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Near-Death Experiences (34)

1 Name: Lawli : 2013-07-02 14:41 ID:xIulXz1V [Del]

Ok, so... I don't make many threads because you all scare me greatly, lol. But I haven't seen anything like this, so I figured, hey. What the heck? I figure this goes into the "Life Advice" category of personal for, "DON'T DO WHAT WE DID." if I had to put it anywhere.

I've had only 3 near-death experiences in my life (because I'm much more cautious usually than I am in this event) but this one is the most recent (happening just yesterday) and, I think, the most interesting.

So, my mom and step-dad were out fishing in the pond in our backyard. Fishing isn't my thing, so I decided to go mudding in the 4 Wheeler since it had rained the night before.

Note: I only did one thing that was safe to do in this WHOLE scenario... I'll point it out.

The pond sits on the base of a little mini-hill. I decided to go full-speed up this hill on slick grass.... Yeah you see where this is going. I went up the hill with no problem. When I went down the hill, I hit a bump and the 4 Wheeler went up in the air about half a foot. This had happened before, so I wasn't worried. However, when I hit the ground, I lost control and the vehicle slid. I could tell it was going to tip, so I tried to stick my leg out and stop it. NEVER DO THAT, I'M LUCKY I DIDN'T BREAK MY LEG. I couldn't and I could feel it tilting, so I launched myself off. THE ONLY THING I DID RIGHT. The 4 Wheeler kept rolling towards me, lying helpless on the ground, so I stuck my other foot out to stop it. NEVER DO THAT EITHER. It worked, however, and I immediately jumped to my feet to let my mother know I was ok.

I had flipped the 4 Wheeler upside-down, wheels in the air. If I hadn't jumped off when I did, I would be dead.

My injuries?
A scrape and bruise on my wrist
Slight dizziness

What about you guys? Any interesting near-death stories? Please tell me I'm not alone... ;-; --Lawli

2 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-07-02 16:09 ID:Bvfwl9lZ [Del]

HOLY CRAP HOW ARE YOU ALIVE O.O !! But yes I have had a near-death experience but please don't laugh -.- . I was in the 4th grade and it was just another normal day. I got home and asked my mom what was for dinner, as usual, and she told me Cube Steak; my favorite! After she told me I went to my room and played Spyro on my GameCube(this was 5 years ago :P ) About two hours later my family and I sat down to eat. Once we were done my fat self back then immediately asked for desert. My mom said that had to take a bath first and after a little bit of arguing I just did what she said. I wanted that god damned dessert so bad I rushed my bath. I don't know if I feel or slipped but I do know that I went from sitting in the tub one minute to sitting on floor of the bathroom the next. I was confused I didn't know what happened so I just ignored it and went to grab a towel but then I saw arm was shaped like an S at the wrist and my bone was 3 inches out...then I looked down and saw blood everywhere and all over me. I sat there looking at it for probably 90 seconds but it felt like an hour then I screamed like I had never screamed before....I was so scared. My parents thought I had seen a roach or something at first but My older sister knew something was wrong. She ran to the bathroom and opened the door then feel to the ground screaming along with me. Then my mom got up to see what the hell was going on and she feel down to and cried and screamed....I cant imagine how she felt because I sat there looking in her eyes screaming "HELP ME" and she was helpless she had no idea what to do because she freezes up when she is nervous. Then my dad finally got up and went to go see what was going on. He took so long because I was, after all, in the tub a few minutes and naked but he knew something wasn't right. He peeked through the door and saw and pushed my mom and sister out of the way picked me up and told my sister to go grab a rob. All i remember after that is being in the hospital. I had only two pints of blood left and the body normally needs 4 to survive out of its average 6 pints. I have enormous scared on my arm and for the whole year after this I had to have my mom or sister in the bathroom with my when I took a bath because I was yeah that's my near death experience...kinda weird

3 Name: Lawli : 2013-07-02 17:22 ID:Fh0L1eHF [Del]

>>2 Holy crap! That sounds like something out of a horror movie!! DX

4 Name: Tōrasu-Chan : 2013-07-02 17:58 ID:Bvfwl9lZ [Del]

>>3 Lol really XD I always think people are just going to laugh because I almost died in the bathroom :P

5 Name: Lawli : 2013-07-02 23:03 ID:Rsklfd7y [Del]

>>4 Seriously, that would be a terrible way to go! DX

6 Name: Lawli : 2013-07-03 20:48 ID:LOzsXOOm [Del]


7 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-10 10:15 ID:nqal9Lbf [Del]

I'm going to bump this one more time... Just because I want to make sure. After this, I'm done.


