grab her breasts but without her thinking like that. And to add the dilemma she isn't allowed to date. We are currently secretly dating. We have kissed but she has started feeling guilty. I want her to be happy and comfterable. So right now, we can only hug and maybe even cuddle. And with my urges its hard not being able to even atleast kiss her. But I still want her to be happy. We are trying to convince her parents but they think until she is 17 she can't date. Please, I just need some advice. I don't know what to do, and I'm really confused and lost.....please help. Thanks for reading, and sorry English isn't my first language.

2 Name: Saika : 2013-09-08 01:06 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Wow what a big ball of mess you have there! But don't worry, from what you said, I can tell that even though you struggle with yourself, you have a good heart and good intentions for your girlfriend, so I know it will turn out alright. I find it a little hilarious that you actually nosebleed like an anime character! But since it's causing you so much anguish I won't laugh at you. :)
I'm going to divide the issues going on into sections and address them separately okay (even though they are all interconnected)?
1. My girlfriend feels like a slut because we did these sexual things together.
To me, these sorts of ideas are a warning sign of many misplaced ideas and/or bad parenting and influences growing up. Your girlfriend seems to have trouble differentiating between being a slut and having consensual physical contact with someone, and this is a bit of an issue! To me, all of this links back to having an inherently negative view of sex. Now, this is quite common of young girls of certain backgrounds (eg strictly religious, or asian), because growing up they are told all sorts of things that make them think that sex is bad and being sexy is bad and giving yourself to anyone makes you dirty. That's what she might feel at the moment. Dirty.
And it can take quite a lot to shake off that feeling, so thankfully she has someone considerate like you! The decision you made to stop doing anything like this was very very wise and I think you should maintain it until she is comfortable within herself again. This is not an issue she has against you or anyone, but rather an internal struggle. I struggled through this once myself, but my boyfriend was less considerate and couldn't control himself. I broke up with him because I couldn't take this feeling anymore.
I think it's good for you to have a talk to her about how sex is very normal and natural, and can be done in a fun and happy way! Just because she may have had sexual contact before her peers, doesn't mean she's a slut. 'Slut' is a terrible and degrading word used by people who don't respect women and the choices they have made. She should never use it to describe herself. Having sex isn't giving something away. It's sharing something together. It doesn't mean she's lost something forever. That said, I know her virginity could mean a lot to her. (And not just her actual virginity, but every part of it - from her kissing virginity to first guy to touch her boob virginity) - she might feel regretful that she moved so early and so fast. Show her that she has nothing to regret, okay?

2. I have unstable hormones and don't know how to control myself
I'm glad you're so open and honest with this. I'm sure you know this already, but pretty much all guys struggle with this in their teenage years. It's all about the hormones. Testosterone (which you guys have tons of during puberty) is the hormone that stimulates libido, so naturally your sex drive could be a billion times hers at this point, and probably uncomfortably so! It's a big fight for boys to try and be decent gentlemen while restraining the beast of their natural sex drive - and I know many of you are decent, just like you! I'm glad you are choosing restraint in this situation even though it is so hard for you. I think it's good for you to explain how you feel to her - tell her that she is just irresistible, but because you respect her SO much you definitely don't want to touch her more than she wants to be touched until she's ready. Tell her how hard it is for you, and tell her that you will do your best to be enough. Don't let her feel like she owes you anything physically. Never let her feel that. This is very important.
Now, practical steps. 1. Masturbation - you have urges, and this should sate them somewhat. I know it's obviously different to the real thing, but at least you're not hurting anyone (aside from millions of potential children). 2. Ask your girlfriend to help you - i.e. if she dresses really revealingly and this drives you even crazier, you can ask her to help you a bit with this, and maybe she'll comply - because this is a two-way street, no? 3. Taking a break: Whenever you feel like the urges are really intense. Just tell her. Ask her if she would prefer it if you went off and took a little breather to calm down a little before coming back.

3. My/her parents don't know about this because we're dating in secret.
Ah, this is certainly a problem. While of course you two are independant people - and only 3 years away from being fully-fledged adults, i still think parents should play a big role in your life. That said, it can be really difficult if her parents are difficult. I think part of her guilt and feeling like a slut comes from this. Because she feels like without the approval of her family she might be doing something wrong. I don't know what her exact family situation is, so I guess I can't comment more. Relationships are very difficult to keep secret forever, you know? I think you'll have to give her a lot of extra support, because when her parents find out, it's going to be quite difficult for her.

3 Name: Tekato : 2013-09-08 07:41 ID:8RBVI0EP [Del]

Yea,I know, its OK everyone likes teasing me about it xD

Well, sex isn't really the issue. We both have agreed to not have sex until marriage. I just want to be able to explore her top area, without her thinking its dirty. Honestly I believe its because her parents refuse to let her date till she is 17. I have a feeling that she wants to do it, but because of society, she thinks she is a slut if she lets me. Also, we are still young and she has been taught that these things are wrong at this young of an age. She is also worried that she will get comfortable with it, if she allows me to do it, and actually want to become a slut. Her virginity means a lot to her, and so does mine to me. That’s why we are waiting till we are married, but I still want to have some sexual contact with her like grabbing her butt, and grabbing her breasts. I have already touched her breasts once because we were curious on how it feel....amazing feeling by the way....Kissing isn’t really a big problem, its just because her parents wont let her date until she is 17, and she feels guilty about it every-time we do kiss. I’m actually worried because she is starting to think she isn’t ready for a relationship, but we both love each other and want to be with each other, so how can I convince her that her parents are wrong, because they are. I respect them, and love them like my own family, because soon they will be. But I strongly disagree with their teaching on this subject. So Is there anyway I can convince them?

2. I want to be able to help her through this, so I need to learn how to control my sex drive, because as we speak Im having urges on touching her all over. Masturbation is not wrong, I think its a wonderful thing for people to relieve stress but, it doesn’t help me at all. I actually think its making it worse, because I get even hornier after I masturbate. Even to the point I have been able to cum 3 of 4 times in a row with no break because my hormones are just that high. She knows, that I find her irresistible, and that I want to do these things, but we both agreed for a little contact like maybe touching her breasts through her shirt, grabbing her butt, and my personal favorite: Spanking. The problem is that, she feels guilty, and she thinks she is a slut every-time we do these things. I want to be able to do these things because I find her sexually attractive, and she want to do them too. Don’t get the wrong Idea I don’t only love her for her body, I truly do love her. I wouldn’t be wanting to restraint myself if I didn’t. But I just want her not to think she is a slut if, and when we do these things. I have a feeling that its still connected to her parents not letting us date. Can you tell me, how I can explain to her that these things are fine to do, it doesn’t make you dirty, it doesn’t make you a slut, and its not wrong. If not, is there anymore ways I can try to restrain myself. Because like I said, ill only do these things if she wants to as well, and I want her to be happy, and joyful when we do it, not guilty, dirty, or slutty.

3. Well, her parents know about us. They know we have strong feelings for each other, and that we want to date. But they think that we are to young to even be thinking about dating. Because of this, she thinks that we shouldn’t have any sexual or innocent contact only hugging. I guess the question I want to ask, is how can I convince them we are ready, and are we ready?

Thanks for the replay, and thanks for reading. And again please excuse my English

4 Name: Litair Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2013-09-08 18:06 ID:mgXWG5px [Del]

>>3 "1. She is also worried that she will get comfortable with it, if she allows me to do it, and actually want to become a slut."

Are you two religious Christians by any chance? If you are, this article might be of help. Your girlfriend is not the only one with such issues. In fact, a lot of women seem to struggle with their sexuality because the concept of purity has been applied in a very wrong, overly restricting way.
For most people (not all of them) lust is a legitimate part of love. Since your girlfriend has been brought up in an environment that separates these two, she might need time and the chance to think outside the box in order to embrace a more wholistic take on sexuality. If you know some older couples or families (siblings, friends, cousins etc.) whom she trusts and respects and who have a more open view on sex, you could try to talk to them about their relationship. It might provide her with different opinions.

"3. Well, her parents know about us. They know we have strong feelings for each other, and that we want to date. But they think that we are to young to even be thinking about dating."

Maybe you could talk to her parents about their definition of dating. If they just don't want their daughter to have sex, you may be able to change their mind. You and your girlfriend have already agreed on refraining from any premarital intercourse, so this shouldn't be an issue, unless they don't trust you two. But they don't sound like they reject you as a person, Tekato, nor your friendship with their daughter in general.
If you talk it out with her parents about wanting to date each other in a non-sexual way, I don't see any reason for them to object. Your current official relationship with her seems close enough to innocent dating, and I mean, kissing and hugging don't have to be interpreted in a sexual way, do they? You'd just have to keep quiet about your makeout sessions.

Sorry, I don't think, I can help you with your other problems since I don't have much of a libido myself.

5 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-08 19:00 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>2 No, 'slut' is a word to describe those of either gender who have sex frequently and indiscriminately who have a certain mindset that it's their right to the body of those of their gender of interest; they often put those of their gender who are more modest down for their lack of interest in sex, as well as get very bothered when someone refuses to have "go out with them" (read: have sex with them consensually) at their own preferred pace.

Sluts are not just women, nor is it a a made-up term made to put women to shame (whether it's frequently misused by assholes or not). Just wanted to clear that up.

>>1 OP, I'd like to give you advice since I went ahead and commented, but what has already been said thusfar is a fairly good start.

6 Name: Thistle : 2013-09-09 12:20 ID:m92d25AP [Del]

>>5 "slut" also tend to fall on women because a promiscuous guy is just "acting on his male hormones". It's like the politicians that argue about how rape is the fault of the woman: men are apparently genetically geared to be lusty perverts and women are supposed to be decent and polite.

Utter bull, naturally, but these expectations continue to pervade our culture.

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-09-09 14:19 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>6 We call guys sluts around here just as often as we call women it. I do agree that there's a lot of sexist bull out there thanks to society in general, but whether there's a bias towards treating promiscuous women worse than promiscuous men or not, that doesn't change that it can refer to both genders.