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Where should I go from here? (3)

1 Name: hihi : 2013-06-02 13:07 ID:uHbK9x25 [Del]

A few days back I attended a camp, and I met someone that I'm interested in. It's really too early to say that I seriously like the person because we never conversed at all. I'll keep the story short; I first saw him during a game of tetherball with friends when he walked by and asked if we were alright, since all of us were shouting and laughing way too much. After what happened, I began to take notice in him for the remaining time that I was there. We made eye contact with each at least once and we didn't sit very far away from each other during meals either. Back at home I managed to find him on Facebook. I'd like to add him and start a conversation, but I'm really doubtful at this point. He might not remember me and think it's weird/creepy that I added him.

2 Name: Doug : 2013-06-02 13:32 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

I think you should just add him and talk to him. I don't think he'd find anything creepy about it. Just a bunch of small talk on facebook. However i'd like to remind you that there is this thing known as infatuation, so before you attempt to chase this as a real thing, consider everything you know about him and how realistic it sounds to say you like him.

3 Name: Paraturtle : 2013-06-03 18:51 ID:kAsNPoyP [Del]

That infatuation point that Doug brings up is incredibly important. You could have the hots for him, but honestly have no actual... connection. If that makes any sense.
And I think it's unsafe to pursue someone in a relationship over any sort of chat or email. My main reasoning of this is because you aren't talking to him, you are talking to a screen. It's more comfortable, normal, and the ideals are easier to protray in speech rather than action.

Therefore, I think if you aren't actually going to meet up with him in person or hang out, that you really shouldn't pursue him.
Sorry. Just my idea. Obviously it's your decision in the end.