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God? (21)

1 Name: hambabam : 2013-08-30 18:12 ID:Z6nzwJcT [Del]

Good evening everyone, I'm not going to ask you to tell me all about your religion this is more of a personal preference question anyway or at least I'll try to word it like one.
All I want to know is if you think god exist or not and if you think it wants you to act as though there is a god and respect him or if it wants you to act as though there isn't one and do as you think is best for you to survive.
I think there is a god but he isn't as powerful as some religious make it out to be, and it's goal is to form a superior human that can help it with some kind of task one with a will and strength that surpasses all other humans.Kind of like a test.

2 Name: Butterfly : 2013-08-31 08:08 ID:NYM9WZNe [Del]

Tricky question really. I'm sure there is one. Somehow, somewhere. But whether he is totally benevolent, cruel, or just a sick sense of humor I'll never know. Until the day comes where all I've done comes back to grant one simple wish, my good karma finally circles around, I'm just going to go with the idea that if there is a God; let's not piss him/her off. Whoever they are apparently really loves ruining my life, so let's give them more to ruin so they can have a good time.

3 Name: Haze : 2013-08-31 10:47 ID:8R4M11uz [Del]

Nope. I don't think any sort of supernatural being exists. Nor would I care if it did exist.

4 Name: g0atse : 2013-08-31 15:19 ID:+uV5jW0L [Del]

Personally, I don't believe in a god.
I'm open to the possibility of a god that does not intervene in the lives of humans, however I am highly skeptical.

5 Name: Ignis : 2013-09-01 19:19 ID:anxWI4+c [Del]

I believe god exist but I don't think he can do much...and also I don't think that everything the church and Christians do for him, like going to the church and almost everything else they do, is actually necessary to show that you respect him or whatever

6 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-09-01 22:25 ID:8tQxhhep [Del]

I am a hardcore existentialist. So, believing in God is quite contrary. If there was any kind of 'God', it would be one that did not have unlimited power, which seems to defeat the purpose. Unlimited power = unlimited contradictions, in my opinion.

7 Name: stillblu : 2013-09-01 23:50 ID:etiCj4gk [Del]

Personally, I do believe in God and I believe that he's as powerful as the church says He is. I used to think that there was no proof until I saw people actually being filled with His spirit. Like, speaking languages they'd never known in that moment. And if that wasn't enough, so many times I've tested Him (when I shouldn't have, but still) and He's answered me with a sign that I can't call it coincidence anymore. But I'm not exactly hellbent on shoving the Bible down people's throats. ^^' That's hypocrisy, and I'm always embarrassed by the Christians(etc.) that do that. In any case, if you've never gone to the church that I do, you're saying he does or doesn't exist without proof. The Big Bang Theory is just as hard to perceive as the concept of Christianity (though both could be true at the same time). So, yeah. Great thread idea, btw.

8 Name: Haze : 2013-09-02 12:10 ID:8R4M11uz [Del]

>>7 The Big Bang can be proved and has been proved. The universe is expanding as we speak. There is no proof that any 'god' or 'gods' exist. Please, remember to be educated before you speak.

9 Name: Acrabiel : 2013-09-02 22:22 ID:dmxxTlcO [Del]

Yes I believe God exists as I am a Christian.
>>8 There is no proof God doesn't exist. If you look for it though there is plenty of proof that god exists. The existence of the human soul, which cannot be denied, is proof that there is a god. For those who say there is no proof that the human soul exists; the existence of ghosts/spirits proves that. for those who say there is no proof that ghosts/spirits exist, you are in denial. There are too many recordings/videos/pictures to claim they are all fabricated or the result of natural distortion. Also explain how every single culture in the world regardless of the fact that they may be isolated completely from other people came to their own conclusions that a god or gods exist. The proof is everywhere people just choose to ignore it for whatever subconscious or conscious reason(s) they may have.

