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Am I a Bad Person? (4)

1 Name: Butterfly : 2013-08-26 22:53 ID:NYM9WZNe [Del]

I just... There's so much I've got running through my mind.
Basically, "there was this girl" and we all know how the age-old story must end:

She loves someone else.

Now this someone else, let's call him DBS (Douche Bag Steve) and this girl, or really more of an Angel, have been that "on and off" couple. Recently some other guy not worth a name got in the mix and kind of screwed up everything. I came in, did a bit of recovery on her, talked her into believing in the world again, basically saved the day... And so naturally Angel is getting back with DBS with her new mended heart... slowly. But they aren't official as much as they are 'cuddle buddies,' but she loves him, regardless of what he has done to her in the past. Angel and I have gone on a few dates, we always have a great time, nothing too awkward, and really at this point it has been proven that her and I are soulmates. All her friends think so anyway, and it seems at times the universe is forcing us together; but at the end of it all no matter how close I get to her, Angel keeps getting closer to DBS, forming a constant, never ending, chase.

I'm skipping the details as this isn't the "Butterfly's love life and dating problems" board; but bottom line is that Angel and I are 'best friends,' but not in the friendzone sense. More likely in the 'possible love interest, keep him around' sense. We are super close, all her friends are labeling us as the 'assumed couple' and keep telling me that her and I are going to get married and blah blah blah behind her back (but I'm pretty sure she knows already, funny how rumors circle back around.) But I'm sure Angel is driven absolutely mad at this point, because she loves DBS even if he doesn't love her back as much as he should.

My dilemma, I might be doing the worst thing anybody can do to someone. Something really really bad. Angel's relationship allows for dates, and one her and I have been planning for a long time is having its window shut as the semester starts up soon. This last week could be the last we see of eachother. In a few days, we will have our big date; the one we've been planning. It's going to be her best day ever. And when the sun goes down, and the fireworks go off in the park (there's a local firework show going on that night) I'm going to tell her how I feel. There are a few different scenarios I've planned for doing this; but like I mentioned earlier, details. The goal is to show her that I have always loved her, and will always love her, and all I've done in the past for not only her but her friends, family, and even total strangers will all be for her: amplified infinitely from now and forever. And that DBS, wherever he is; just doesn't love her as she deserves. As she truly is an Angel. I plan to make her mine. Stealing her from DBS.

Now my problem isn't that it is impossible. I'm not going to call myself a women-expert; but with all my other relationships (friendship, love, both, either) a similar situation has presented itself many times. My chances are easily 50/50, but depending how the 'best day ever' works out could get as high as 80/20... I just don't know how I feel about it. Everyone has always been telling me "just go for it" "you'll never know until you try" "you are a really great guy, I'm sure she'll love you if she doesn't already;" but at what cost? I may call him Douche Bag Steve in my narrative, but that's merely my unreliable-narrator showing; I've never met him, I'm sure he's really a great guy [despite what everyone else is saying, there's got to be a reason she loves him.] Angel sees her life with DBS. And even if I can win her heart over to me, I will be destroying all the potential between them.

Everything in the entire world it seems is pushing us together as if this was meant to be. As if finally some stroke of my destiny has revealed itself. Her friends all want me to, my friends are all rooting for me (even my exes...) But in order to do this, all I've done this far in my life proving myself as a "nice guy" will all be for nothing as I will be executing an innocent man. I know it's wrong, but it feels as if I have to do this; and that I want this. And I do want it, I want her love more than anything I have ever wanted in the past... but the cost is just...compromising. He will recover, but I don't want anyone to feel heartbroken. I don't want anyone to feel like me. To feel like they had their one true love stolen from them...

2 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-08-27 02:45 ID:qL/Hjs/d [Del]

Then don't push it. It might "lower your chances," but don't shove it on her. Like you said you'd do, present the facts of how you feel and leave it at that. It's her decision, after all.

I'm glad you recognized towards the end of your post that the guy may not actually be a douchebag. That's a common mistake especially if someone's consciously trying to make themselves out to be a nice guy in comparison. It's not good to assume the situation and act on that assumption - it never is.

It may be a bit late, but I would've said you should learn more about her current boyfriend before jumping to the conclusion that she's a damsel in distress that needs saving. If you don't have time for that though, your original plan sounds fine - if it's unrequited, well, you more or less had that outcome covered.

There's really nothing else that can be done with so little to go off of. Don't expect anything, is the only advice I have. But do your best, anyway.

3 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-08-28 19:27 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

Wow :'3 this is like an anime love triangle. I honestly think that you should go for it, you'll regret it if you don't. You've been planning this date with her! That means she's given you a huge window of a chance to make her love you! Do it! Go for it! You have to! DBS (from what it looks like,) doesn't love her back and will probably move on to his true soulmate (or maybe the three of you will be a love triangle forever like in an anime.)
I recently confessed my feeling to the one that I love ^^ it's a little unrequited (kind of like DBS and Angel,) but there's hope! I'm not giving up! :3 I'm saying this because this is probably what Angel feels. But I don't have another guy similar to you willing to go as far as you are to earn her love.
Give her the best date ever! Pour you're heart out! Make her your's! (Just not rape X3 but that's a given!)
Good luck!! If she says no just remember that you did everything you could and you'll find someone else eventually.
Also this is all so freaking romantic!! :'3

4 Name: Spaz : 2013-08-30 15:06 ID:jtjTz/DX [Del]

I don't know you tell me do you rape babies kill 1000 in the name of god have a dick named john well if so you are a bad person if you do one if any of this thing you are a terribad human. And just for asking such a stupid question eat a dick nigger.