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Leaving the ones I love.... (11)

1 Name: Tekato : 2013-07-31 00:27 ID:8RBVI0EP (Image: 616x911 png, 132 kb) [Del]

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I’m gonna tell you something, that I need to get off my chest, something I want you guys to help me in.

I'm a 14 year old, nothing really special about me. Just an average teenager, who doesn't use drugs, doesn't like drama, has a little group of friends, and one who has fallen in love. All my life if been an average student, average grades, and a regular school. I guess I could say things started bad right after Summer started after my last year at my Middle school. I'm finally off to High-school. I already knew what High school I wanted to go to. The sister school of my middle school. It was the School all my friends were going to, even the Love of my life who I've been with for almost 2 years. I had plans, I even got a job at the High-school. In the beginning of summer I had to take a State Standardized test, it was 8 hours long, one of the longest tests I've ever taken. As most of you know, those tests are basically to see what level you are in each subject. Well a week after the test, the scores came in. I, was apparently a Science and Math Genius. I've always excelled in those subjects because they are my favorite and most interesting subjects. After that my life began to change rapidly. I got offers and scholarships to join all these Elite High-schools. I suddenly became very proud of myself and was very excited! I was so happy that I could contain it! But then, I realized. Em leaving all my friends, the ones who have been with me through everything, who grew up with me, who even have stood up for me. Also, I would be leaving the girl I love, the girl I want to marry someday, although we are young its still possible. It would be hard to see them, not being able to be with them almost every single day. I started to cry, and I haven't been able to stop. Of course ill meet new people, and make new friends but...these are the people I grew up with. Nothing could ever replace that. So I need to decide, My friends who I love with all my heart, or a better school, with a better chance at a brighter future?

It feels good telling all of you this. Even while I'm typing this, I'm still crying, looking back at the past, and possibly the future. If I put this in the wrong thread, or maybe there was a thread for this, I'm sorry.

Here's a picture after telling everyone I'm most likely going to the better school. Reason why I say most likely, is because my parents want me to go, and that's my default choice if I don't choose myself. This is only the first few. There is about 258 more comments about saying good buy, and missing me. Made me feel guilty inside, like I was abandoning them. So please tell me what you think. I want your thoughts and opinions. Thanks for reading all this.

2 Name: Tana-chan : 2013-07-31 03:20 ID:YZwzVlqH [Del]

I'm a teenager myself so I think I understand what you're going through emotionally. If I were one of your childhood friends, I would be so happy for you to go to an awesome school and I would be mad if you stayed behind for me. You can always keep their numbers and text whenever you need something or just wanna hang out and they can do the same to you.

But ultimately, you need to follow your heart, it doesn't lie.

3 Name: Reggie : 2013-07-31 04:05 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>1 Daniel, choose yourself over your friends.
Most of those kids won't be your friends in five years time.

4 Name: Taichi-kun : 2013-07-31 06:31 ID:JDmSulVF [Del]

>>3 This.
Look, no matter how much those friendship look like something permanent they definetly aren't you just got to middle school and you, of course your friends too, will start changing. In anycase just go there. If I was ever given a chance to go to a better highschool where I would get more knowledge I would. Trust me, obtaining more knowledge is a wonderful thing. And if those friendship really were as strong they will last wherever you go although I believe you already are aware of everything.

5 Name: Taichi-kun : 2013-07-31 06:31 ID:JDmSulVF [Del]

>>3 This.
Look, no matter how much those friendship look like something permanent they definetly aren't you just got to middle school and you, of course your friends too, will start changing. In anycase just go there. If I was ever given a chance to go to a better highschool where I would get more knowledge I would. Trust me, obtaining more knowledge is a wonderful thing. And if those friendship really were as strong they will last wherever you go although I believe you already are aware of everything.

6 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-07-31 08:36 ID:6VReCmsf [Del]


Just because you are going to a new school doesnt mean you just have to straight up abandon the friends you have

7 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-07-31 17:08 ID:keOvqDlH [Del]

