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Any Advice is Appreciated (7)

1 Name: Ayame : 2013-08-27 00:37 ID:RMZtpxxV [Del]

Hello everyone, I've had a bit of an issue lately and need a little advice. I'm a huge gamer and enjoy going to many different gaming conventions. At one convention I met a really nice guy who I had a lot in common with, we exchanged information and hung out a lot over e-mail and skype and sometimes met over the weekends. After about 3 months of this he asked me out, we've been going out for almost a year now.
There's only one issue, I really want to tell my parents about him but I'm worried they will disapprove of him since he's a year younger than me and is an avid gamer (they don't really like my love of video games), and that they won't like how we met. This normally wouldn't be an issue except that we've moved so my only reasonable way of contacting him is through my computer, phone, or letters. If my parents don't approve of him they can completely cut me off from him since I live in their house and use their internet.
I really want to tell them but I can't stand even the idea of being separated from him so I've put it off. Recently I've been worried they'll find out on their own somehow which would be much worse. What do ya'll think I should do? Should I tell them or should I keep it a secret? Any advice or comments or discussions or whatever is hugely appreciated!
PS Sorry for my awful grammar and ramblingness!

2 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-08-27 01:35 ID:LlyiXWvt [Del]

If it were me, I'd say that internet and respecting my parent's wishes is more important than a boy.
However, if you really like him that much,just cover up your relationship as friendship. Girls (I'm assuming you're a girl) are allowed guy best friends, so use that to your advantage.

3 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-08-27 01:35 ID:LlyiXWvt [Del]

And your grammar's pretty decent. I've seen faaaarrrr worse.

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-08-27 02:38 ID:qL/Hjs/d [Del]

Honestly, don't treat it like it's a huge deal and you'll be fine. You don't have to say you're going out - it's not like there's any physical contact that would concern them at all, so just refer to him as a friend if it ever comes up. And don't act suspicious about him either. The more nonchalant you are, the more likely they'll take it in stride.

The inherent problem with "internet friends" is the idea that cyberbullying is something unavoidable, internet predators are rampant and unstoppable once provoked, and that you can't be trusted to make good decisions on your own. Just know what you're getting into; have proof of his existence if you ever need it: like pictures, actual info about his life so it doesn't sound made up, etc.

Don't make it sound like you'd risk life and limb to travel across the country to meet up with him, either - doesn't matter if that's true or not, don't let that implication slip by accident. Your parents need to understand you're competent in those matters and not getting in over your head first.

Until then, introducing him as a friend is sufficient, right? I don't see any reason your parents have to be involved in your love life. Ease them into it, if you really have to. If you skype, start doing so within earshot once in a while to make it seem normal.

Of course, I don't know how strict your parents are. If you know you're treading on thin ice from the get-go, just keep it to yourself until you know it's fine. Don't expect them to understand, is all - long-distance relationships or even friendships are kind of a new concept, even to people within your generation.

5 Name: Ayame : 2013-08-27 07:08 ID:RMZtpxxV [Del]

Thank you all so much! I guess I didn't make it really obvious in my initial post that I first met him irl. I think I will try talking to him a bit on the phone in front of them or something just so they know he exists then eventually tell them, just to ease them into it.

6 Name: CeltysCat : 2013-08-27 12:25 ID:PHK72gKq [Del]

>>5 I'd have to go with that. Try easing it in slowly. Honestly I've just went through something like this except Its been a six month relationship with a boy a year older. Honestly it's best to just let them know that you have a boyfriend because hiding him makes it look like you are hiding a major thing from them(Like he is way older or that they would disapprove or something like that). I think it would be best to just sit them down and explain before things get way out of hand. Let us know how it goes and good luck :D

7 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-08-28 08:24 ID:s1rqGOye [Del]

My parents also don't like that I love video games, anime, etc. Well, they are as close to hating it as they can be. However, I think mine would be thrilled I met anyone at all (in the most loving way possible), whether through video games or otherwise. I don't know your parents that well, but they could be happy you've met someone you like, regardless of how you met them.

I don't think keeping it a secret is a good idea. If they find out on their own they could just assume it is way bigger than it is. You can tell them you just met him online, don't even bring it up like it's a big deal, I think your idea of talking to him on the phone in front of them is perfect. It seems like you have a good grasp of what to do. I wish you the best of luck!