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Mother Issues (5)

1 Name: .YUP. : 2013-07-10 02:48 ID:ECdeYK89 [Del]

Obviously from the title, I'm having some issues with my mother. Yes, it's the teenage girl against the mother situation. When I was younger, both of my sisters warned that my mother would always make it seem like she was the victim in everything. I never knew what they meant by that, especially since the far distance in age. I'm the youngest of 3 daughters with 13 years apart from the oldest and 9 years apart from the other sister. With both sisters moved out, I'm the one stuck with my parents. My father has cancer, an immune deficiency, and is disabled, and my mother just screams at him all the time for "not doing anything". I understand where she's coming from, but he does so much for other people. He can't help it he gets tired easily. And she'll scream, not yell, scream at him for the littlest of things. Now that's she's laid off of work, she's only been screaming even more at him. One time, I even asked her politely to not to be so shrewd towards dad, but she was only a smart-ass about it. She was getting onto my dad (for who knows what) then she stops herself and goes, "Ohhh, I'm sorry for yelling, I don't want to get in TROUUUUBLEE."

Though this is going to start with some stupid fight about clothes, it's more than that..
Right around the time for me to take my senior pictures (thank God I'm a senior), she starts biting my head off for no reason. I tolerated it..To be nice, I decided to ask her to help me pick out some outfits for senior pictures. She picked out an outfit that honestly looked overall slutty. I told her that. She claims she just wanted a "badass picture". When I told her I didn't need one, she just walked off. For the rest of the day, I received comments referring to me not caring about anything she likes. The next day, she asked me to a wear a certain dress for the pictures. I hated the dress which it didn't fit anyway. I told her no nicely, and she throws a huge fit. She asked me to wear pearls that were close to her, and i did..even though I hated them. She still was not satisfied with me. She never is.

Before all this, one time I was getting ready to go out with friends for my birthday, and she looked me dead in the eye with a serious face and asked me, "Aren't your friends ashamed of you?" She said this right after criticizing my modest clothing and natural looking makeup.

Anyway, back to senior picture thing, after that mess, she was still acting immature. Not wanting to talk to me and making comments as I walked past her. I was frustrated with everything, so I decided to go to my grandmother's. I fell asleep, and my phone was on vibrate. It was 11 o'clock at night and my great aunt hands the phone to me. It was my mom. And she was pissed. I explained I fell asleep, but it seemed like she didn't believe me. I told her I loved her, and all she did was call me a name (I don't even remember what) and hung up.

The next morning, I get home at 8 in the morning. She decides to take my phone and keys away..for falling asleep. That's what she told me. I made it obvious it wouldn't bother me, so she gave them back. A week later, before I go on vacation with my sister, I decided to vent to my sisters about it.

When my mom and dad pick me up from my sister's, my mom was falling over drunk. I was pissed because she was right in front of my little nieces and nephews. When I get back home, I learn that while I was gone she'd gotten drunk..a lot. Well, more often that usual. I mean, she's already hooked on pain killers, nerve medicines, and anti-depressants. I'm worried about her.

She decided to talk to me and asked me how she's been mean to me..apparently my sisters had talked to her. She told me she'd be nicer and wouldn't drink anymore. Then..when she actually sounded like she was being reasonable, she goes on that me and my sisters are apart of some conspiracy against her..Then she goes on to ask me not to tell my sisters about that conversation. No matter what I said, she's convinced we're all conspirators out to get her.
Now she's always making comments on how all her kids hurt her..

I came here to vent, but if you guys have any advice, that would be great :) Sorry, that this is so long.

2 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-07-10 03:49 ID:Bvfwl9lZ [Del]

I have the same problem. My mom and I are to completely different people and cant see eye to eye on anything which causes huge fights for no reason. For example, yesterday my mom cooked dinner kind of early and I wasn't hungry so I told her that when she called me to eat. When I said I wasn't hungry it was like a bomb dropped! She began to scream and yell "Do you not like my cooking? Do you think I'm a shitty mom? Do you not like being with the family?". I got pissed and just walked to my room. My dad stood up for me though(which just makes it worse because then they fight for hours). Anyway, I understand what you are going through with your mom and my best advice is to just distance yourself from her...I did it and my days are so much better! Your not going to be able to stop it from happening every now and then but it will happen less.

3 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-07-10 11:53 ID:ECAo7wWB [Del]

My mom acts like this a lot with my brother. Although in his case, he's at fault too. When she started venting to me about him, I did my best to ignore her and distance myself from her. She does the whole "I'm a victim" thing too and likes to make comments about how her kids are "abandoning her". Remember, none of this is your fault.

4 Name: Misa : 2013-07-12 17:29 ID:sNLoLpXG [Del]

Hey there!
I have the same problem but I won't complain about it now.
I will try to give you advice.
Well, MOVE OUT! You just can't change the situation and you especially can't change her mind! You can't know what she's thinking and we all have the same problem. I am about to move out. And you guys should to the same.
There is no "I can't". There is always a chance to move out, IF
YOU REALLY WANT. When you say you can't, you just don't want to.
With moving out you can distance yourself from your mother and if you want you can visit her every now and then without getting into an argument with her. That's what I plan to do. One day she will realize what she's doing wrong and will try to get you back (I hope so! for me too) but if she doesn't change then you just startet your own life!
Just do it. Ignoring her makes it even worse and don't even try to talk to her, thinking you can change her! That WON'T work. The only way is to get out of there. Otherwise it will get worse because if you do something you're the bad one and if you don't do something it will just get worse until you can't take it anymore and THEN you will be the super bad guy.

I hope I could help you because all the things that you've described happened to me in the same way and I tried talking, calming her down, ignoring her. Everything got worse and the only option is to GET OUT OF THERE!

5 Name: Inari !e.zQMH3EPw : 2013-07-13 15:20 ID:Y8j2Sc0N [Del]

Sorry to intervene, I also tried to move away from both of my parents who suddenly became a few months ago totally irrational when it came to my future. The only problem was that I had nowhere to go. I didn't have any friends, not mentioning the money, so it was impossible. The only thing I could do was to suffer in silence and accept things.

Finally, I somehow managed to bring up some faith and will to go on and think about MY future, not the one they wanted for me. But my problem is different than yours, so forget about it.

My advice for you is to find that will to help you ignore whatever you consider injustice and fight your way out of the problem. Think what you want, believe in it, and it will happen. Do what you must do and what is best for you.

Take care.