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Inner coach/ inner critic (10)

1 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel) : 2013-06-24 11:51 ID:aQK6u363 [Del]

Over the years I have been educated on adepting to socializing with humans. While a crap load of the lessons I was given ended up back firing and didn't help me at all, there was one lesson that helped greatly. The concept of the Angel and Devil on one's shoulder has been used as a metaphor to visually describe how a person decides what to do. There is the good choices and the bad choices, not everyone likes the angel and devil example though. Most people have a different vision in their mind. Your inner coach is the voice that acts as guidance in your life. Your inner coach is who or what ever you choose but it's a nice trick to have. My inner coach has always taken the form of Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. But then there is your inner critic, the voice that speaks before thinking, or focuses on the negatives first. When you sit in class after taking an exam you simply don't know if you did good until the paper is graded. Your inner critic might say "you did terrible!". This inner critic is both a good thing to have at times but can mainly be too much of a realist to help you make healthy choices.
Who do you see as your inner coach and who is your inner critic?

2 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-06-25 07:19 ID:M+MXdEC+ [Del]

As a inner coach i've always seen the Spring Sprite from Fantasia 2000 of Disney. I've watched that musical billions of times when i was a little girl and that part always fascinated me. As a inner critic...well, i've always seen myself, and i only hear my voice when i do something bad. But i guess it's helping!

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-25 10:28 ID:XN0SRh7p [Del]

Oh wow. Axel made a somewhat intelligent sounding thread. /applause.

As for me, I don't have some fictional character as an inner critic. I am my own critic. I just go over the options in my head, figure out what the reactions to it and results of it would be, then pick the one that I feel will cause the least trouble in the end. But I do have trouble deciding things spur of the moment as a result; I don't feel comfortable making a decision until I've figured out everything that could come of it.

4 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-25 11:05 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

Everything is referred to as the voices in my head giving me advice based off of what i know rationally. (one is positive, one is negative). Generally by knowing which one is positive, i follow that one's advice and it leads me to good results.

5 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-06-25 11:17 ID:gGVRB3sb [Del]

Generally most of my actions are taken after deliberation so it isn't really 2 separate entities for me, more like one melded process. If I had to distinguish them with personification though, the image that always pops into my head is Jango Fett and Boba Fett, pretty much identical but ever so slightly different.

6 Name: HAM : 2013-06-25 12:06 ID:cq0CdbSq [Del]

Idk why but my "inner critic" is the form of a bunch of guys at my old school. I always feel like they're in a room filled with TVs watching and laughing at everything I do. If I could make them be some fictional character instead, I gladly would because that sounds less weird.

My "inner coach" is my intuition. I also like to think of it as a dude who I named Alex, but I feel like he's more my guardian angel than anything else, if you believe in that sort of thing...yeah...

7 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel) : 2013-06-25 19:33 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

That hard part of this concept is if you have a strong link to the inner voice, when you ever encounter a moment when someone asks "do you hear voices?" I myself tell them I do, it's how I think. But sometimes they really find that to be a red flag.

8 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-25 19:59 ID:NDTWjlRt [Del]

>>7 I think that hearing characters speak to you and give you advice, lined up with your belief that Kingdom Hearts is real as well as your inability to function even in internet society, are certainly red flags.

Have you gotten any of that checked out? I mean, your parents worry about that shit, right?

9 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel) : 2013-06-25 20:04 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

There are good benefits to using this technique. I'm going to try to post some links to pages that have some lessons on social behaviors.

10 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-06-25 20:11 ID:NDTWjlRt [Del]

>>9 It's not a technique if you legitimately hear the voices, bro. It'd be one thing if you were pretending to talk to a character but were well aware that they're a separate entity you're imagining... but if the character came to talk to you first, pretending to be an "inner voice" and talking to you from inside your head, there might be an issue :I