Dollars BBS | Personal
















lost and scared. (12)

1 Name: confused : 2013-05-13 12:50 ID:2cYrCPyp [Del]

i sit at school and i bare to speak a word of how i feel all the kids at school they just dont care about anyones feelings they joke about shit like rape and cutting but they dont know how it feels to know what its like to go through that stuff. When i was 7 i trusted my friends uncle and he sexually touched me he tricked me to coming in the house and in its like being locked in a room with someone u can not escape those words he spoke to me touching my leg telling me to get on top trapping me in a cornor is a nightmare ill never forget even though i escaped and was lucky everyone says move on move on its the past but its not easy to move on from something like that its a nightmare i bare to remember every day of my life and i just wanna wake up

2 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-05-13 13:16 ID:qmPtxcYQ [Del]

1. For the love of god, OP, use punctuation. It's not hard.

2. We have complaining and rage threads already.

3 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-05-13 20:21 ID:lu1GxXBm [Del]

OK crisis really? Are you like a grammar coach or what?! And this is the personal board, if people want to put their story's here let them.

And confused, I know you're pain; 3 years ago I was hit by a truck. I won't boar you with all the details but 3 days after the crash my dad finally chose to com see if I was OK. I couldn't stand it! I felt rejected! I know its not the same pain but, I can empathize.
So smile! The worlds not as bad as you think!

4 Name: Reggie : 2013-05-14 00:48 ID:nl8+Yzhg [Del]

One time I was molested.
I got over it.
Quit being a pussy.
Kill yourself or get stronger.

5 Name: Crisis !JjfHYEcdHQ : 2013-05-14 03:20 ID:qmPtxcYQ [Del]

>>3 This thread is to complain, for which we have a thread readily available to avoid clutter. We aim to keep this site organized, and that's how we do it. As such, >>1 is misplaced, and it is my duty to inform them. Also, poor grammar will negatively impact every aspect of OP's life at some point. Enforcing grammar here will affect OP for the better.

6 Name: Reggie : 2013-05-14 03:46 ID:nqm1EJ6w [Del]

Not only that, but he got the advice he needs.
Thread is resolved.

OP, I'm serious. You can't live in the past. Yea, it sucks but so does most things. The less you dwell on it being shitty the less shitty it, and everything else, will seem.

7 Name: BroIzaya : 2013-05-14 06:47 ID:A/UY+htT [Del]

My sister had something familiar to what happened to you, Confused. She can't move on either and I don't blame her. I try to not mention it so she dosen't remember again and get depressed. I hope you feel better, though. I'm not sure if this really helps you, if it does feel free to talk to me anytime you want ^-^

8 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-05-14 22:15 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

My advise is seek counselling. the pain may never go away but you will be able to learn how to deal with it. counselling can help with the nightmares and help you move on. you're not going to just wake up and all the pain will be gone. Unfortunately, no one can do that. Seek help from a professional and you may be able to deal with the pain. Good luck.

9 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-06-04 11:23 ID:9/dHNdVN [Del]

first, crisis you're an asshole, this is serious.
second, for you're problem there is no easy answer, it's hard to forget such a helpless moment, but you can turn that fear to hate and motivation.
fight! if not the man that hurt you then life itself!
you can become stronger through this experiance.
keep strong and ignore the fools of this world.
I was almost murdered on 2 occasions, the first one I was saved, the second I killed my attacker.
there are alot of people like us who have seen the face of hell, all you can do is spit in it's eye.
stay strong.

10 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-04 11:37 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>9...The hell are you doing? These threads are so dead... Why are you bumping them? It's not like OP bumped them to say that he/she still needed help.

11 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-06-04 11:47 ID:9/dHNdVN [Del]

I ran out of stuff to help with.
(can't get online often)
also, you never know the difference you make untill you make it.
they might still want help but forgot about the thread, besides it helps people with similar problems who read these.
call it guilt, redemption, an attempt to save myself.
what ever you call it, it's why I help.

12 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-04 11:59 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>11 You know what? Whatever. I just don't care anymore.