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Don't really know what to put in the title ... (10)

1 Name: Taichi-kun : 2013-07-28 18:25 ID:p0HJgk75 [Del]

It's been around 2 years that I get this feeling, a feeling deep inside me. I've never really knew what it is but I just knew there's something strange it almost felt as another personality and I,and some friends, really thought it was. Since I'm writting this on impulse it's kind of hard to write this in order so that you all could unserstand but I'll give it a try.
It all began 4 years ago. I was talking to a friend of mine and we weren't talking about anything special and he said something and I imideatly knew it was a lie, but not in a normal way it was more like I knew exactly how he felt. It was really strange for me but I forgot about it soon after. After that I started to act really strange I would change my behavior, my way of talking and even my thought process around others. It's funny but I noticed it after two years. And then I started thinking what the fuck is wrong with me. At first I thought it's normal I mean everyone should change in correspondance to our enviroment but I realised this is a completely different thing. Abiut nine months ago it happened alot that I would completely change when I would be alone with a friend and they all thought I had more personalities. I really felt like the speed, the way and everything about my thought process changed but it was still me I was sure of it. Then I saw something on thhe internet and I realised I'm an empath. At that time(teo years ago to now) I could feel other people it was like their feelings became mine so I met alot of suicidal pepople, people would trust me with secrets that were real secrets not some bullshit like I'm in love with Justin Bieber lol. So I started wondering what made me so speciaal and I found out about empathic abillities and realised I can empathise with people on a bigger scale than an ordinary person. And that feeling I mentioned at the beginning started showing up almost every night. And I've tried many sports, many hobbys beacouse I would feel like it was my purpose to realise after a few days it's gone, the feeling. So I was thinking and I realised that empathising gave me alot of expiriences andit feels like the more I empathise with people rhe more boring my life becomes. Now I'm very afraid that in a few years I'll have nothing to look foward in life. I don't know what to do anymore I expirienced so much happines so much pain that a person wouldn't expirience in 10 months. It feels like I don't exist, like I'm just a lump of other people expiriences I've never even had anything I wanted or anything I enjoyed if I wasn't with another person. I really don't know what to do please just comfort me somehow I know I'm pathetic but I just can't help it.
Sorry for the grammar and if there's anything unclear but I'm in no shape to check it so Ill just post it.

2 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-07-28 23:10 ID:nqOsZaej [Del]

You shouldn't feel like you have nothing to look forward to. I don't know how old you are but there is always something left to experience in the world :)! Have you gone to High School yet? Its a whole different school experience and how about collage? I haven't gone yet but there are things there you get to do that you cant do anyway else!! What about your first job, house, car, love, marriage, kids and so much more!!! If the people who are sharing their feelings with you are the same age(which I'm assuming) then they cant possibly give you these experiences!! And also everyone's experiences are different and every life is its own. If you feel like you don't want to have all of these feelings that people are giving you for a little while take a break. Stay at home am cuddle up with a pet!! Turn your phone off and shut down the computer. Anyway, please don't feel like your life is boring! You only get one life so live it to the fullest!!!! (wow I need to take my own advice XD)

3 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-07-29 06:55 ID:stb/PxOE [Del]

Do you realize that there are a lot of people in the world that could die in order to be empathic enough? You /are/ special and unique, you shouldn't undervalue yourself! With your capacity you could help a lot of needy people, don't you think it is a great achieve in life? And if you aren't satisfied yet, start to feel you own emotions. Build up your life, don't waste your time in complaining. Start something new: an hobby, a sport, new habits, try everyday new little things. And think positive. Think a lot about your life, but think always positive. This is a valuable change, too!

4 Post deleted by user.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-29 07:12 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

Although I don't mean to be rude, I somehow doubt that you're an empath. We all go through times where our personality shifts and sways, some more than others. I'm like you in that category of, "some more than others." Particularly throughout middle school, my personality could take a complete 180 depending on who I was talking to (it still does that now at at times, though it's less humorous now). It's not unusual for someone to empathize with others without being a full out psychic. When it's your friend, it's not abnormal to expect what they're going to say or know what they mean before they say it. (With friends especially, you can both be connected on that higher level of communication without either of you being any form of psychic or empath.) It's normal to want to try sports or hobbies that others enjoy and find that you don't like them.

I do believe in empaths. I have met them. But your situation does not sound like one (which is why you shouldn't believe every chart and quiz you find on the internet which practically says everyone is an empath with its vague descriptions). Your situation sounds like this disgusting thing called puberty. Those kinds of experiences start when you're young, escalate through puberty, and usually weaken past that. But you have to be careful about taking the concept of changing your personality seriously; the last thing you want to do is glorify the idea by calling yourself something you're not to make it feel normal or else this shifting tide of attitudes will continue with you for the rest of your life.

In any case, I believe Torasu has a point even if you are an empath - there are many firsts which you have yet to have. Once you start gaining your own collection of "self events" and achievements, you will be able to ground yourself more, and life will continue to be interesting. Everybody has their dull moments in life after all; it can't all be fun and games. Some have dull days, months, or even years, but you just have to give it a chance.

7 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-29 07:22 ID:sxfh/NMU [Del]

>>6 Apart from the believing in empaths part. I am pretty cynical and there is just no evidence that says they exist. It sounds a lot like emotionally perceptive people overstating themselves.

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-29 08:15 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>7 I half agree with that. Empath's are a little fishy by themselves, but I generally put them on the level of grossly emotional psychics. You prolly don't believe in psychics in the first place though even though they basically are just highly perceptive people. (Which is fine, btw. I've always been pretty skeptical, so I can respect other people's opinions on that matter of existence; I've just experienced enough face-to-face shit myself that I can't pretend said shit isn't real. But I also don't think it's like that fantasy bull you read in books or anything. Everything has its own explanation.)

Anyway, it's all a matter of weeding out people who are bragging about what they aren't and those who legitimately are what they claim they are, whether any of this is by accident or on purpose. And empaths are a lot more likely to overstate themselves both intentionally and not.

9 Name: Taichi-kun : 2013-07-29 09:35 ID:CMGLU8R4 [Del]

>>6 I don't want to be a bother but if you'd be willing to contact me on this e-mail: I'm aware that you'll porbably think of this as a pain but I guess it's to embarassing to ask these questions here. It would be a one 15 minute qonversation, so if you're willing to. I'm well aware I'm pathetic as I said already, so I guess I'm sorry for that.
>>2 Thank you, your reply made me feel great.
>>3 Thanks I guess eventhough it's not all that special and unique and since all the people I meet just need a confirmation for their problems not a solution(since the problem doesn't exist) it's not like I can help people it's more like I make them hate me.

10 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-29 17:01 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

>>9 I tried to email you, but it didn't go through. Anyway, here's my public Dollars email if you have anything you need: