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You are special, wanna tell others why? :3 (11)

1 Name: WHITE : 2013-07-28 09:30 ID:To/qZPln [Del]

if you are special, tell me why, I want to know how you stand out! rack your brains! I'll tell you how i'm special. i like to see people fall for lies that that they hear, and quietly judge their misunderstanding. How about you? :3

2 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-07-28 12:58 ID:tJiOtY0E [Del]

Everyone is special ^^
So...I find myself quite mediocre, not really beautiful, not really so smart, not even physically strong, I'm quite a boring person, but what makes me special is that I'm not sad or depressed about that. I'm an incurable optimist! And i also like to listen to people's stories. I'm not really the best in making good advices for people's problems, but i'm still very interested in listening, i love to care about the others.

3 Name: WHITE : 2013-07-28 18:07 ID:To/qZPln [Del]

awesome personality you got there :D

4 Name: Dragon : 2013-07-28 22:52 ID:6t2zslp1 [Del]

As CoffeeCream said, everyone's special. My uniqueness is that I've discovered that my personality is like a dragon's (hence the nickname) I love sparkly things, love riddles and stories, am very lazy and a bit moody when confronted with something that doesn't completely benefit me.( I do help people though :D)

5 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-07-28 22:52 ID:nqOsZaej [Del]

I am very mischievous...that's a bad thing but its how I'm different XD !! I'm a Gemini and I tend to follow the characteristics of the sign. I sometimes leave notes in peoples bags at school saying things like I know your secret, how could you betray me, I know what you did, I'm keeping an eye on you etc. and I never leave a name. I like to mess with people and see how they react to different things (lol yes I know that sounds like Izaya XD probably why he is my favorite anime character of all time :P). I get a rush from making people panic and become paranoid. I also enjoy watching people fall victim to lies as you. But I'm special (I think anyway) because even though I am like this I don't tend to judge people right away...until I test them that is >w<

6 Name: xNexusx : 2013-07-29 19:59 ID:BkCGa7rX [Del]

Why do I think I'm special?
Well, like Tōrasu-Chan, I follow the characteristics of my sign closely, except I'm a Capricorn. I'm one of those people who are defined by their sign and actually live with another person under my sign but does not follow the characteristics. I have the ability to manipulate people at will (I don't. Not yet anyway ¬¬) and use my common sense to wow people without it. I'm also pessimistic and live with an optimistic person and am surprisingly lazy but seem like an over achiever. I just want to have more lazy time so I finish stuff quicker. What's being an over achiever about that?

7 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-29 21:31 ID:F7qsG+ex [Del]

If I was special for anything it would be my pure objectiveness and awareness. I am extremely flawed, incredibly self involved and a chronic liar. However, whenever I do something like this, or anything wrong at all, I know about it. This comes into play with my ability to take a situation completely unbiased. I accept there is necessary good and bad sides to all situations and that the negative is just as needed as the positive. This doesn't help me however, it rarely inspires me to be a good person. All it does is just make me know when I'm an asshole. If anything, I think I would rather be oblivious. I don't know, it's hard to explain. It's like I have a lot of concepts not many other people seem to simply because I can realise and accept our true insignificant and how that is our role. We are significant simply by being significant, all cogs are needed in a machine.

It's probably not special but it seems to be in the radius of people I know.

8 Name: Ajax : 2013-07-30 20:57 ID:tI4ZsKbl [Del]

I am special because I am me, each person is unique, and therefore special, everyone is special

9 Name: : 2013-07-31 14:01 ID:WqDTOQsB [Del]

I am special and unique because of my personality I have never met anyone have a personality remotely like mine, also I like to see how things turn out like reading through a book, everything has an outcome, I just wait for it.

10 Name: Lawli (Computer) : 2013-07-31 14:33 ID:jqZli89t [Del]

I'm not really.. SPECIAL, I guess... If I had to say, I'd say I'm special because... I'm very mature for my age. I mean, there are times when I'm a complete 5 year old, which is how I act when I'm goofing off with my friends, but my thought process is very mature.

I can't really explain it... I am very mature when it comes to fighting (most of the time... Sometimes I am pushed past my limit, no one is perfect). I am always willing to listen to the opposite side and try to think about it from their standpoint. I always look back before I start making accusations to see if I am at fault. I wait and make sure that I am calm and won't say anything that I'll regret before I fight. I manage to stay calm nearly always, no matter what is said to me or if the other person starts getting mad. And I never take anything that is said to heart until the fight is over. Especially if it's a friend, because I know they don't mean it. I always ask afterwards when they are calm if they meant it, that way I can get a straight answer or work it out if it's a problem that I need to work on...

Dozens of people may do this, but... I've always been very glad that I did this because that's how I don't change best friends every week like everyone else I know... :)

11 Name: Lawli (Computer) : 2013-07-31 14:41 ID:jqZli89t [Del]

Oh! Another reason that I could be considered special is because I adapt to people around me. Whoever I am around, I adapt myself so that I get along with them (unless they really aren't worth it.) It's not intentional, I have just always done it automatically. But I can only do it in person.

That's how I get along with nearly everyone at my school, but I only have a very few FRIENDS. That's also why I get short of air in crowds. There are too many people I have to adapt to, so at parties and stuff, I'm usually very quiet and reserved and get tired easily. My mother actually is the one who made me aware of the fact that I "adapt" to people, and I made the connection between that and crowds. So I'm not just giving you a load of bull!... I hope... ^.^"