10 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-09-02 22:58 ID:/zXOg+bo [Del]

>>8 No, you are the worse kind of person in this scenario. Not only do you assume everything everybody has told you is true, you expect it to be pure fact and that everybody else's ideas are stupid. The Big Bang theory has been far from proven, do you understand what a theory is? In fact, scientists are already retracting the Big Bang idea, they are now shifting towards the idea that the universe was created in a sort of phase shift, like when water freezes into ice. Scientific Atheists only have slightly more of a clue than modern, educated Christians about the universe, don't think that you're such hot shit. We are taking an educated guess that the universe is expanding due to the light-pigmentations on the galaxies that seem to be moving away from us. We have only seen one eighth of the universe, do you really expect us to know how it was created and what is going on with it? We have barely even scratched the surface of what dark matter is and does. God, people like you piss me off. Don't preach about how your ideas are better than everybody else's, just because you read it or somebody you know told you that it's true. Go fucking research a bit, next time. I'm an agnostic, pseudo Buddhist, so It's not even like I'm sticking up for Christians because they're my team. I just hate people like you.

>>9 The existence of the human soul can, and has extremely plausible basis to be denied. A soul is quite possibly the collection of the majority of our neural/cranial functions, our human conscious and the desire to continue our species genetic strain. Over all my years on the internet, I have only ever heard one plausible case of ghosts being sighted. If these spirits are so common and mystical, why are they more an aspect of popular culture, rather than a subject of serious scientific enquiry? Cultures comes to the conclusion that a God exists as a way to explain natural phenomenon in an illogical manner, without scientific reasoning, the human condition leaps to the belief of a greater personified power, as a way to scale things to our conscious level. There have been entire books written on why cultures feel the need to create greater powers for seemingly infinite and all powerful aspects of nature, such as, death, the sun and the dark. I found 'A Short History of Myth' to be the most informative comparative to the length.

All in all though, people need to stop being so sure of everything. We only make great leaps and discoveries by questioning. If we all cemented our belief systems so easily, we would never progress. It requires humans to use our amazing, enquiring mind to think outside of the box. For instance, if we all believed in the big bang theory so solidly, we never would have discovered the phase shift theory; if we all believed in God so strictly, we never would have discovered the theory of evolution in the first place. Please, I am begging you people to stop making yourselves so damn ignorant. Enquire, question, evolve, these should be the main aims of life.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Name: Saika : 2013-09-02 23:06 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

>>10 You're the perfect umpire for this discussion.
I probably don't really have anything to contribute that hasn't been said already. Just wanted to commend Solace

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: Saika : 2013-09-02 23:15 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Okay nevermind, I do have something to contribute, although I've kind of contributed the same thing to older threads with practically the same question.
I believe in a God. I believe that this God transcends time and space and understanding. This God exists in a dimension numerically much higher than ours.
Watch this to understand dimensions:

All-powerful and all-knowing are just silly human concepts. Even these words limit the concept of a being known as God that exists in eternity.
If I exist within a cage known as time, how can I even begin to comprehend a being that exists unbound by anything? I can't.
But I do believe the christian interpretation of a God that has some sort of invested interest in humans, not on the level of a vending-machine (i.e. I give God x amount of prayers, God gives me whatever I wanted), but more on an overarching agenda. If this incomprehensible being created a universe limited by time, I believe that our universe will have both a beginning and an end. I think God's agenda for our universe is related to whatever will ultimately drive our universe to extinction. We are not even a speck of dust within this universe that God created, so as such, we are unworthy to question what God has planned for it.

15 Name: Truth : 2013-09-03 02:14 ID:pfDX/dtH [Del]

I don't believe in god or stuff like that

16 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2013-09-03 12:23 ID:300CQUXD [Del]

Let the controversial arguments commence.

17 Name: Noah !uVR8a/QHVU : 2013-09-03 21:40 ID:V31t07vs [Del]

I feel god exists because when I look at the all the observable universe like all the planets, stars ,nebulas and then when I look at the tiniest of things like cells and microscopic life ,and then how complicated society is ,I feel everything is to setup or to perfect to happen by chance or to happen naturally.

