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how do you cope ? (18)

1 Name: yahiko951 : 2013-06-24 20:27 ID:DjXPi9pA [Del]

its hard to cope with such pressure and such crap in daily life... just as when i thought its going to be peace and relaxation at last and depression hits me again. Can't find the reason or more like not knowing whats the matter.

anyways to better this situation ?
going to therapists aren't really a solution ~

2 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-24 20:42 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

Try finding someone to talk to, let out how your feeling. find some kind of activity to pass the time and release all of the stress.
Maybe you could post on here what's got you depressed and see if we can't help you out.
Anyways i'm open for chat if you need it my friend :) hope i can help.

3 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel) : 2013-06-24 21:07 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

My top way to cope for some reason is to role play. Might be because it's an artistic way to escape to my own world,
Second: watch YouTube.
Third: VIDEO GAMES. I never release stress in reality with violence but in a video game I can unleash my stress as hard as I wish,
I have alot of ways to cope with things
If you need help or a person to talk to. or Lea Faraday on Facebook

4 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-06-24 23:04 ID:gGVRB3sb [Del]

Because giving out your personal details is always such a great idea in a community of strangers.

>>1 What worked for me was finding a fandom that I would access exclusively when I was in those moods. Star Wars was my choice and I use it now as a backup escape plan when things get bad, when they aren't, I now avoid it as to make it exclusive and interesting when shit goes down.

5 Name: Blues : 2013-06-24 23:09 ID:5+3fHzs6 [Del]

Through art, one can create a whole new universe. I'd suggest music you like to inspire you, and then, find a nice quiet place to just draw or write or paint or whatever. The world ends with you my friend. Have a great day. -Blues

6 Name: Jazz is what i go by : 2013-06-24 23:11 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

1. youtube listen to music that will calm the nerves 2.go to lala land ,make up your own world to live in to someone 4.if step three don't work then get a journal or diary and right down your problems and personal stuff

7 Name: Reggie : 2013-06-25 00:49 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

420 bls id fgt

8 Name: Rosethefox : 2013-06-25 12:30 ID:YCu8/wxw [Del]

>>7 first off, what /:
second, i cope by dancing.

9 Name: kiyoko : 2013-07-11 23:48 ID:lB3jAcps [Del]

i cope by music or drawing. If they fail then i give up....

10 Name: Reggie : 2013-07-12 04:40 ID:EYVNU/va [Del]

>>8 Smoke weed.

11 Post deleted by user.

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-07-13 14:53 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I find that the easiest way to calm myself down in a stressful situation is music. As for depression, talk to someone. If that isn't possible, I find it better to play video games, watch TV or read a good book. It gives me a way to escape the reality I am dreading so much and live and a completely different world. Video games are particularly good at this because you can do pretty much anything in some games.

14 Name: Rockergirl7760 : 2013-07-13 17:12 ID:5eOL1BoD [Del]

Get yourself busy with a hobby you enjoy doing
surround yourself with friends
listen to music
do sports
get into a club
get a tumblr to vent on it.
read a good book
if it gets really bad go to sleep and try to dream of something peacefull
write a story, a good story about a good situation that may make you feel better
talk to a family member
invest yourself in work or school
stay at someones house
look at a calming video or something that goes really slow, it tends to calm some people
learn something new like a language or an instrument
keep a journal of what makes you upset so you can sit down and vent
try to complete a mission
decorate a room
watch tv
go on Netflix
marathon a show
drink some tea
lay down and slowly count up to any number until your calm
start a chat room and talk to people
act out a scenario

15 Name: Twitch : 2013-07-13 17:53 ID:KXvTlEOM [Del]

>>14 has the best answer, though, id personally stay away from twitter and facebook, tho thats just me, for me, friends and music, and a documentary or somthing, really gets your mind off of whats bothering you, but somtimes music has a funny way of making it worse, or simply reminding you, again, maybe just me, and if you need anybody to talk to you have all of us (:

16 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-13 18:09 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]

Getting your mind off things and staying inspired?
>hobbies (writing, drawing, crafts, sports, watching tv/anime/etc., eating, cleaning, designing, working, playing with dogs, etc.)

Coping with a shitty life?
>venting through private or public:
+ writing (journals/online/stories about how much you hate your life)
+ drawing (anger comics/spending four pencils covering a notebook in scribbles)
+ verbal (talking with friend/rant video/recording your rant with vocaroo)

I personally choose to rant through written methods online, often on this site. When I rant verbally, it's usually to my dogs or my webcam. (No really, I hope my dogs never learn to talk or write, 'cuz I'd prolly end up in a mental institute if people heard what I say to them .__.)

As for hobbies... welp, my hobbies are extremely diverse. Basically everything artist is a type of hobby of mine. It all depends on how pissed off/depressed I am for what I do.

And sometimes? Sometimes, it's best to just lay the fuck down and take a nap.

17 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-07-13 18:10 ID:xnjkssHQ [Del]


18 Name: digitaL : 2013-07-13 18:34 ID:6GHOQV7x [Del]

Getting sad ,feeling unmotivated ,angry all the time ?
If you are sad way too often you should find the reason and fix it one way or another.For example your wife left you try to bring her back ,if impossible go on with your life.

If you are feeling unmotivated well return to your hobbies or if you dont have any pick up a hobby.The hobby can help you feel that you have acomplished something.For example in my free time i like to solve 5min mysteries or analyze something like the ending of a movie etc.

If you are feeling angry all the time try physical relief.Like Boxing, Running ,Kicking ,Hitting and so on
If you dont feel better after trying similar things ,then you have a serious problem and should seek medical help.