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Friend likes me ? (4)

1 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-08-20 18:12 ID:cPCg/i0N [Del]

ok guys so..I have this friend who we will call Dave. Well Dave likes me...and I don't feel the same way. I meet him this year at school and I've known him for 2 weeks. When I first meet him he had a girlfriend and they had been dating for 1 1/2 years. I liked both of them and all of us immediately became friends. Dave is pretty cool he is into RPGs, anime, manga, drawing, and alot of other stuff I enjoy. After knowing Dave for about 3 days he came up to me saying he didn't know what to do. He said there was someone he liked but didn't know what to do about his girlfriend. I have gone through this situation so I gave him some serious advice from my heart. I told him "We are still young and need to enjoy our life. If you are not happy where you are at and want to enjoy something else go for it. If you don't you may grow up regretting all the things you passed up. Follow your heart. If it says to stay stay but if it yearns to go then go." Later that night they broke up....and lets just say his girlfriend was not happy with me but I didn't really understand why at first. I'm kinda...naive and never notice when people are flirting with me or hitting on me. For the past two weeks all of my other friends have been telling my he constantly flirts with me and obviously likes me. I didn't notice it though and thought they were just taking our friendship wrong. Today after class I was on my walking home and he tagged along. I didn't get why because he could just ride the bus but I still didn't think it was anything normal. While we were walking he grabbed my hand and I (like a dumb ass) still thought this was just a friend thing so I just went with it. Well when we got to my house he hugged me and that's where I realized it because this was not your normal "friend" hug. Then he went in to kiss me and I moved away quickly saying that my mom was waiting for me inside. Guys I feel so bad for this I have been leading this guy on and didn't even know it. I just got out of a serious relationship though and am not interested in him at all. I want to keep him as a friend though because he is really cool. Any help :/ ?

2 Name: Xehn* : 2013-08-20 18:18 ID:tD0OY5zd [Del]

Tell him flat out that you're not interested then. Apologize for leading him on, but don't start avoiding him or ignoring him. Please don't do that; he'll feel terrible. Try to stay on good terms with his ex since it sounds like y'all got along just fine as friends, and also as a sort of reassurance to her that you're not enemies or anything. So yeah. Here's my advice for ya, and good luck.

3 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-08-21 04:21 ID:yAPFd8Dv [Del]

I agree with >>2 tell him you're not ready for a relationship but don't want to lose him as a friend. ^^

4 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-08-23 16:26 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

Just tell him that you're not interested in him. Or tell him dramatically that he's not your type ~ just kidding. So after you reject him, you need to act as nothing ever happened. So he will still be your friend.
Like >>2 said you need to tell his ex that it was all a big misunderstanding.