8 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-10 10:56 ID:N0DEr0eA [Del]

I myself havnt had any real near death experiences. I had bad accidents where id need stitches, but no real life threatening situation

9 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-10 12:57 ID:N0DEr0eA [Del]


10 Name: Guardian : 2013-08-10 13:27 ID:XCSzt92N [Del]

I had a near death experience, i was 18 and i was camping in the woods with my friends then at nighfall we returned to our camp site after collecting fire wood, but a giant bear was in our camp site, the bear atacked me my friends ran in terror, the bear bit my arm and leg, i then i lost conciousness, then i woke up in some kind of room with a bright light on top of the cealing, i thought i was in the hospital, then i felt the presnce of doctors , they had strange metalic suits and i then got a better look at them ,they had almond shaped eyes and large bald heads with grey skin. they were not doctors of this world!, i was in terror i tried to scream but i was parilized i could not move, i tried telling them what are u? what happened to me? one of them came close to me and said relax u just died we are healing u so we can send u back to earth, i then said where am i? the entity responded and said you are in our waiting area, i didnt know what to make of it, later they took me to a long room with other people, the people appear to be sleeping in some type of pods with helmets hocked up to their heads. and they took me to a empty pod that had for some strange reason had my name on it! they put me in the hocked my head to the helmet and they closed the pod , then i felt a strange shock from the helmet and i lost conciousness again, then i saw a vortex in front of me and i saw at the end of the vortex the earth, i was falling to it and the next thing i knew i woke up at the hospital with my friends and family and they said youre gonna be just fine. the end. this experience makes me question all the worlds religions. face facts people the earth and our universe is a virtual reality program by extra terrestrials and we are all hocked up to it!!!!!!

11 Name: Guardian : 2013-08-10 13:43 ID:XCSzt92N (Image: 960x544 jpg, 63 kb) [Del]

src/1376160206120.jpg: 960x544, 63 kb

12 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-10 13:56 ID:FyLpMd9u [Del]

>>10 No.

13 Name: Guardian : 2013-08-10 18:01 ID:XCSzt92N [Del]


14 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-10 19:25 ID:6/I0bAhF [Del]

>>13 No. Now get off my thread. This isn't The Matrix.

15 Name: Guardian : 2013-08-10 20:10 ID:XCSzt92N [Del]

Yes! Asshole this is my thread now!!!!!

16 Name: Guardian : 2013-08-10 20:10 ID:XCSzt92N (Image: 960x544 jpg, 59 kb) [Del]

src/1376183417153.jpg: 960x544, 59 kb
Yes! Asshole this is my thread now!!!!!

17 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-10 20:15 ID:N4VXdJGv [Del]

Someone halp...

18 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-10 20:20 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

>>16 What a sad thing you are. Seriously, get out, the Amy pics were bad enough, but now this shit? serious man why can't you just go?
Ugh. Lawli, lets just do our bests to ignore this guy, ninja his posts. Mods will take care of it eventually.

19 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-10 20:21 ID:N4VXdJGv [Del]

>>18 Okay.... Thanks, Doug. ;(

20 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-10 20:24 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

>>19 just endure it :) we can make it through this troll too

21 Name: Benefactor !jh0O3NJnRs : 2013-08-10 20:52 ID:lxAM+vZK [Del]

>>1 How are you not dead? You are ridiculously lucky to even get away with just that.

>>2 ...That... Is actually quite horrifying.

>>10 >>11 >>13 >>16 >>15 You are the worst kind of person. Get off the internet.

22 Name: Takara!!VpW7gX2l : 2013-08-10 23:34 ID:wC4gnY7K [Del]

One time my car broke down in the middle of a storm. I parked right next to a street-lamp.

Lightning shot and hit the street-lamp instead of my car.

Scary stuff.

23 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-11 01:59 ID:h39G0PV9 [Del]

>>22 O.O Euh...

24 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-11 10:57 ID:t4YOI57h [Del]

>>1 Lawli, you are one lucky bastard.
When I was nine, a whole group of families (mine included) went camping at a spot famous for it's great dirk-biking courses or whatever. So some of the boys I hung out with decided to head down there with their bikes and fuck around. There was this one area they liked, a huge pit with steep sides which were apparently very fun to ride up and down. So here I am, standing at the edge of that pit watching my friends act like idiots, when I trip over and fall in while six or seven people are riding past on dirtbikes. I was kind of shocked and some of them didn't notice, but my friend Jarred managed to get some guy who was about to run over my head to stop by ramming his bike into him. Luckily no-one was injured badly, just a few cuts and bruises.
But thennnn, my friend M (who was very protective of me and quite angry at the boy who almost hit me) threw a rock at a large tree in anger as we passed by, and a GIGANTIC branch falls down and almost hits us. Some divine being was not happy with me on that day.
Not very deadly when compared to Lawli's story, but ehhh.
Oh yeah, I got some really bad facial injuries when I was seven or eight, and couldn't see much (bandages covering your eyes will do that) and fell out of my wheelchair into the path of a nurse carrying a whole load of medical instruments (syringes or scalpels or w/e, not sure since I didn't see it) and she dropped them all over me. I might've lost an eye if they weren't covered over so well.

