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Judging people and making friends (14)

1 Name: Myla : 2013-06-20 10:47 ID:wdrcP17W [Del]

It's so annoying how there are always people who judge you, be it their first impression of you or your appearence. I hate it. I hate the way they avoid just because your different. I act a lot like a guy despite being a girl. So what? Why do my classmates avoid me? They even make friends with the guys. So why? Why am I nothing but a shadow in my class?
It seems that the only people who notice me in class are my two closest friends. The girl is really kind and she doesn't force me to hang out with her, knowing that I'm not that much of an outside person. The guy is someone easygoing. It's so easy to communicate to him. He was the first person I sat beside in my first term of secondary school. However, when we changed seats, he did not care about me anymore. It seems that friends are so hard to make. One moment, you think you have a great friendship with them. The next moment, they ignore you, treating you like you don't exist. No one tried to get to know me. I only had a few true friends in a different class. Even though some of them still don't have a lot in common with me, they still stayed as my friends. I was friendly to my friends and family but I was normally rude to others. Why? Simple; if they don't care about me, why should I care about them? The real world is so cruel. People judge you. 'Friends' either use you are ignore you once they're done being 'friends'. Is it so hard to find someone with a heart? Someone who will just walk up to you, smile at you, offer your their hand and say, "Hi, my name is ______. What's yours?" You can hardly find anyone polite enough to do that anymore. All they care about are themselves and they just forget about others.
I want to get to know someone, someone who won't judge me, someone who won't use me, someone who won't ignore me, someone who will respect me for who I am. I want someone to be my friend. Even though I don't know your face, I want to have someone who I can confide in easily. Someone who respects my opinions.
Once you start judging people, you forget who that person really is. Once you abandon your friends, you miss out on many things that could've been done with a companion...

I just feel the need to voice this out...

2 Name: Hana : 2013-06-20 12:00 ID:GDrN3NEY [Del]

I completely agree. I don't have any "true" friends unfortunately. I have a lot of what you call "school friends", who are semi-fun to be around, but mostly for appearances on either end. They don't get to close to me, and I always try to get close to people but no one really wants to be my true friend, ya know? I invite them to things, try to hang out, and they sometimes invite me to things too...but then summer comes. The "School friends" (who actually are my only friends) seem to disappear. They won't invite me to anything so I end up staying home all the time. They'll come if I invite them, but I know from experience they won't be inviting me anytime soon. I find that really rude...and while at home I of course confide in anime, where there's magic and true, lifelong friendships. It's just a fantasy, but I still wish things like that could happen, ya know? I'm a girl as well, meaning a lot of judging, yes. I'm sorry I've probably just been complaining in this whole post, and I'm sorry sometimes the world sucks so bad. Hi, my name is____. What's yours :)?

3 Name: Wonster !5w1RmFJMLY : 2013-06-20 14:41 ID:lBuiyoCr [Del]

>>1 I wanted to let you know that there are still good people in the world who can see someone's loneliness and approach him/her honestly and with the best intentions. That's how I made my first friend in high school and I'm still incredibly grateful for her. I've switched schools around many times until finally settling down in high school, so I've seen many friends come and go. I've also been alone quite often because I was the new kid and everyone else already had their own friends. However, I've always been fortunate enough to have someone come talk to me eventually. I still consider my high school friends very good friends of mine even after we all separated to go to college. I'm normally too shy to approach anyone, but you've made me want to share the blessings of good friends with others. I don't know how much I can help you, considering physical limitations, but I do want to help others like yourself who are around me. I hope you can bring it in yourself to believe once more that there are good people. If there's anything I can do for you, I'd be happy to help. I pray for the best of luck to you. I liked how >>2 ended her's, so I'll do the same. Hi, my name is ______. What's yours? :D

4 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-20 21:19 ID:LZWGAryi [Del]

