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what changed you? (15)

1 Name: communistcoffee : 2013-07-25 11:03 ID:WQFP8kpd [Del]

everyone has been changed by someone or something what changed you and was it for the better or the worse?

2 Name: sleepology !CHs4eVJ3O2 : 2013-07-25 11:41 ID:ERy1KqTH [Del]

Did you not pay attention to what i said at all

3 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-25 14:52 ID:rTkSMeV3 [Del]

>>2 I think this is a good enough thread, to be fair, it is a personal experience that many of us face in our life, and therefore has relevance in the personal thread. Plus people are always changing for whatever reason it is in there lives, so again, this is a good thread that I think we should keep.

And a life changing event for me was being accepted into a magnet school for high school, and meeting my closest friend (lets call her rose). She is the most amazing person in the world, and she was the first person I ever truly opened up to. Because she listen and cared so much about me, and took my views and opinions to heart, I could finally find confidence in myself and open up more easily to other people.

4 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-07-26 15:40 ID:jiOq8Ngu [Del]

I've changed myself when I decided to cut off a friendship that was really getting too much abusive on both sides. I thought that she was going to be my best friend, that we were meant to be happy together, but in the end she revealed herself as a selfish, manipulative and cold-hearted bastard.
I was too weak to not see her again, i was really hoping everyday that our problems were going to get solved if i stayed to her side and If i continued to be loyal and respectful, but she wasn't doing the same with me.
That's when, one day, I've taken up all my courage and i decided to put an end to all of this. And you know what? It has been my best choice ever!

My story probably is a bit boring, but I'd like to make an advice: what I've personally learned is that people is totally scared about changing. Changing and facing consequences from that is the biggest step that a person can take, it's surely risky: but it's the only, the UNIQUE way to improve our lifes. Changing can lead us to bad consequences: but we will still learn from that. Or it can improve our life in better, as it happened to me.
It's been 2 years since I've ended my abusive relationship and I'm happy as never.

Boys, girls, mens, womens: fearing changes is totally normal, but getting over the fear it's just wonderful.
Take a big step, and you won't regret it.

5 Name: WHITE : 2013-07-28 09:22 ID:To/qZPln [Del]

I changed after i realized that some people can't change their ways. if i did things that people would seem radical and unethical, they could open their eyes to something that wasn't false or mishaped by society.people that are ignorant and won't listen to anything that hurts. i changed after the bullying in school, my white trash part of the family moved in, my parents divorced,and loss of money. the world is MY toy, and no one else can have it!

6 Name: HAM : 2013-07-28 12:29 ID:cq0CdbSq [Del]

>>4 Same thing happened to me but I was the one being abusive LOL

I've changed a lot in the last few years. I have changed for the better, though, because I learned more about myself and who I am. I became un-depressed, and have started coming out of my shell more. Also that I have a crappy choice in choosing friends xD

7 Name: mari : 2013-07-28 14:38 ID:pCuVBVD2 [Del]

the think that change me is when i was bullied .. after 6 years of being bullied .. I never been so strong .. today,I am always smiling,I am happy .. and nothing can really hurt me anymore :)

8 Name: Lawli : 2013-07-29 00:09 ID:jqZli89t [Del]

Hmm... What changed me was going to a private school.

In private school, I was different. I go to a very expensive school, but it's one of the best in my area. So, naturally, it's full of preppy rich kids who think that they are better than everyone else. Most of them think they are gangsters or something... It's kinda funny to watch them argue amongst each other and then when it gets to be physical, someone pushes another someone, and then they go run to a teacher. XD

Before I came to this school, I was very quiet and reserved and shy and timid... I couldn't be that way here. Some girls took pity on me and would be my friend for a while, but they'd eventually leave once someone else came along. I really had to toughen up. Someone was always bullying me, however it never really got to me. I always had the advantage that nothing anyone said ever got to me. I just kept smiling and dismissed it as idiotic. They didn't know me and were far from perfect themselves.

