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Got some friend issues. (16)

1 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-05-09 18:33 ID:wOIPkEVi [Del]

tl;dr I'm ignoring my friends and a psycho bitch wants to rape my corpse. Advice is appreciated.

Righto, I've got a bit of a problem on my hands that I think would be nice to get out.
Now, since I started high school I broke away from quite a few of my friends due to being at different schools (read: they were dicks so I never spoke to them again). But there were two people who I always stuck with.
Now, one of these we'll call K. She's been my best friend for some nine years, I think. She's the only person who bothered to talk to me after I changed schools - we'd talk on the phone every other night because I had to move to the other side of the state due to financial problems.
The other we'll call J. He's a pretty cool guy, I've known him for about three years now. We have a lot of common interests and he would take me to cons with him, that kind of thing.
So last year, I introduced the two. I thought they'd get along and we could all do things together when K was able to come to my place every year.
But no.
They were crushing on each other.
They were going and doing things together without inviting or telling me.
J already had a girlfriend.
He cheated on her.
Okay, let's go over my feelings here. I can't stand people who cheat on their partners because that's what my father did and it really fucked my family up.
On top of that, the fact that they were trying to hide all this from me was just terrible. I'm the kind of person who knows as soon as I look at you that you're up to something, and they were no exception.
So I tried to not speak about J when I was with K and vice versa. But when our annual meet-up-and-movie-night rolled around, she asked if J could come.
I knew it was coming, so I faked being half asleep when she called me and refusing so I wouldn't look bad (Yes, I am a horrible person. Forgive me.)
But he showed up anyway, and together they trashed my house. Really fucking badly. It was a fucking mess; food everywhere and spray paint all over the walls. Yes they took the spray paint cans from my garage and wrote on the walls.
Of course I took the blame for it.
You can imagine how fucking fed up I was at this point.
So, in January, I blocked them on every messaging application I had. I deleted my Facebook and changed my phone number. J came to my house multiple times because he was worried about me (I often forget to eat and tend to get really sick), but I pretended I wasn't in. Luckily J and I went to different schools huh.
It's been almost five months and I'm pretty happy with my life. My school friends don't interfere with my home life and I don't interfere with theirs. I don't have close friends or people I can talk to around, but I don't really need them.
There's another person in the equation though.
Let's called her JA.
Now, I was friends with JA back in year 5 and 6. But when I left for highschool my god she turned into a bitch.
She's the really privileged girl who can do whatever she wants and buy whatever she wants, but still complains. And she complains to people with real problems who should be the ones whining.
One of them is me and oh god it's worse than the death sentence.
Now, before I deleted my Facebook J, JA, myself and a few others had a group where we'd post funny things and talk to each other, since we were all at different schools.
But at some point she started posting about how terrible her day was (it really wasn't) and how depressed she was (she really wasn't) et ect. (My mother has had depression for the past five years yes I know what it is.)
So when I told her to stop she flipped the fuck out at me and started telling me I was a bad friend for not letting her post that bullshit in the group and how I was a crybaby (No really she actually called me that?). So, very much fed up with her, I left the group.
Here's where it gets really interesting though. After leaving the group when she said she didn't want to be my friend anymore, I went on to block her on Facebook and all my other social networks/chat outlets. But I forgot about deviantArt didn't I.
So she sent me a message on deviantArt saying "Natasha are you okay?? Please don't hurt yourself I'm sorry for what I said" (quote right there)
And I just died laughing.
Really. She thought I would hurt myself because she called me a bad word.
Since then I've ignored her, and gone on as usual. All through that time she's been getting mutual friends to send me messages, here are a few:
"I'm going to kill myself and it'll all be your fault you stupid bitch" (Okay I'm not sure what I did but sure if your that intent on it?)
"I'll send my boyfriend to come and rape you" (Why would you want your boyfriend to RAPE me???? Also, note that JA's 13 and her boyfriend is 19.)
Along with a large number of threats to my school friends that I won't go into detail about as they are rather graphic.
JA is the girl who posts those really annoying, dramatic black and white photographs of herself with a sad face to attract attention. She says she has problems because she has an older brother who is mean to her, aka almost every other child with an older sibling ever.
But I have a big advantage over her, being that I'm good friends with her mother and have evidence of all the horrible things she has said to both myself and my friends so if she tries anything her mother will put her in lockdown for the rest of her life.
But yeah, five months on and I'm doing better than I ever have. I'm still doing great at school an I'm happy with my life, but everyone I wanted to leave behind is trying to worm their way back in and I really don't want them to. We were good friends, but they've changed in a way I can't stand.
So, anyone got anything for me? Advice, a scolding for being horrible, ect? I'd appreciate it.
(Also, sorry for any misspelling - had to type this on my phone because my computer isn't working properly.)

2 Name: Dresden X2 : 2013-05-09 20:50 ID:ZfiX2qlq [Del]

Normally I'd say try and repair the bond that was damaged, reconcile and such.
However, with what you said they did, just leave them be. They haven't shown you the respect you deserve, so don't acknowledge them as anything more than just other people. Just don't hurl insults or start fights between them, because if you do, then you'll become part of the problem.