'Kay, time for me to put my two cents into this.
I'm that one kid in the group who always takes the blame and sticks up for/protects everyone else, but is ignored most of the time. I'm second best, really.
But I don't blame anyone for it. And I'm not the self-deprecating type at all - I just know that I'm doing my best to be a good person, and at some point they might realise that. You might call them self-absorbed, but I don't think they are. They already HAD friends before I entered the group, they already new which person they were going to work with on that science project, and I can't change that. I just go with the flow.
But I don't care. Because I know that, in the end, I'll still be me. I won't have had to conform to their standards or be their version of the perfect friend.
And yeah, there's a very low chance you'll find someone you can be friends with for life. Changing schools made me lose almost every friend I had, and I had to start anew because my old friends had forgotten me. But there's something amazing about that, and about us as human beings.
We change. Constantly. And sometimes a change is all we need to make everything better.
What I'm trying to say is, yes, not everyone is going to be what you expect of them, and no, I don't think you or I will ever find what we're looking for and be able to keep a hold on them.
But that's okay. Because there ARE good people - you just need to look at it in a different way. If you tell yourself 'no-one has good intentions anymore, they just want to help themselves' then that's how the world will look to you.
But if you look at it positively, you can find good things in the strangest places. That kid who used to call me a freak in primary school? Three years on, he lent me his phone when my mother was sent to hospital and walked me home to make sure I got there alright.
You just need to keep you eyes open and test the limits.
(omg I just read through this wow it's so dorky and nonsensical I'm sorry)

5 Name: Myla : 2013-06-21 00:38 ID:6b6C1EEk [Del]

Thanks to those who had the time to share this with me. :) and perhaps I should not be too negative towards these kind of things. So, pulling myself together,
Hi my real name is Series. What's yours? :)

6 Name: Anarchist : 2013-06-21 01:16 ID:dR3HG7ol [Del]

I like your name! Im way late but the people before me said what I had in mind. So hey my name is Vanessa! Im proud to be different!

7 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-21 01:28 ID:LZWGAryi [Del]

(Man why didn't I think to put this in my original post I'm a doofus)
You two both have really nice names and I'm jealous. But I'm Natasha and it's great to meet you all ^o^

8 Name: Myla : 2013-06-21 01:47 ID:pHlIdUEd [Del]

Argh! I hate my auto correct. Sorry, I meant to say that my name is Seri. And there 's no real need to be jealous of other people's names. Your name represents who you are! :)

9 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-21 05:54 ID:MKLjRTTQ [Del]

Are you just ranting or are you looking for advice? Or you looking for people who share your experience? As for me, this never happens. I never have people "ignoring" me or "avoiding" me. But that's only because I'm a very initiative guy. I don't wait for people to come up to me and say, "Hi, my name is ______. What's yours?" I'm the one who usually do that. If everyone sat around waiting then no one would be talking! Of course, most of my friends I make become acquaintances whom I barely talk to but that's fine. Sometimes your not compatible, sometimes you just drift apart. If I've became close friends with everyone I talked to then I'd have a hard time remembering names! Eventually you'll find someone who's hard to drift apart from. I can only encourage you to initiate yourself instead of waiting for the initiation. I don't like your "friendly to my friends but rude to others" motto. I go with the "respect errbody" motto. Respect everybody, even if they don't mirror that respect. Eventually they'll come around. And if they don't then who cares, no need to stoop down to their level. I'm not usually nice to rude people, but i'm not mean to them either.
I don't know, I tend to find it easier to meet people with this type of mentality.

10 Name: Hana : 2013-06-21 14:16 ID:GDrN3NEY [Del]

My name is Hannah (but I made my Dollars name more Japanese-y) And >>9, that's a really good way to live! I've never really thought of things like show respect to everyone even if you know they're rude or likely not to come around. Maybe I'll try acting like that too :)

11 Name: Blues : 2013-06-21 17:20 ID:5+3fHzs6 [Del]

To have a world where people understand and not simply look. That, would be a glorious thing. I still have hope for it. Maybe the key is making people laugh.

12 Name: jen : 2013-06-22 02:18 ID:L3wU94gj [Del]

Its not that we're into ourselves. Sometimes, people don't approach strangers with a smile or hello because they're scared. They might have a fear of being around people. Almost a paranoid type where they may believe everyone around them is staring at them/talking about them/laughing at them too or just plain disgusted by them. It sounds odd, sure.But don't jump and judge the strangers who pass you by too. We're not all as bad as you think.

13 Post deleted by moderator.

14 Name: 12th Doctor (Axel Faraday) : 2013-06-22 09:12 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]