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Worths? (11)

1 Name: JuStAnOtHeRpErSoN : 2013-08-26 20:38 ID:eJcvcT0d [Del]

So really all there is to this is that, life, time, and effort feels worthless. What should I do to make that feeling go away?

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-08-26 20:58 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Do something you think is worth your time. Draw, paint, carve, etch, sculpt, build, write, talk, teach, learn, or even jump rope if you feel like you're accomplishing something. Just sitting there wont make it go away.

3 Name: Butterfly : 2013-08-26 21:17 ID:NYM9WZNe [Del]

Hate to tell you, it's not going to go away. It may for most people, but as for me; it's something I've grown accustomed to. I don't know what advice would work for you; but in my experience all that keeps me sane is using my 'down-time' to help others out of theirs. I try to keep as quiet as I can about my feelings, and serve as a venting ground or punching-bag for those having an absolutely awful day. You'd be amazed what a simple "hello" or "good morning" text message can do for someone. It won't get you far in life if you're a butt-ugly monster like I am, but it will get you a few friends you can count on. They say that love is blind and looks don't matter, but that's bullcrap. Friendship on the other hand is acceptance; and all it takes to keep you off the edge is a friend.

4 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-27 05:07 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

Well, it is how you feel correct?>>1 >>3. well in this case i'm the one who doesn't think life is worthless. Yes i've had bouts of depression before in the past. But in the end i've managed to overcome it. And i think both of you guys can if you here me out. Usually, something in your life is making you feel this way, or lack of something in either case, try seeking that one thing that you enjoy doing. Or find your own meaning. We're given a mind so we are aloud to choose a meta- physical purpose to carry out. Just look for the things in life you enjoy, and keep searching :) friends are one thing too, they are probably the most important thing in my life next to my family. My advice, if your looking too much into the bad side of life, try to focus in on the good parts. Yes life can be shit at time, but thats why we have yin and yang, never take too much yang without the yin ^.^ there's always some kind of yin out there to enjoy. Anyways, hope this helps. If not, i hope everything works out.
That goes for both of you by the way >>1 >>3

5 Name: Blinking!!VVr++Kk/ : 2013-08-27 05:31 ID:0wh10ouc [Del]

>>1 Avid believed in solipsism here, I know exactly how you feel. The feeling sticks and it doesn't go away and it fucking sucks.
But that's the thing. Life probably is worthless and it makes no difference if I live or die, but I take that as an incentive. I don't know what's going to happen and I don't know if I can change it, so let's have some fun. Live life to the fullest!
Things may not be real, but I'm not going to let that stop me from enjoying them.
I think of life like reading a book or watching a movie. Things are happening and I think about them - positively or negatively, whatever - and that's the important part. The experience is worth more than the goal.

6 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-08-29 17:04 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

I've been feeling like that for a while. And I don't know if it passed or I just accepted it and now it's part of my life. How do you get rid of it? well in my case I go to school from 8 am until 9pm. So that's how you just get rid of that. Put yourself in some work. I was studying in one college and apparently my parents decided that I've got "too much" free time so they got me into a second college, which is private. We had a fight over it since I didn't want to do the second one, but there was supposed to be a reward for me to get, after I'll finish the first year at both. So I come home, study, do my homework and then sleep like 7 hours/night.
It really is bothersome but now, when I have holidays I really appreciate staying outside and watch the stars, or listen to birds. And that feeling is long gone.
My suggestion is that you volunteer, or take a job, or go to a second school/college. Just have your entire day full and trust me it will be heaven when you'll go to sleep.

7 Name: Marmeladov : 2013-08-29 19:26 ID:1W7Ro6Us [Del]

THAT FEELING SUCKS! I believe that we naturally like life. Given how unnatural things exists around us like food on every corner and watching t.v. for five hours straight I think we may be straying off the natural. I also think your surroundings shape how you feel. Bad things may happen to put us in depression but also we as humans may be lacking things like sunlight, exercise, and sociability (along with other things). I used to be depressed because my life was too mundane and then I realized, it's all too true. There are too many unknowns in life for me to label it any one word or sentence. I try to accept my shortcomings in my life by simply trying to let it be. My advice is to accept the terrible things that happen to you. Your not stuck if you have freedom of choice and being at peace means "letting it be" for me. This helped me as I hope it did you.

8 Name: Blues : 2013-08-30 15:02 ID:5+3fHzs6 [Del]

I've always felt that if there is something you care about then it's never worthless. Find something that you care for, that you love doing, that you would protect with all your being, and care for it as well. Then hopefully, at least one of those things may depart. Life is full of big stupid things, but it's filled with a lot more meaningful small things that make it worth it.

9 Name: Spaz : 2013-08-30 15:07 ID:jtjTz/DX [Del]

Kill yourself you worthless sack of shit. You cum guzzling, shit eating, cock cobbling, chode gobbling, faggot.

10 Name: Spaz : 2013-08-30 15:07 ID:jtjTz/DX [Del]

Kill yourself you worthless sack of shit. You cum guzzling, shit eating, cock cobbling, chode gobbling, faggot.

11 Name: Marmeladov : 2013-08-31 02:47 ID:9ixTZ7q7 [Del]

There will always be people like spaz to fight. If he's the worst, it's relatively not that bad.