3 Name: Shizuku : 2013-05-09 21:07 ID:0Qgc5MZR [Del]

well,i think it was a litle harsh but you did the right thing,also,for the mesaging problem you can try blocking them every time you got a message by that,as for the threats you can report it to the authorities if you think they´re gonna go along with any of whatever they say,especially JA and her boyfriend,but overall you're doing great,if they really know that you did all this so you can get away from them and they still continue like you said means they'll most probably keep at it until you deal with the problem somehow,unless you find a way to be "unreacheable" through any way of a social networking,anyone wanna follow up on this or does someone else have a better idea of how to deal with this? (hope i helped)

4 Name: Xenon!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-05-09 23:01 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Ignore them. JA is just being stupid and if it really upsets you, tell her you dont care. She is out for attention. If you give it to her, she will come back for more. It's like any other parasite. As for J, tell him he lost all your respect when he started cheating. As for K, she may not have known about J's girlfriend so you cant hold her responcible for the cheating. You an explain that fucking up your house crossed the line and you are conflicted about whether or not you except the way she has changed. As for J about the house problem, say that basically pushed you over the edge and unless he can prove he is a better person, you want nothing to do with him. If they respect you enough and value you as a friend, they will apologize and make it up to you. If they dont value you as a friend, they wont care and you should seek new friends.

5 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-06-04 11:15 ID:9/dHNdVN [Del]

my diagnoses...
J is an asshole, k is a slut, and JA is godess of bitch.
bail on them all and find better friends.
thats what I did and I've never looked back.
(I'm a junior)

6 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-04 11:38 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>5...The hell are you doing? These threads are so dead... Why are you bumping them? It's not like OP bumped them to say that he/she still needed help.

7 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-16 09:03 ID:TWzn8BNE [Del]

Oh look, I'm bringing this back to life. Because we've had a pretty serious development.
Guess who just moved in a few streets away from my house and is coming to visit multiple times per week?
It's not like I don't enjoy his company and all, we have fun and stuff, but I don't want to be near him anyway. I'm generally able to predict when he's coming and make a plan with my family to keep him out or pretend to be asleep so he leaves, but even when I do that he still hangs around. I really don't like that.
I don't want him to know what I've been doing, but my family trusts him and sometimes let things slip.
And just last Wednesday, I went for an LP at the hospital and have been pretty ill since then. I've been in bed the entire weekend - thank God he thinks I've gone to stay with my father.
But, with me being so sick (I've been vomiting a lot, and experiencing the most severe migraines yet. I went to go pick up a new pair of glasses and threw up in the middle of the shopping center :/ Not fun), I can't go to school tomorrow. And J usually comes on Mondays. Knowing that I'm sick (As my mother will surely tell him), he'll try to stick around.
Frankly I am not in the state to be stressed out by this. I'm genuinely hoping they hospitalize me again so I don't have to deal with him.
And speaking of being stressed out, on Thursday (When I got back from the hospital), I thought he had come over and had a minor panic attack. I fell over and vomited all over my shoes+coat trying to get to my mother and tell her to get rid of him. It's having a very severe effect on me - one which I would really like to avoid.
A bit of advice? I don't want to be the douchebag here by telling him to fuck off, as he will surely whine about it to our mutual friends and I'll be seen as the bad guy.

8 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-16 09:06 ID:TWzn8BNE [Del]

Oooh, ooh, I forgot to mention the good news: My family and I should be moving away soon! I'll be leaving without telling anyone where I'm going, of course - don't want someone to come looking.
(I sound like a criminal now :P)

9 Name: Solace !5RRtZawAKg : 2013-06-16 09:16 ID:yBcCDkMV [Del]

Jesus Christ, did you say that you were 13?

That's already more social drama than what I have had in my entire life, kind of seems like you should give J another chance to be your friend though, people change a lot around that age.

10 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-16 17:15 ID:TWzn8BNE [Del]

>>9 Yup, the joys of being a teenager surrounded by other teenagers :'D
I might, but I've actually just made contact with a VERY old friend (Ten years behind us, minimum) and his parents - I should be going to see him next month, and we were actually planning on moving in to his area, so.
I'll see how the next few weeks/months we're still in this suburb for go with J, but ultimately I think it would be best to try and make some new friends and put all this stupidity behind me.

