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Help/tips wanted (13)

1 Name: Remedy : 2013-05-29 10:16 ID:SNR9RE5N [Del]

OK, basically the backstory is:

I am 16 years old and your typical 'not good with girls gamer' type guy. Last Saturday though, I went to a party and found a girl that is remarkably similar to me. We got on incredibly well, she's super cute and we are weirdly alike. I have extreme trouble with females unless I can treat them as a member of the same sex. Due to this even though we were lying awake in the same bed talking for around 7 hours I could not work up the courage to make a move.

I have also never really felt the need to impress somebody but right now I could really use some help. We kept up contact through facebook but seeing as I kind of missed my shot at the party I am looking for a way to establish a relationship at a later date. I wan't to act like myself but a lot of me feels that if I do i'll just severely fuck it up.

Oh and we are meeting up at somebodies house in a few days, coupled with about 4 more people and a bottle of Smirnoff. However, I'm not sure if ill even be able to do anything then, and if I do (due to my lack of experience) I'm afraid i'll kook it and ruin future chances.

Please, literally any help would be appreciated.

2 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-05-29 10:33 ID:WQQOOex5 [Del]

I don't think that would be good timing.
and to get her you'll need to look for her ques and act on them.
remember, don't go for the but, caress her her ear, look her in the eye, and romance her.
Trust me i've been there.
just remember her as another person, not a prize or object.
you'll be fine.

3 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-05-29 10:34 ID:WQQOOex5 [Del]

now i'm mad that I put "her" twice.
some writer I am.

4 Name: Remedy : 2013-05-29 11:34 ID:SNR9RE5N [Del]

Oh god, sorry for the confusion.

I meant merely get in a relationship not sex.

5 Name: Syo : 2013-05-29 14:38 ID:NLTV93OO [Del]

'Kay, I think I get the problem, you want to get her to like, like you, am I right? Like a romance?
If that's that case, here's what you do, it will take a lot of courage for this.
Ask her to go outside, That's because if you get rejected, the others might laugh at you and say something like "ha! Tough luck!" and you won't like that.
If you know what she likes, you can ask her to do that and share interest.
If that's to tough for you because of her being a different sex than you, you could pretend she's like any other boy, and pretend that you're practicing on how to ask someone out.
If you can't do that and you don't have her Facebook, ask her for it, and ask her out on a real date, just the two of you there. I'm thinking that, it might not me as hard when you don't have to look her in the eyes. And don't look at her as an object if she agrees, or ever for that matter. Girls hate to be treated like a prize that you won, it makes them feel like that you will throw her away the second you get bored. They're not some gum you throw away once you get sick of the taste.
Important if you chose the Facebook-thing. You have to tell her that you're shy to say it straight face. She might think you're not mature enough. You have to admit it right away.
As a girl, I have experience. ^_^
Hope some of this works, good luck!

6 Name: Remedy : 2013-05-30 08:01 ID:SNR9RE5N [Del]

>>5 That's actually really helpful.


7 Name: stitched : 2013-05-31 08:40 ID:EeUtV0xs [Del]

Good luck! ^_^

8 Name: stitched : 2013-05-31 08:40 ID:EeUtV0xs [Del]

Good luck! ^_^

9 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-05-31 12:09 ID:z/Er5A9p [Del]

I also meant relationship.
rereading what I posted it can be easly misread.
my bad.

10 Name: HAM (iPod) : 2013-05-31 14:43 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

Honestly, I'd just ask her to go with you someplace you'll both find interesting (no other friends with) and then just say "I like you." Force it out if you have to, but even just saying that will work unless she's the oblivious kind of person xD

11 Name: Remedy : 2013-05-31 22:27 ID:SNR9RE5N [Del]

Well, the event at somebodies house was cancelled last minute due to the host going to Germany. She hasn't been online in a couple of days so she's either avoiding me or simply doesn't care enough to wan't to talk to me (She doesn't go to my school). Looks like this might be dead before it begins. Sad, was looking forwards to knowing a kindred spirit.

12 Name: shogun : 2013-06-01 10:57 ID:mQHG6dSX [Del]

oh man i completely understand you,and got the same isue as you ,good .and i will also do my best,.

13 Name: Stop It : 2013-06-01 14:57 ID:kLjteFvi [Del]

The biggest turn off in the world is not speaking to a guy for a couple of days and having him think that you're uninterested because of it.

Why not just email her via Facebook and ask if she'd be interested in doing something together since the party got canceled? Maybe she's just been busy. If you guys hit it off so well, don't just give up so quickly. That shows a huge lack of interest and drive on your part.

So, as a girl, I suggest you show some determination and go for it. Confidence is attractive if done correctly.