Even so, I was tired of being harrassed and I was unhappy. Thankfully, when I entered 5th grade, I meet a small group of friends that I really connected with (LOVE YOU, MAIKA) and ever since, I've been happier and stronger. What really changed me was realizing that the bad things in life sometimes shape you in the best ways.

9 Name: Fullmetalpip : 2013-07-29 00:26 ID:kxkN1WvJ [Del]

I would have to say my life really changed a lot recently. I remember about two years ago I had just really wanted to somehow leave this world. I couldn't bring myself to do it so I would always hope that maybe I would get hit my a car and not get up or get shot on my way home.

What changed me the most I think was me getting into Anime which seemed to distract me for a while about how I felt. Then recently around 6 months ago I started feeling the same way as before because I was having a rough time...anyways after about 5 months things got better because school ended and I could just sit at home doing nothing, but now I have to say I'm the happiest I have been in a long time because I somehow found myself a boyfriend >///<

10 Name: Konata42 : 2013-07-29 05:23 ID:DogMRu+u [Del]

I would say something that has changed me is my nerd camp I go every year in July.

This camp is for gifted kids who just want to learn. It sounds lame but it isn't. You take WAY more interesting classes that you will ever take in school. You can take things from drawing classes to fencing, dancing, computers, ethics, history, philosophy, and so much more.

Besides, only 20% of it is actually classes. You make new friends and find out you have so much more in common with people than you would ever know.

You do activities from skit night, a Time Travelers Ball, capture the flag,a dance and a photo scavenger hunt where you have to be creative and create the photos yourself with a group.

You stay at a college dorm for a week and have hall parties and sleep in dorms with a roommate. You get served food that's pretty good three times a day.

Since I live in a small town in the middle of the woods surrounded by rednecks, being surrounded by intelligent people where you can share your fandoms and have interesting conversations is just something I don't get. I met my first crush (which ended in failure but still). I have increased my group of friends by the double, and it's emotionally safe there. No one judges you or makes you feel uncomfortable. Everyone loves you and supports you and I have never been anywhere like that.

I wish it went on for longer than a week but of it did, we would all die of exhaustion.

11 Name: Naomi : 2013-07-29 06:34 ID:k1ZVPJ3W [Del]

Ever since I got into college, I became a different person than I was before. Obviously everyone does, but for me..I never did expected this nor everything that has been happening on me. It all started when I got my heart broken five times and it was the summer of my college year.

Sure it was quite hard for me at first but then I learned that if I give in more to what my heart feels, I won't be able to recover. So that's why I learned to move on along with God's side. It feels so amazing to be recognize as many in a nice way tho.

This time, I'm still single. I'm not ready to open my heart with anybody at this moment but someday I will and when that time comes, I'll make sure that he will be the right person for me.


12 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-08-01 18:05 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

A lot of things have changed me. I would have to say the biggest one was my grandfather getting alzhiemers. It forced me to grow up faster. I had to be mature, strong and hold my own because no one around me could hold me up. Whether it changed me for better or worse can be debated. Emotionally it was devistating, but it gave me skills that have given me a head start in the troubles of life.

13 Name: Alice : 2013-08-02 17:15 ID:51vapSuB [Del]

I have had to on many occasions had to change my personality and kinda re-build memories to fit my new self. I only do this when things have taken a bad turn and no matter how much I try I cannot fix it, I realise that I am running away from problems instead of facing them but I feel like that is my only choice sometimes.

14 Name: Indigo !QwvqqjMAGc : 2013-08-02 21:29 ID:rHdTd2DA [Del]

I know this is kind of a weird thing but, well actually i guess it could apply to many people too. I think i was changed by the internet. piano, studying, tht was already who I was. but when i started learning about computers websites pc games online chats mmorpgs it kept evolving. then there was animes mangas and dramas. they brought me into fandoms and online communities. i think discovering the internet is one of the reasons to what has changed me so far. and made me who i am now. :3

15 Name: ... : 2013-08-03 00:44 ID:U35RB8xI [Del]

The people around me. Either their wisdom or their stupidity. It would influence me and quite frankly I thinks it's for the better.