11 Name: Saika : 2013-06-17 06:37 ID:BMFgEm2d [Del]

You're 13? Man this sucks.
I don't understand.
How were K and J able to get into your house and trash it? Where were your parents? Where were their parents? Why would you be blamed for it? Do you regularly vandalize property belonging to yourself or others?
Does your family have any inkling of what's going on? Please, don't rely on lying or pretending to be sick or whatever to get out of seeing them, tell your family you don't want to see these people until you're ready. Your house is your private space, it shouldn't be leaking intruders.
As for JA, I think she has some real problems. Like problems that can be fixed up by seeing a psychiatrist or getting some good ol' reality check. It's totally possible she's a depressed histrionic (great combination, she's actually depressed and she's also a drama queen).
Anyway, to me it sounds like you 'know' what you want but at the same time you don't. Good job on blocking the people that make your life suck, but man, I don't see why you have to go sneaking around to avoid them. It's your life, either tell them to get out or make plans to have serious talks with them to sort out the mess and see if reparations can be made.
You're only 13. They might change later but you don't have to keep them around now.
Good luck Blinking-san

12 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-17 13:55 ID:TWzn8BNE [Del]

>>11 Yeah, they got into my house because I let them, technically. I usually have K come over from across the state for my birthday and stay over for a day or two, and even after telling J not to come, he still showed up :\
My mother isn't home often (she goes to see her friends and stay at their place most of the time and leaves my brother and I at home) as she trusts me quite well. K has always been a little... messy. But nothing like what happened that day. I think that her being around J amplified that, like she was trying to impress him? And no, I'm not a vandal - I don't leave my room for long enough to vandalize anything :P
And I guess my mother blamed me because I effectively let them. I asked them to stop time and time again, even made them go outside and stay there, but they just made a mess of the pool+garden. And they don't really consider me authority (Though they probably should, me being both the oldest and, while my mother is out, in charge of the house) so they didn't listen to me.
So it is partially my fault, but my point is that they did this to my house and didn't try to help me clean up or explain that I didn't do it.
My mother kind of knows, since I live with her, but my father has no clue. He generally stays away from my friends and keeps out of my social life - I only see him once every two weeks - so it never really seemed like I had to tell him?
My mother is aware of it, and tries to keep hem away, but not actively. She has other things to worry about I guess?
As for JA, I'm not even going to bother anymore - she's a nuisance that isn't worth my time at this point. I'm just going to ignore her and avoid thinking about her now.
And yeah, I hate having to sneak around to stay away from them. I can't even go to the shopping center after school because I don't want him to see me.
I'm taking this week off school though, so I'll have some time to think about everything. Hopefully I won't get any unpleasant visits :)
(Sorry if this doesn't make any sense; it's five in the morning and I just woke up)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2013-06-23 00:43 ID:MKLjRTTQ [Del]

You're so young...LOOL When I was 13 I was so carefree, I thought all young people were like that.
I don't like how J and K just sprayed paint your house, that's CRAZY. Understandable though, I did stupid things when I was that age. My advice for you is to actually confront J about the issue at hand. He seems like a pleasant guy, save for the fact that he cheated on his girlfriend but maybe hearing it from his mouth might change the situation.

14 Name: ~Narukami : 2013-06-23 02:11 ID:A3CHn0rM (Image: 264x200 jpg, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1371971496314.jpg: 264x200, 16 kb
Thats pretty much sums what I was going to say

15 Name: Harukaron : 2013-06-23 08:58 ID:/Lx77vh1 [Del]

The only things i can advide you is don't be a dickhead and try to forgive them.

Humans can forgive but they will never forget things which passed.But now you want to troh peoples who you liked away like trash. Do you truly want to be like the rest of the society which give everything up because they think it can't be helped or it would be very stressfull to rescue something or do you want to be other a new kind of human a new creature who make the things which he want independently what other peoples thinks about you.

Sometimes we have to make decisions which we will hate for the rest of your life and you will ask in 20 years why do you don't gived them up and be now good friends with them so could say that your are not an asshole or somebody which don't care about the life of other humans.

You decide little girl. But every path you take will be the right because YOU decided it and not other peoples thats because i say to you that you don't should hear on the advice of other peoples there and decide itself what you want to do.

I think that i will not write with you anymore so i will say good luck in the future and never forget that every decision you decide is right no matter how crazy or false it was. Bye

16 Name: Blinking!!XI8GEi6V : 2013-06-23 10:15 ID:LZWGAryi [Del]

Hm, I don't want to be the douche in this situation, but I think I already am. But I don't like how they, who I used to really like, have changed over the past year or two. They've become the kind of people I don't want to be associated with.
Of course, this is only the beginning of our teenage years - they could change for the better, or for the worse. But I guess I'll just have to wait and see. For now I just want to let the issue rot. But we have school holidays next week and no doubt J's going to try and bug me.
I don't like having people around because they give me headaches - my doctor has recommended that I avoid prolonged exposure to people or anything stressful, which often means I have to leave school early. Having someone who stresses me out as much as J around a few times per week is not good for my health, and I'm really fucking sick of people causing my health do decline and thus ruin my grades.
Also, it's my birthday this Friday and a good friend is going to come visit me before he leaves the country. I don't want anyone - J or K or JA, or any of my other friends - to interrupt our meetup because I want to actually enjoy my birthday.
But chances are SOMEONE is going to pop by and try to stay. I swear if anyone tries to stick around while my friend is here I will just slam the door in their face.
(I'm far too tired to give a legitimate response to all your replies but thank you all)