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I want to become a new person (6)

1 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-07-09 16:09 ID:/WxBfssX [Del]

Sigh.. I've been a really anti-social person this year and so I'd like to change myself. That doesn't mean that I want to change who I am- a cheerful otaku who loves to play games, but I want to change my habits. I would really like some advice if anyone would tell me to become a person that can be more open and become more responsible because at the age I am now, which I am about to turn 17, I am still being a child. I also have kept many secrets to myself and tried to solve them myself, but it seems like I just push them aside, so I would also like to become more of a person who can have "guts" to involve other people and share my personal problems, because I rarely tell my parents about these, nor my siblings or friends. I even try to exercise to gain self-confidence, but I can't seem to find it, So pleeease help me change my habits for me to become a better person >A<

2 Name: Ronik : 2013-07-09 18:47 ID:TBoU+v89 [Del]'s hard to give you a general Advice. If you got any more social friends, don't turn them down if they invite you to any social events..If you don't got such..try looking for them. With an smile and an open-heart it's way easier to find new friends and contacts..Be nice to the people and most will be nice to you, too. (: Of course there are Jerks, but even if they seem to be everywhere..they are just louder, but still a minority..Depening on how anti-social you are, there is of course quite alot to practice when coming in contact with other people...But hey, you involved us in your personal problems, so you took the hardest step..the first one. ;)

3 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-07-09 22:57 ID:/WxBfssX [Del]

Well, thanks for the advice :D I've also been turning down all of the anime conventions I wanted to go this year also because I was really depressed that time. What I was thinking was try to create a new life once my summer vacation is done :)

4 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-10 06:07 ID:RPtxHI/s [Del]

First of all, it's great that you want to change and recreate yourself for the better. And, you've recognized there are things you want to improve upon without being someone you're not. Kudos to you, friend.
For opening up, take it nice and slow. When I feel the need to talk to someone or vent about something, I chat to my friends online. Chances are they'll be happy to listen, and even have a few tales of their own. Having friend you get to actually interact with is even better, though I prefer not to speak to them about more private matters. But it depends on the person, I guess.
Or, you could take up a hobby that involves group work, and this ties in with the responsibility thing! Maybe volunteer at an library or youth center? Not only does it get you to be around people, but it looks good on your resume and teaches a wide range of skills.
Basically, just stay at a pace you're comfortable with and you'll be good to go. Don't feel like you need a boatload of friends to be open or social - it's how you act around an towards people that matters, not how much time you spend with them.
(Ugh that probably wasn't helpful at all, but I wish you luck anyway)

5 Name: HAM : 2013-07-10 11:18 ID:cq0CdbSq [Del]

As said above, it's great you realized this and want to change.
Keep exercising, because in a few weeks of that you will feel better. I promise ;)
What I recommend is going out and doing things that will involve other people. Fairs, competitions, conventions, even doing GISHWHES would help to make you interact with other people and bring you out of your shell.
That's what I've been trying to do this year personally to make me more interactive with people. I'm going to Otakon, doing GISHWHES, doing the Run For Your Lives zombie 5k race, etc. to help me meet new people and bring me out of my shell and just in general enjoy life.
I wouldn't wait till summer vacation is done. Summer vacation is when you have the most time available; I'd get out there NOW. Don't waste a second in your precious life - get out there and enjoy it! Friends will come to you along the way.

6 Name: Sakunya S. : 2013-07-10 12:35 ID:/WxBfssX [Del]

Thanks for replying quickly~ i'm glad I could get some advice. ^^ You guys are all great, I'm really glad this website is here for me and
>5, unfortunately phone broke and the next convention available here where I live is in August :p I'll try to contact my friends through the internet ^^