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What do you think dreams are? (8)

1 Name: HurdleBand : 2013-07-03 07:41 ID:RckXw+ib [Del]

I might sound like a crazy person but I wouldn't mind other opinions. I always have thought of dreams similar to reality. I mean its not all that different from one another maybe just by extra random stuff that is made up in our mind but even so that doesn't mean that it couldn't be real. I mean they do say "The Mind Is A Powerful Thing" It got me thinking what if everything we see, hear, taste, and feel is it really what we see, hear, taste, and feel. What if what we see reality as a dream but not realize it? I mean weirder things have happened in life. We all have something bad in our life we don't like and tend to try avoid it in life and believing that something bad that happened isn't happening, you know fooling yourself into believing it's not real and then it comes back to haunt you just like a nightmare. Dreams tend to focus on things that we enjoy or bother us. What if everything we dream about is real but never seen it before. I feel like we're only a thin line from seeing things that we can't see in reality but can't comprehend. I kinda feel as if we're deluding ourselves in lies and unable to grasp the truth and knowing this the truth is always hard to find and/or hard for us to understand so we don't accept it(just like death is hard to accept and we wish to live forever). Our senses could be fooling us into thinking and seeing what we can see and hear as if we're hallucinating. Maybe it's just my crazy imagination but I really constantly wonder about stuff like this.

2 Name: Theophilus : 2013-07-03 15:29 ID:/k/KSDf5 [Del]

Now I might be reading this wrong, but you're insinuating that what we perceive as dreams and reality may be reversed or jumbled in our perception?
If that is indeed what you're saying, I'm fascinated. I often do contemplate such things as this, though they usually end up in my scratch fiction file. Dreams have always intrigued me, learning psychology on the side with my other studies only served to increase that interest. When you get the chance you should take a psychology course, they're quite interesting.

3 Name: R : 2013-07-03 17:28 ID:LylF/S8w [Del]

I think dreams are our imagination, to simply put it.

4 Name: Taichi-kun : 2013-07-03 17:35 ID:PcFrPfCi [Del]

It's a correspondence between our conscious and unconscious mind, to put it shortly.

5 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-03 21:24 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

I feel that dreams are a reflection of our emotions, personal feelings, memories, or thoughts, whether deeply subconscious or physical. I think it's another way for our brain to tell us what we're thinking or perceiving consciously or sub consciously. Many could b deeply symbolic, and have a deep meaning to them as a way to tell you how your feeling.

Example: i used to have nightmares about a girl i really cared about. It always involved her being hit by a car or something. It would end in one of two ways, she was hit and she died right there and i'd wake up. Or, an alternative i threw myself in the way to take the hit and die in her place.
These two scenarios would outline two feelings for her, one, i held a deep fear of losing this girl as she was important to me. And two, i'd easily give my life for this girl cuz i cared for her so much.
I'm sure i've only scratched the surface however, if you have any input, agree or dis agree, just lemme know.

6 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-07-04 07:10 ID:xpiD6pgz [Del]

Hmm, as someone who has lots of highly vivid dreams I always thought this was an interesting topic.
Like Doug said, it's a reflection of us. It can play on our worst fears or biggest pleasures.
I dream about things I remember - I have an eye for detail (Actually my eyesight is terrible but I notice things most people pass by) and it really comes out in my dreams. I'm not sure why we have them, but I always enjoy dreams. Even when they're nightmares.
We still function while we sleep, but our brain slows down, which is probably why many of our dreams have lost defining factors - for example, some people see muted colors or warped objects in their dreams because their brain isn't at full power.
I think it might have something to do with the mind effectively leaking out. Since our brains aren't at full capacity while we sleep, our thoughts would probably wander around and thus produce such odd or frightening dreams.
But that's just a teenager's speculation so I'm probably wrong :)

7 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-07-04 11:29 ID:4onYwypQ [Del]

I've read a book about dreams, but I'm not sure if I'll write in a correct English, so watch out! ^^"

Dreams are basically the product of our subconscious.
The subconsciousness is that part of us that we can't explain: it's the part of our minds that elaborates information in a total independent way, literally without letting us know about it. All the hidden information of our subconscious are still useful and they do have a reflection of our lives: for example, morality is a part of our subconscious.
For example: it's natural for us not to go around in the streets naked: we still can do it if we want, but our subconscious tell us not to do it anyway.

Sometimes in life we feel like having problems of a certain identity: our subconscious knows the possible solutions of it, but it can't let us know them.
How does it work then? With dreams.

While dreaming we see different images, different scenarios, different situations and different people: each of them is a message that our subconscious is trying to "send" to us.
Someone says that our subconscious already knows about our future: that's why sometimes there are people who can clearly see slices of future life in his/her own dreams. (the so called medium i guess!)

There are people that studies the images in the dreams to associate them with a more clear and understandable message, they are called "dream interpreters". ^^

I'm actually trying to give self-interpretation to my own dreams, when i've got them! I'm using a manual, and I actually find it interesting! ^^
If someone had a dream, please, let me know! I'd like to read about the meaning of each images.

8 Name: Theophilus : 2013-07-04 13:08 ID:/k/KSDf5 [Del]

There's actually a big debate about the source of our dreams. While humans would generally prefer that our dreams have a deeper meaning, research is making it more clear that that is not the case. Studies show that that dreams are made mostly of latent repetitive images from our daily lives. These images could also be things we linger on in our minds for long periods of time. I've found that after reading for several hours before sleeping over several days I dream of text and words. Also it has been proven that while sleeping the different areas of the brain no longer connect in the same fashion. While brief synapses may travel from area to area at random, brain stimulation is for the most part isolated.
I don't mean to put a damper on anyone's spirits. This also, though subtly, puts more credit into the subconsciousness theory. While we linger on certain images or thoughts, what we see in our dreams shows us what we think of most, or what we consider to be the most important to us. These ideas can be expressed through different ways, thus interpretation still has some credibility.