Trust me. Don't trust me. More importantly, DON'T trust your heart. It will drag you into Hell on Earth when you least expect it. I know from experience. A lot of experience. I want you to consider this: what do you value, and how can you reasonably achieve it? I want to try to give my best evaluation to either choice, and the possibilities it may or may not lead to, from an outsider's perspective. To start, let's consider you stay. You'll more than likely be around a lot of your old friends for the next four years. During that time, you may even find some of your lifelong buddies. However, you still have the option to explore the different crowds people will dissipate into. If you're lucky, you may even get to keep the girl. Chances are, you'll get just as good of an education there anyway. However, a lot of things may also change. Maybe all of your friends will desert you, leaving you on your own to figure out the system, barely keeping your head above the surface. Drama can always get you screwed. It doesn't matter if it's true, or not. People tend to believe what they hear from the masses. Shitty luck can throw anyone to the bottom of the chain. You may end up so humiliated, you end up faking sick, just to avoid showing your face there (just don't spend your lunch periods in the restroom. You wouldn't believe some of the rumors I had to deal with because of that...). Rumors are Hell, and you won't always be lucky enough to beat all the lies people will say about you. If you can bite the bullet instead of shelling up though, people should start to realize who you really are over the years. If this isn't the case, you may just start to realize some of your friends aren't really the people you want to hang out with anymore. Maybe you'll mature, and they won't (often due to drugs). They might just let their hormones turn themselves into total assholes. I remember my Sophomore year. I was pissed at all sorts of people in my class for treating the Freshmen like shit, right from the start. I thought, "Honestly? What the Hell is wrong with you people?!! We were JUST there!" But of course, some of them were just those people that never grew the fuck up, and got their asses of their high-horses (try looking for that in or government). Did I hate them?.. Nah. I know they were just as confused, and nerve-wrecked as I was. They just didn't know any better on what approach they should take. And trust me, it will almost NEVER be a Senior giving you Hell. In fact, you should try to hang around them as much as you can. They can really help you out in a lot of tough situations.
Let's say you do make the transfer, though. If it was meant to be, and you still live in relatively the same area, you are going to see plenty of your old friends. Maybe not at school, but you'll definitely see them around town. Hell dude, if you've got their contact info, and you manage to pay for a car soon, you'll have all the chances you need. They may even have a ride of their own. Fourteen will turn into eighteen WAY faster than you expect, believe me. It sucks. Or is it awesome?.. Only time will tell. In your new school, you may have better chances to hang around other kids that are more serious about their education, like you seem to be. You may have more challenging work, cooler projects/labs, and if you're really lucky, maybe even better lunches. Of course, all of that could backfire. I transferred halfway through my Junior year (biggest mistake ever) from Tennessee all the way to Pennsylvania. I thought Northern schools were supposed to be more advanced, and higher quality. Oh God, was I wrong. It was the most horrible school I've ever seen. Everything was run be bureaucratic BULLSHIT! The place was overrun by Union teachers that didn't know a thing about their subject area, were incredibly rude, and had made a career out of sitting around on their asses for a paycheck. There were cops everywhere, but they didn't fix a damn thing for anyone. At my old school, we had ONE cop. He did better than that trigger-happy team of under-trained jackasses ever could have pulled off together. I thought school metal detectors were a myth, until I had my bagged dumped all over the place by some prick with a badge every morning, leaving me to clean up the mess on my own, while all the school sluts that managed to bypass security would trample over all of my shit. If you end up in that kind of a place, you are not going to get ANYWHERE. On top of it all, High-School Drama will be a Hell of a lot harder to face. When you get there, if it's all new people, you aren't going to have any friends to back you up through those things. In fact, sometimes even the teachers will fuck with you when you've got a misunderstood reputation. But then again, it could be different. Maybe the school you're looking into really IS what it's cut out to be. For all I know, you're average day may look like experimenting with and creating new software, dissecting a shark like pro, and have the option to leave campus with some new friends to buy food from your favorite restaurant. But don't just jump right in expecting those things to happen, or your dreams can easily just fall into a total train-wreck.
Overall, what's really important is that you find out which place will really be best for you. Make sure you do some very thorough research before you look into any further. And don't listen to what these schools will say about themselves. You need other sources. Try asking graduates from the district that are well on their way through college. And don't just ask them if it was "good." You need to get specific. Consider they learned Web-Design. What exactly were they taught?.. Do they know css, java, and flash, inside and out, or do they barely even know a lick of simple HTML? Do they feel comfortable defining their career area, or are they even more clueless than they were when they began?.. And even if the school is really perfect for you after all, do you value your friendship or your education more? Which one do you really want to last? I'm not going to tell you what to do. What I'm going to tell you is to know what you're getting into, whatever it is you decide. But don't take my word for it. I'm just some random guy who doesn't know what you'd be getting into either way. But I'm not here to do your homework. You'll have to go look into the possibilities on your own. I hope this helps you come to your best decision.

8 Name: Tekato : 2013-07-31 18:33 ID:4phNo/Mh [Del]

There are no words to describe how grateful I am for your advice. Thanks, I will! :D

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10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-08-01 16:55 ID:keOvqDlH [Del]

>>8 Glad to hear it. Good luck, man.