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This a large burden (10)

1 Name: Superdude101 : 2013-05-18 23:04 ID:FJBzWM+L [Del]

A few days ago I after my half a day at high school was done I had to go to the community college for my college credit courses. The fastest way their is this obscure little biking path that I take all time, theirs a large old tree and their was a girl in the tree. I thought she was climbing it or something then I noticed that she had our uniform colors and I got kinda worried when she started getting closer to the edge. I decided to stop walking and tried to warn to get down and then she fell off. I was lucky enough that I caught her even though I ended up hurting my arm. She told me that she was trying to kill herself and I was mortified, she tried to get away and but I caught her and got her to tell me why she tried. she told me that she's tired of it all and doesn't want to deal with her parents that expect so much from her and verbally abuse her. She is also our schools president and peer leader so I was confused as to why she do something like this when the majority of the school likes but she wouldn't say. After a long talk she said she felt better but im not sure and she made me promise to tall no one of the incident. the next day I literally watched her all day and its stressing me out because of the fact that she's acting like she's fine when I know she's not. I don't want her to get in trouble with her parents or word get around at school of what happened but I also don't want to see her like this what do I do. PLEASE HELP!

2 Name: dean : 2013-05-19 02:45 ID:9Rchku7T [Del]

I have a similar problem were I saved a girl about to be killed by two bulldogs. She was walking toward my father who was a mechanic and he was fixing her dad's car. She asked him were he was and pointed at me so I assumed I probably should've probably pointed towards him but instead I walked with her to show were he was. While we're walking two random dogs came up to us barking and so I ran up to one of them and kicked one of them as hard as I could and it died and the other dog ran away whimpering. The girl comes up to me and asks me why I did it and I said because I don't want you to get hurt. Before I could say anything else her dad called for her and saw the dog. He came up to me and punched me several times than got into hit car and drove off with gas leaking out the back with the girl.

By the thought of all that happened I just ran to my mom's house and got in trouble than punched by the same guy but harder than I ran to my room and locked the door for several hours. I am glad that I saved a life because I know I could of.

3 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-19 06:52 ID:sN+yvgkK [Del]

>>2 You kicked a dog just because it was barking at you? What in the actual fuck is wrong with you?

You didn't save her. You scared the shit out of her by hitting a possibly innocent dog because it barked. Until they legitimately try to bite you, you just don't do that kind of shit. "But it was a big scary bull dog!" Bull dogs aren't generally mean - just scary looking. And you just don't do shit like that.

Chuck out your superhero complex already, kid; what you did wasn't right.

I wish that dog bit off your balls for that >I

4 Name: dean : 2013-05-19 09:40 ID:9Rchku7T [Del]

It was running at us with a foamy mouth

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-19 11:34 ID:hbo4LNfF [Del]

>>4 Okay, so let me rewrite this.

Two angry dogs with rabies attacked you two instead of anyone else, and somehow not a single person noticed these two angry dogs foaming at the mouth, barking their snouts off, running through the entire parking area and towards you until after you had hit one. And you somehow managed to kick an angry dog when it was attacking you exactly on its very short nose, and for unknown some reason the other one whimpered and ran away instead of attacking you for hitting the other. Your kick was also somehow strong enough to fling a full grown boxer half your size+ away when it was sprinting at you, with rabies, trying to attack you.

I don't mean to be rude, but this sounds utterly ridiculous. If they were foaming at the mouth and did in fact have rabies, one kick wouldn't have realistically stopped them, nevermind their back up. When there's more than one dog involved, as well, it's very unlikely for them to initiate an attack without a reason, hence rabies, but animals with rabies are like humans on steroids. One kick wouldn't knock sense into it if it was dead set on attacking you, nor would it have scared away the other dog.

But hey, whatever. I suppose it's not my place to be calling out fictional stories. /shot

6 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-05-19 13:14 ID:qmPtxcYQ [Del]

>>5 And he says he killed it with one kick. Of all the bullshit I've read here, this fag definitely a competitor for taking the cake.

7 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-05-19 14:45 ID:NMGC6rtI [Del]

I'm sorry, can we go back to where OP says the girl tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a tree? Or the fact that he "caught" her without anything but a hurt arm? Either the girl herself is totally dense or that's more bull. This thread is just...ugh. >_>

8 Name: superdude101 : 2013-05-19 15:59 ID:FJBzWM+L [Del]

OMG please ignore this my bro thought this would be funny and its just not god I am so sorry to everyone this is just so ...... ugh please just ignore this Im literally mentally punishing myself for leaving the page up while I was out

9 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-05-19 16:20 ID:NMGC6rtI [Del]

Mystery solved. No worries, just let the thread die.

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-19 17:51 ID:ejqpG7nv [Del]

>>6 I didn't even notice that. Goddamn.

>>7 That much was obvious. I was just responding to Dean specifically since he was stupid enough to reply to this thread.

>>8 Ty for saying so c:
>>9 This.