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do you feel like you don't have a voice? (3)

1 Name: ... : 2013-05-27 23:06 ID:eIFxnJi0 [Del]

Have you ever felt like everything you say is either disregarded, or ignored? Like your opinion doesn't matter (that's the internet for you)? Has it gotten so bad that you just keep quiet? Well this thread is where you can tell everyone about it and those who understand will sympathize.

2 Name: mamoru49 : 2013-05-28 14:33 ID:/sktM2fq [Del]

I felt like this for as long as I can remember. MAybe partly my own fault, for giving up after being ignored time after time. But that doesn't mean the words are gone, their just silent, bottled up inside of you, or if you're lucky, you find an outlet for them. Luckily for me, I finally found people who encouraged me to get my words out and now all of the feelings I've felt are pouring out, so I'm finding room for love, and I can also be the kind of person to identify and help (as much as possible) those who are still feeling like this. And it's not as if I've completely gotten over what I went through. I was just lucky enough not to give in in time to be helped by the right people.

3 Name: Kami : 2013-05-28 16:35 ID:BvfCxVCc [Del]

Yes, it's almost as is every one chose to ignore you.
Your words are like the wind, it's there but no one takes any notice. You start to feel like you don't exist.

It's difficult to bare with the pain however you should only speak when it's necessary and when you do make it loud and make them notice you. If they don't want to listen then it's up to them but make sure they heard you :)