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Liking someone is so hard (T ^ T) (3)

1 Name: Masami : 2013-08-24 15:40 ID:OiNGIP+j [Del]

So judging from the title it's obvious that I like someone, the thing is he's in like half of my classes and we sometimes talk and what I really like is that from 3rd to 4th period, he's my "walking buddy" but I always get shy and not say anything -.- on Wednesday, oh god Wednesday's are the best because we are in anime club together ヽ(;▽;)ノ I think "oh now I can talk to him about anime and stuff" and we did! We both like naruto, bleach, and soul eater. What I like about him the most is that he plays guitar and he sings so fucking good lol in 4th period I put in my ear phones but listen to nothing cause I just listen to him sing ( ̄▽ ̄) ok but the problem to this is that im like 6 foot and he's like we'll he looks like 5"10 so I'm kinda taller than him, but for some reason I don't care about the height difference even though that's like my pet peeve. Anyways I need help on how to talk to him more! I'm really shy around guys I like :( help me my fellow members! I was also thinking about confessing that I like him but I'm too scared of rejection cause that's always not a good feeling to get.

2 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2013-08-24 16:03 ID:xjdMfyHW [Del]

These kind of situations are always difficult. Personally, I always look at the possible benefits of admitting your feelings. I don't know exactly what your relationship is like, but just think: is there any point in taking your relationship further? Sometimes I've known people that I really like, and might even date, but for me usually I get more out of the relationship if we are just friends. It all depends. Do you think you'll be happier if you start dating? If so, go ahead. If you think you'll be too shy to date, or whatever, than don't.

As for talking...I am sorry, but I don't think I can help you much there. I am awful at talking to people in general, guys or girls. Talking just always seems so awkward to me. If you know he likes the same kind of anime as you, that is a great start. Just talk to him about that. You could even invite him over to watch some sometime...? Well, that's up to you, but the basic thing is to get to know more things about him. If you don't know a lot, it'll be harder to talk. The more you know, the easier it gets. I may not know much, but I know that from experience!

3 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-08-29 16:49 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

Like Inuhakka said: that depends. I really could have some boyfriends, I like them, but I didn't want the relationship to go that far, so we were just friends. I was happy with that.
I'm actually shy, but I see this as a weakness so I gather up all my courage and then go do it. I a popular person, but no one believes me I'm shy until they get to know me.
Just go talk to him, get to know each other better and see if it's worth a relationship.
You can't love him only by his looks. So just go and ask him about himself. The fact the he plays the guitar and also likes anime it really sounds the perfect guy. But he might be deceiving. He might just see you as a friend. And that's all. So you need to figure out what you mean for him.
By the way: how long do you know each other?