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Are my old friends starting to forget about me?? (10)

1 Name: Akkarin : 2013-08-20 13:18 ID:YixaCfIG (Image: 850x314 jpg, 81 kb) [Del]

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Alright,sooo let's just assume that this is one of the times when I'm actually feeling kinda....Shitty...:'( Actually,really shitty.....Well,it's just that now I'm turned on life & all,so I keep asking myself 'why did this happen to me??' or saying 'I am so unlucky' & stuff like that....FACT is,I'm not suicidal & I'll probably never be!!But...I have some problems I want to solve & I can't do it alone,so I need you guys to help me... :/ since all of my friends are reeeally far away right now... (Or at least feel really far away to me... :/ ) After a terrible week (including having been friendzoned by a guy I really liked & having been feeling hella lonely,although that's something usual for me,really...) My old best friend came back from her summer vacation!! :) & I was like; Woooow finally someone I can count on!!^.^ However,after that I phoned her & she told me; sorry I can't meet you today because I'm meeting some friends & we're watching a movie... :/ Thing is....I know her friends... -_- & she's actually going at my other old friend's house to watch the movie!!So that really got to me....I started thinking like; an invitation would've been really great,thanks a lot for not caring at all about me,you b*tch!! -.-' (yeah I tend to talk like that when I'm really angry,don't mind me... :P ) So yeah,I let her go & then I chatted with my other friend on the phone & she was like 'I'm gunna have a party with the girls tonight!!' yet she didn't say anything like 'would you like to come??'.....However,when SHE was all alone & she didn't have what to do,I met up with her & my friends,I introduced them to her & we had an awesome time!!So why can't she just do the same when it comes to her friends??.....I am seriously starting to think that I should stop hanging out with these two... :/ It will be sad,yes,but I just can't get used by them every single time they're bored!!! -.-' Also...I want you guys to give me your thoughts about this...Do you think I'm doing something wrong or taking a wrong decision??If yes,please say so & ur opinion will be really respected... ^.^

2 Name: Butterfly : 2013-08-20 15:27 ID:NYM9WZNe [Del]

I know the feeling. I don't really have any advice for you, it's a tough situation. I don't even know what you'd call the "friendzone" situation I'm in right now; but it's really kinda pathetic. I recently moved, to accompany my high-school graduation in hopes of finally starting a new life...But nothing has changed. My friends still are happy without me, and the girl I love doesn't look twice at me. But that's life. We're all miserable.

But you know, sometimes I think it's supposed to be that way. It makes the little things worthwhile. Even if our whole social circle is in the toilet, people are coming after you, your friends don't want to be seen with you; the sun still comes up. Simple things like butterflies, sunsets, and rainbows would be so much more meaningless if life were happy all the time. It's only because we're in constant misery that we can appreciate the beauty of the little things.

There's nothing wrong with you. It's just life getting its sick kicks. If your friends ignore you, so be it. There's not much you can do to change that without looking like a stalker. If there were some advice I could give you, it'd be to just find something to occupy yourself, without them. Find something to appreciate for it's beauty. If I were you, I'd look in the mirror ;)

3 Name: Xehn* : 2013-08-20 18:09 ID:tD0OY5zd [Del]

>>2 "It's only because we're in constant misery that we can appreciate the beauty of the little things." Makes a lotta sense here. I shall quote it.

Try not to think too hard on things, OP. Some friends are honestly just a bit clueless, ya know? I treat my friends nicely, and they do so in return. Most of the time I don't even notice, and it isn't until they complain of how oblivious I am do I acutally go and thank them. So yeah, we're all humans, more or less observative, so don't worry about it OP. Find a hobby you'd enjoy to distract yourself, or go out and meet new people. Enjoy yourself out there.

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6 Name: Akkarin : 2013-08-21 08:29 ID:YixaCfIG [Del]

>>2 What you wrote sounded reeeally cool... :') It doesn't really give me a solution to my problem(there might be none after all) but the beautiful wordsyou wrote give me the strength to carry on without feeling sad!!So thanks a lot & I'm really sorry you're in my shoes right now....I know it sucks.. :( Oh & >>3 I I honestly don't think I have to go out & meet new people...U see,I have way more friends than that...XD But they are from my school,so whenever summer holidays start,they have to leave for vacation... :/ Plus,I don't really live near any of them...I just made this thread for my two old friends,whom I don't want to be apart from....But I guess I have no other chance... :/

7 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-21 15:36 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

Well to be fair you should find new friends if you feel like your getting used by your current friends. However don't be afraid to ask to join in on things because they just think you didn't wanna hang out. But yeah, see if it plays out similarly, and if you don't think they are treating you right, you could talk to them about it, or just try to find friends who you feel will treat you better :) hope that helped.

8 Name: Neko-tama :3 : 2013-08-21 20:39 ID:F4guGD7f [Del]

I've had friends like that, I'm been through the same thing and it was hard :'( I just wanted friends. After a while I had had enough, being alone was better than that. My suggestion for you; leave them, real friends don't do that and if they ask either say "sorry I'm busy" or just tell them the truth "I'm not here to be your second choice, real friends don't do that"
Unless you truly believe he is "the one" just stay friends but if you think he is "the one" then make him fall for you by staying his friend, he may just end up learning to love you back.
You're doing nothing wrong, just be nice and I'm sure you'll make a new friend ^^ I chose to do that and by being a kind person I ended up making a great friend :3
I make friends that like anime and games through Facebook and omegle (just please be careful about personal info and meeting people in real life; avoid that!)
I hope that I helped! And good luck with everything! You sound like a nice person, if I knew you I'd probably be your friend ( ^ω^ )

9 Name: Saika : 2013-08-22 05:42 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Center of the matter is, most of the time, people aren't thinking about other people more than they think about themselves.
The only occasions where someone consistently thinks about another person more than themselves is when they are a romantic interest or a family member (not by blood, by investment). And even then, this is not usually the case.
Get it? People are self centred. This doesn't make them bad people. No one wants to be the bad person. It is most likely that your old friends don't want to be seen as users or whatever. They don't have a self awareness of this if they only look at themselves from their own perspective, which is what we usually do. Which is what you usually do. What I usually do.
So their actions of late are not necessarily reasons for why you should or will dump them as friends and move on to your other friends.
Look at the deeper reason. Did you guys click on an intimate level? Or was the friendship based on time and proximity rather than emotional understanding?
I'm not sure about you, but there are a few things that make a friendship valuable to me. Things like emotional understanding - I don't want to let go of someone who really knows me and accepts me, even if I don't talk to them more than once every half year, that friendship is still there on my side.
So look at it like this, what is valuable to you?
Where do you want to place your resources (time and energy)?
I think you already know. I know you'll make the right decision. And even if it's the wrong one, life is long and the world is big enough for you to write a new story.

10 Name: Xya : 2013-08-22 20:41 ID:JHeJ1Enj [Del]

Well it's hard to make a point that hasn't already been said but basically have the friends you want, if your friends aren't being good to you then maybe they aren't really good friends and you should tell them that they are hurting you and maybe you should find some new ones or fall back on some others that you have.

Though you should also give them a chance to remedy their mistakes and try to forgive them. Make sure to tell them that they hurt you and give them a chance to make it up to you.

And if none of that helps always remember that all of us are here for you as fellow dollars and and if nothing else helps I'll be your friend