18 Name: Acrabiel : 2013-09-03 22:29 ID:dmxxTlcO [Del]

Another reason I believe god exists, is the fact that life exists at all. It is implausible to think that the universe for no reason spontaneously decided to burst into existence and life just accidentally happened. Even trying to get the simplest life to just pop into existence via pre-existing materials, and then have said life capable of reproducing and reacting to stimuli, is like dumping a bag of legos on the ground and trying to get it to stack into a house. Scientists have been trying for years to create even simple life. More proof of the human soul is the fact that we are conscious and have memories. If we have no soul then we die and then we are gone forever with no memory of ever having lived. Think about it, if you have ever blacked out, then you don't remember what you did while blacked out. Its like it never happened it was over in a flash. If we truly had no soul then we should not have self-awareness or memories of our lives. I believe that the brain is nothing more than the interface that binds our souls to our bodies. Every organ in your body is meant, in the end, to sustain your brain. When the brain dies your soul loses its anchor point to the body and that's it. That is how people can still be alive but be classified as "brain-dead." The body lives but it has no soul. The reason there has been so little credible scientific pursuit of the supernatural is because people fear such things. It is in our nature to fear things we have no power over or that defy the norm. People brush such things of as fiction, lies, tricks of the imagination, and myth. People don't WANT to believe, in fact, people want so much to believe it isn't true, that it becomes their truth. They will not accept it regardless of any evidence they are presented.

19 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-09-04 02:04 ID:/zXOg+bo [Del]

>>17 I almost went down that line of thought. Almost. But, it isn't even like these things happen naturally; these things happen like this because it is the only possible way everything could turn out how it is. We can't consider any other options because we have never experienced anything like them. Some creationists say, "drop a bowl of cereal upside down on the floor eighty thousand times, but it will never make a smiley face", and that is a very compelling argument. However, we are not aware of how many billions of things could have worked out but didn't. Everything in collections such as society, works as it is, because that is the easiest, most logical conclusion we as humanity have reached. In a way, they only work because they are the only possible things that could have worked. Whether that is due to a predetermined affinity with other forces, or by pure, unimaginable chance, we cannot possibly know as we are now.

>>18 I have covered all you said in previous posts I have written. Everything that you claim has no proof, it is merely because you have considered it to be so that you can say it is to be so. Also, think of things like Vampires. Vampires can be fucking terrifying when done right, correct? They are supernatural, they are rooted in legends, they are technically possible, wonder why they exist? They are creatures of the night, they are creatures that look like us but prey on us all the same. They are the ultimate fear, the ultimate predator. IT roots back to our tribal days when dark meant no safety, and safety meant death. Many cultures jump to creatures like Vampires because they are the personification of if the dark was a moving, living predator. Ghosts were also originally created as a way to escape the fact that death is truly the end of reality as we know it. They have been absorbed into popular culture, lately, because death is such a terrifying aspect of reality, that leaves them to make quite compelling 'baddies'. See, it isn't that people don't want to believe, it's that people have realised the true truth (as you might say it) and have stopped going off what other people say. You are merely regressing into a more primal mind state. If you want people to believe the things you say, go out, find evidence, find proof, do not blame others for not accepting things on first billing, or questioning what others say. You might possibly be right. If you are, prove it.

20 Name: hambabam : 2013-09-04 20:36 ID:/7ADskOa [Del]

Saika thank you for contributing in >>14 i found that video kind of interesting but very hard to believe

There has been one thing that I've always thought is the one and absolute law of this universe that is always true and that's that if something happens it happens because something caused it to.Whether supernaturally or not something made that happen. so if life exist then that means something made it exist whether or not it was a collection of several millions mols(a mol is a very very big number mainly used to count atoms) of non-living objects such as atoms, or god put them their. maybe he caused what put living things here like the big bang(assuming it's true) sense it's suppose to know everything it probably figured out the outcome of how the big bang would end.
Maybe, it's something completely different then what we might think like we are just a collection of pets for an alien species being raised in care of Earth.
To tell you the truth the only reason I believe there is a god is so I can question him even if i have to crawl out of hell.

21 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-09-05 00:00 ID:B5NeLWPM [Del]

I just want to say I don't think there is any proof for or against God. Trying to definitively prove God does/doesn't exist is silly.

Also I commend Solace for staying calm and mature in a subject matter that usually turns bad quick. And of course I agree completely. If I could, I would recommend you for Dollar of the Month.