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Is my life too NORMAL? (4)

1 Name: Red-one : 2013-08-20 06:21 ID:6xiGiVnx [Del]

well, i don't really know why i ask that question, but
sometimes, i really feel like my life is too boring
I'm not really like my friend who is with me now
because they are noisy. who just likes criticizing others.
and i can't trust anybody, so i feel like i don't really have a close friend..

2 Name: Saika : 2013-08-20 06:44 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

Boring is good. The boring hours and days are when you can do work to prepare for when everything gets worse.
Because it will get worse.
And if it doesn't, well, then you are lucky.
About your friends - it doesn't have to be that way. Do you know how to make new friends?
Although in reality, you really will never be able to trust anyone, because people are flawed. Trust is a choice you make, where you decide that the benefit of you trusting them at this moment outweighs any possible betrayal they could pull on you in the future, after carefully weighing up whether they are usually a good and moral person.
A close friend is someone who journeys with you. Because we are all on a journey, and no one is really obligated to stay together on this journey. Someone who chooses to stay with you whom you also choose to stay with is a close friend.
So choose people you want to be like and journey with them.

3 Name: Spety : 2013-08-20 09:21 ID:piNTL2FL [Del]

Normal? you can never tell how normal your life can be, can you?
its all about perspective, It's about how you see yourself and others also never be ashamed to be yourself in a room of many.

4 Name: Mr-Zorli!!42qpumgZ : 2013-08-30 18:11 ID:RUpkMow1 [Del]

Trust me. In time, you week find the ones who you can trust. Normal is good.