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How you show that you love someone (19)

1 Name: T : 2013-07-20 07:54 ID:yLRX33YJ [Del]

((I don't believe there's been a thread like this, sorry if there has, I couldn't find it.))

So there's a boy I've liked for a while and I wanted a way to show him how much he means to me. This got me thinking about how chocolates and flowers and cards are such pathetic excuses to show the people we love just how much we do actually love them. I'm not talking about just boyfriend/girlfriend either, I mean your family, friends, anyone who really means something to you. I know I'm terrible when it comes to expressing my feelings or buying people presents so I'm not much use but I wanted to know what you Dollars do to show your love.

This thread is for you all to say why you love those special people and how you let them know that. It is NOT for you to complain about bring unloved or whatever, lets keep this positive :) you're welcome to share your thoughts and take tips from others, I know I'll be watching this thread closely to see if I can draw some good ideas!! Don't put down others if you don't agree with their ideas though, everyone's different and you should respect that.

Now, without further ado...... How you show that you love someone

2 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-20 09:40 ID:lpP3Tx1i [Del]

I actually find that pretty tough to do, the only thing I have ever said 'I love you' to past the age of 12 has been my dog. I just never get around saying it to relationships or family. Generally if I'm friendly, I hate you; if I'm mean, I like you; if I'm slightly mocking but genuinely go out of my way to seek your opinion/help you out/be in your company, I either like you a lot or I love you.

It's a weird system of order.

3 Name: Dragon : 2013-07-20 09:55 ID:F072KdVP [Del]

I'm 17 years old and I give my Mom a hug everyday and tell her I love you. I know it may seem hard sometimes but in truth, it can be the easiest thing to say and it makes someone's day. Knowing that is what can give you the courage to do so. I usually say it in a joking sort of matter and it comes out affectionate so if you're having trouble saying I love you just act like it's not serious and that can help. They'll understand.

4 Name: HAM : 2013-07-20 10:05 ID:cq0CdbSq [Del]

>>2 I'm actually the same way. I tend to be really, jokingly mean to people I like a lot in real life. And if I'm polite to you, it means I'm still in my shell around you and I'm trying to make you not hate me. Though if I end up not liking you I'll just never talk to you xD

I agree, OP, that I'm not a fan of the whole "chocolate and flowers" thing, either. Whenever I give a gift to someone it's something meaningful, like a doll of that anime character we cried over awhile ago. Or a t-shirt about your love for The Backstreet Boys that no one else knows about. Until I give it to you, that is. Hehe.

5 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-20 11:06 ID:Z0OTtzR1 [Del]

>>2 I'm pretty much the same, though I'm harsh to people I don't like as well as my friends. But when I really like someone, the snarkiness never stops.

But I think the best way to show you love someone, romantically or not, is to care. I don't mean watch their every movement for signs of negative emotions so you can lick their wounds for them - I mean that you're there when they need you, and when they don't? Keep out of the way. Because they shouldn't have to depend on you and you shouldn't have to depend on them.
As long as you're there when it matters most.

Hahaha that was bullshit. Just let them know that you actually give a shit about their existence and hope they feel the same. Be open about it but don't be a clingy little shit.
Summary: don't be a dick and you'll be fine.

6 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-07-20 11:12 ID:lpP3Tx1i [Del]

>>4 >>5 I think maybe that type of personality is more common on places like this in the internet. Because it kind of sticks to a dysfunctional type of personality, and here is where that kind of personality hangs out. That might be due to the fact we are often mean as a way of over-compensating for social anxiety; which often scares people away, because they think we don't like them when in truth we are just showing that we respect them.

7 Name: HAM : 2013-07-20 11:43 ID:cq0CdbSq [Del]

>>6 I just think I'm like that because I don't want people to know I actually care about them. Or show any of my real feelings. Lawl that just kinda proved your point.

8 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-20 12:24 ID:Z0OTtzR1 [Del]

>>6 Nah, I'm just a rude little shit. That's my default setting. Occasionally (pretty much only with the platonic love of my life) I'll act like a lovesick puppy but it's more than likely irony-based.

9 Name: shogun : 2013-07-20 12:52 ID:6A6UDcJm [Del]

here is my sugestion ,read eric from , the art of love you may understand the proces and what is love,bur the most important is to realy that is true what you have for for someone in your hurt.

10 Name: KittyCat : 2013-07-20 16:22 ID:MnL8LkMg (Image: 960x720 jpg, 46 kb) [Del]

src/1374355323133.jpg: 960x720, 46 kb
I've made a portal cube (an item from a game) for my best friend as her birthday gift. It took me (i think) a bit more than a day to make it. And when i gave it to her (with a homemade brownie. "the cake is a lie" = a quote), she told me she was really really happy ^_^
Here are some pictures of the portal cube i made:

conclusion: It does not matter if it's a cheap gift, but if you can let see that you've thought about what she wants and what she loves and that you've put effort into it. I hope that helped ^_^

11 Name: KittyCat : 2013-07-20 16:22 ID:MnL8LkMg (Image: 960x720 jpg, 46 kb) [Del]

src/1374355372913.jpg: 960x720, 46 kb
here is a better picture:

12 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-07-20 16:35 ID:vh1ZzeAG [Del]

>>11 this is off topic, but that's pretty amazing.

13 Name: PKA : 2013-07-21 02:03 ID:yULEe1bK [Del]

I've been told by a bunch for people that I'm too needy and suffocating in the past, so I'm not really into the whole showing love thing.

14 Name: Yukio !DboM3.beAE : 2013-07-21 03:22 ID:X6pecSmP [Del]

I've made and drew a bunch of legend of zelda stuff for this one person I used to like. They really liked LoZ, but I've never even owned a Nintendo game in my life. I'd give them a LoZ (or something else they liked) present almost twice a month. Even though I got friendzoned, I don't feel bad since I had fun making those things.

15 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-21 08:33 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

i usually write my friends and loved ones poetry, or i hand make a card and hand draw things. Usually if i have time of course XD usually I'll put something on there that they like. If that doesn't work out, i always just sit down with them and let them know how much i appreciate having them around. Anyways if your good at writing or crafting i'm sure you could use these things, if not, then flat out say it to them how you feel. :)

16 Name: KittyCat : 2013-07-21 08:40 ID:MnL8LkMg [Del]

>>12 I'm just trying to show off a bit (shhh... don't tell anyone) ^_^

17 Name: Steve : 2013-07-21 08:54 ID:NzO2hUsV [Del]

>>16 We couldn't even tell, Cat. ^_^

18 Name: LuX Cole : 2013-07-26 00:46 ID:MbJIznj3 [Del]

I have a messed up way of showing affection. I feel vulnerable when expressing my feeling bluntly so, that does not happen often. I use sarcasm to show affection as well as some playful wrestling and heavy flirting (only with my female friends). I also feel, because I am an artsy person, that a homemade gift better expresses my feelings for someone rather than a store bought gift.

19 Name: Reggie : 2013-07-26 03:50 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

>>18 Hahahahahahaha.

eremger. 2funny