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Help!! (7)

1 Name: CrazyElll : 2013-06-22 08:00 ID:OU7rNCN3 [Del]

I really need advice right now. It's not much of a problem but.. still... A friend (a girl) of mine and I were supposed to have a date next saturday. I was sending a message via phone to my other friend about my plans on the date. But I accidentally sent it to her. I accidentally touched her name on my phone. The problem is, that message contained things that would most likely cause misunderstandings... Worst case scenario is that our friendship will be completely broken. I can't really say the content of the message since its private.

2 Name: Taichi-kun : 2013-06-22 08:09 ID:TsmQdVZT [Del]

Send another message and explain everything.

3 Name: CrazyElll : 2013-06-22 08:11 ID:OU7rNCN3 [Del]

I already did, but she's not replying, not even answering my calls. I really don't know what to do.

4 Name: Doug !WAdchFoEJk!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-22 11:48 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

Then you just need to wait till she tries to talk to you first. She may just need space, as agonizing as it may be, you just need to wait.

5 Post deleted by moderator.

6 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-22 17:35 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Ignore >>5. He is just a ghf follower(or possibly him with another name. No one will know.). My suggestion is texting/calling/both appologizing for whatever it was. Tell her you dont want to lose what you had and that you recognize why she is upset. End with saying something along the lines of "if you are unable to forgive me, i wont bother you again, but i hope it wont come to that". Then wait for her to talk to you.

7 Name: Ren : 2013-06-22 20:38 ID:AiSoNiz0 [Del]

No matter what exactly the message said, I advise you to simply fess-up and begin to patch things over.

Maybe there were words not meant for her eyes yet, and that's ok. Words, for the most part, are just words. The connection between two people can create some chaotic and devious thoughts, from time to time, and no one is really to blame for that.

You're not perfect, and neither is she. If you explain your mistake, and work on moving forward, then everything will work out.