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Both my parents are DOUCHES!!! (4)

1 Name: loner : 2013-08-18 21:07 ID:oC82Wxzs [Del]

maybe im dramatic because im still very young but i think my parents are also putting a lot of pressure in me and that never happened before it started since higschool began my mom keep saying mean things to me like I will never be the best and my dad yells at me the whole day im not even depressed anymore im mad im furious but one day I will demonstrate them that I can be better than they will ever. Anyways my request is if you guys could please put one or two words to give me strenght and become the awesome human being that I know I can become and finally shut the hell up my parents I would really aprecciate it thanks.

2 Name: Zeff : 2013-08-20 04:48 ID:Tz8n0OVd [Del]

Um.. I'm not really good at giving support and such, but I wish you luck. I think you should try talking to them about how you don't their treatment of you (but do it in a respectfulish way). Getting unnecessary, and stressful, pressure sucks and you shouldn't have to put up with it. Sorry if this doesn't help. Stay strong! (◕‿◕✿)

3 Name: Saika : 2013-08-20 05:03 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

if you harness that furious anger and drive it into your work, you will become a freaking beast who will definitely surpass whatever your parents thought you couldn't do. Don't stop at the thoughts, make it into action. Be angry. Let the anger be like a dagger of ice, precise and deadly. Channel this into your work. Precise and deadly. Learn the right things and ask the right questions.
Maybe at some point when you're a little older, your mind will gradually come to peace with your parents, and you will understand them a little bit more, but right now, make this anger productive. Make it push you to your limits.
You will be proud of yourself later. You will win.

4 Name: Ignis : 2013-08-20 09:12 ID:LImXDbim [Del]

Well don't worry my dad was both your mom and dad type together -.- and kind of worse because he is really aggressive so you understand what I mean (my mum and my dad divorsed so I'm okay now) I just didn't pay that much attention to him..but when he understood how I felt for him (hatred and blah blah)he became kind of softer still a douche but I guess you should tell them what you feel or smth...and also they say you won't be good at anything?prove em wrong,why do you listen just do your best and you will be really good at anything you like ;P