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Some words of wisdom (7)

1 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-07-19 17:59 ID:AjB3/u+v [Del]

But what do you guys think I should say to me friend. She's says she's getting verbally abused by her parents everyday, but she doesn't want to get help because she says that people will pity her and that she has too much pride for that and if I tell someone she'll deny everything that she told me. I can tell she's suffering and I want to help her, but I don't want to betray her either. I don't want her to hate me. Please give me advice, or something.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2013-07-20 00:57 ID:8Ud2B2J5 [Del]

Gosh, you know (and I hate to break it to you), but I think you should tell someone. That's what you should do. You know, like a teacher or some one you feel comfortable relating the issue to. The thing is that, if you were a good friend and a true friend who wants to help out and look out for her, that's what you would do. You would do it because risking your friendship to help her is more important than not.

Letting her stay in her current situation wouldn't really be helping her. She'll be enduring through more pain and suffering instead of possibly getting 'help'. But I'm not saying she needs psych help. She just needs help getting out of a bad place and time. Anyways, that's just an opinion.

3 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-07-20 05:16 ID:vh1ZzeAG [Del]

Tell her that her pride isn't as valuable to you as her well being and tell someone who can help. She will be pissed off at first but she will eventually realize you where trying to help. If you dont want to betray her trust, tell her that a persons pride is often their downfall and you hate to see her suffer. I understand her situation in a way. Tell her she has nothing to prove to anyone and that strength isnt keeping the pain under the surface but being able to get rid of it. I hope i was of some help.

4 Name: Yamashita : 2013-07-21 01:16 ID:qwuXYkWj [Del]

Alright I'll say this... tell her straight to her face that her pride doesn't matter. Tell someone you can trust about your friend. Just let her know that she should forget her pride and open up to the world.

5 Name: Ellie : 2013-07-21 10:48 ID:L+s8BnJ1 [Del]

How you show that you love someone ? Mother said Slash them :)))

we love. We cut. we share :)

6 Name: Ike !kEQsHPqPRI : 2013-07-21 20:26 ID:kpBArMYv [Del]

words are just words. i would laugh it off and turn my head. mothers and fathers can be...mean to say the least. but if what you say is true, she should be grateful she didnt end up with parents who hit her.

People say fucked up things everyday. she needs to learn to block it out and ignore it. now if they hit her, she should start taking action. otherwise, become hard like a rock to their words.

7 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-23 09:10 ID:k6Trf0jH [Del]

Right, I'm going to bump this thread up from the depths of hell; hope it's not too late to reply.
This all depends on what you consider verbal abuse as exhibited by a parent. If we're talking something like her parents telling her she's a bad person or useless or not going anywhere in life, ect ect ect, then that's what a lot of kids (myself included) experience every day.
However, that also depends on how they handle it. I don't consider what my parents say as verbal abuse because I don't give two fucks and it doesn't effect me at all. If your friend is taking this to heart and genuinely believes what her parents are saying, then it can be considered verbal abuse. Like hey say, it's bullying if the victim feels bullied, or whatever that saying is.
>>5 Don't dick around.
Back to the problem at hand.
If she's really being affected by this, she needs to talk about it. Either to a counselor or to a friend, it's something she needs to get out and be reassured about. But I understand, some people don't want to do that.
Either way, she DOES need to harden up a bit, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Like Ike said, words are just words. She needs to be able to overcome this, because she'll probably hear a lot worse later in life. It sucks, but it still happens and there's not much we can do. But I hope your friend starts feeling better soon.