25 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-11 12:38 ID:/rsnOduT [Del]

>>24 Wooooow. :o That's crazy. It's good you have such good friends.

26 Name: Ignis : 2013-08-11 15:18 ID:BOWBEGRM [Del]

(This happened when i was at elementary school)so one day me and my sis went at my granny's house to eat.i was eating salad and a piece of tomato stuck in my throat.i was choking to death while my sister was laughing like shit because she thought i was doing it for fun (though i was turning purple and my grandma was freaking out -.-)...long story short i managed to get the piece of tomato out before dying. also a couple of days before i (accidentally) almost electrocuted myself with the plug of my laptop.(sorry if my english are bad).

27 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-11 16:11 ID:CrQuU+69 [Del]

>>26 Your English was fine, aside from a few little errors, but it's nothing that most people who DO speak English as a first language don't do. :) And wow. I've never had anything back to back like all of you guys have had. XD

28 Name: Ignis : 2013-08-11 16:26 ID:BOWBEGRM [Del]

>>27 wow thanks ^^

29 Name: Katsezmeow : 2013-08-12 12:29 ID:Qr5hOi87 [Del]

mm i've had a few near death experiences, partially because i believe i must have a really dislikable face, but mostly because i spend 95% of my time in my own little world where cigarettes grow on tree's and purple unicorns stab annoying people in the eye with their horns.
The funniest one probably is the bus so i'll share that one.

When i was around ten years old my brother who is two years older than me was tasked with taking me to our closest town with a shopping center. Its not far 20 minutes by bus, we went
picked up some things from games workshop and he bought me an ice cream. (Truly and epic moment in life when your older brother buys you an ice cream for the first time)
It was hot and i was tired and decided to sit on the curb with my back against the bus stop to eat my ice cream, because looking like a gutter rat apparently didn't occur to me at age 10. I saw the bus we needed which was a double decker bus (anyone not from england or who has no idea what that is! its a bus with a second floor) i stood up obviously, and as i did so i slipped and fell into the road infront of the bus.
Now apparently my values were off as a child because i tried to drag myself off the road with one arm in time because i didn't want to drop my ice cream.. Ice cream > life (i was a fat kid) anyway! luckily i managed to pull myself mostly out of the way and the bus driver saw me in time to stop but he still hit my right leg which resulted in a hair line fracture.
However! the best part of the story is obviously when my brother had noticed what had happened instead of checking if i was ok he burst out laughing because when i span around from the bus hitting my leg i managed to squish the ice cream against my chest.
First ice cream ruined!!!!!!!!!!!!

30 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-08-21 17:11 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

Where I live is a river nearby. The water isn't that deep only one meter. But the mud is like 3 meters deep. So if you get in that you can't get out only if someone from outside helps you.

So back to the story: I had this big dog who was half-blind or something. He always ran into me and I remember a few times of me being hit by him.
So the flashback goes: I was 6 and I was crossing the bridge over the river. I was alone because my mom thought I was with dad, and dad was sure I was with mom. The truth is that I went from mom to dad, which was on the other side of the river at that moment. And I had to pass the bridge. I don't remember what happened, but when I almost got to the other side the dog pushed me in the water (Not in the middle of the river). I was freak out for a moment and I closed my eyes, but I opened my eyes I looked around and I pulled myself out of the water by pulling the reed's roots. I remember pulling the roots of the reeds, but then I can't remember much more, but only that I was sitting on the bridge crying when dad found me.

If I couldn't get out of the water my body will have went all the way down to the bottom. And all that thanks to that dog -_-

I was a skinny kid, so the roots were strong enough for me.
I am still surprised by my action. I mean I was 5!! It was all the human instinct to survive ~ I guess

Lawli- just ignore that dumbo-sized-idiot^^

31 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-22 07:18 ID:CrQuU+69 [Del]

Lol. Wow. I hate it when you have a memory and you forget, like, half the important stuff. I do that a lot. :/>>30

32 Name: Haze : 2013-08-23 06:26 ID:BMQHxTe8 [Del]

I took a lot of olanzapine and fell asleep for three days. My parents thought I was dead, but I woke up. The aftermath wasn't fun. Don't make your mom cry. It's not a warm feeling at all.

33 Name: Lawli !L8bJj1XL/s : 2013-08-23 15:51 ID:qY4xqpg2 [Del]

>>32 :(

34 Name: Minus !M9lieYYnPo : 2013-08-24 16:47 ID:rdizBchM [Del]

>>32 never do that again. It sounds insane and creepy. I mean your family was getting ready for your funeral? Or you were in some sort of coma? And why did you get an overdose of drugs?