Dollars BBS | Personal
















Scars? (31)

1 Name: Zuke : 2013-05-08 08:13 ID:qTrBMTxK [Del]

I saw a thing a while ago that said " no scars equal a boring life" what do you guys think?? And what (or how many) different scars do you guys have?

2 Name: Magnolia : 2013-05-08 08:34 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

"Persoal Board: for people seeking personal help, life advice, or counseling."

Not only does this not belong here but you double posted.

3 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-08 08:44 ID:fNg7HtlP [Del]

>>2 The Personal board has evolved to anything personal rather than just what the description suggests. Even if you're not venting or asking for advice, you can still share things related to school/work/sex/appearances or things you're not normally comfortable talking about.

It's been this way for a while... where you been bro? lol

4 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-08 08:45 ID:fNg7HtlP [Del]

But really Zuke, you accidentally posted this twice. Please delete the one that has no replies lower on the page. v

5 Name: Magnolia : 2013-05-08 09:56 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>3 So asking about how many scars we have... is personal? ...Really?
I know its evolved, but that's still a pretty good definition of what this board is about. The outliers tend to fit under life advice.

" still share things related to school/work/sex/appearances or things you're not normally comfortable talking about."
And when people do that... arent they usually asking for advice or counsceling??
Still don't think this belongs here, even if he is your friend.

6 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-05-08 13:13 ID:64H/lbR8 [Del]

>>5 "even if he is your friend"
I don't even know who he is =__= This is the first post of his I've even seen, so please kindly go screw yourself.

And they're not always asking for advice. A lot of the longer lasting threads aren't, tbh. Most of the advice threads are very short-term and get twenty posts before disappearing in the archive anyway.

7 Name: Magnolia : 2013-05-08 14:04 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>6 No thanks. But cool your tits young lady. I misread your last sentence.

This is what it was:
"It's been this way for a while... where you been bro? lol"
And this is what I saw:
"It's been a while... where you been bro? lol"
How? Not sure. I haven't slept all night though, so that might as well be a reason.




If it's not asking for advice, it's provide personal info. What you like, what you hate, what you want sexually, what you want relationship wise...

I got 10 scars on my body- What the fuck does that matter???

Somebody come answer before a bitch goes insane.

8 Name: Zuke : 2013-05-08 16:22 ID:qTrBMTxK [Del]

>>7 It did occur to me that some people would think this would be in the wrong section but I know some people find scars to be a personal issue. That is why I asked about the statement in the first post...

9 Name: Magnolia : 2013-05-08 17:36 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

Sigh, fine I get it.
Let the stories on scars begin.

10 Post deleted by user.

11 Name: Yukimora Sanada : 2013-05-08 18:51 ID:DkWtXeiO [Del]

I have 45 different scares that are physical and that is true, if you don't feel the adrenaline rush in a fight then life isn't as well

12 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-11 08:30 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]


Try to not make shit up dollars. Also, feel free to provide photographic evidence of these scars.

13 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-05-11 12:45 ID:NMGC6rtI [Del]

Scars huh? Well the statement "No scars equals a boring life." is tricky. Self-afflicted scars aren't a mark of honor in any form so much as a plea for aid, and others belay the fact the some would prefer boredom over their experience. I myself have roughly four, the largest being on the back of my head where someone smacked me with a board and nail. I also have a few white hairs from where the electricity exited my body after being struck by lightning last summer. (Not going bald, they just grow without pigment now).
>>12 I could probably get a pic of the hairs, but I ain't shaving my head to show the scar off.

14 Name: Sairam : 2013-05-11 14:05 ID:k15N4AoV [Del]

I don't really have scars from fighting honestly. But a snake bit me on the nose when i was real young so i have faint scars on my nose. And i have a line on the back of my neck from where a snowboarder landed on me. (The edge caught right under my helmet, big cut very painful) lol i probably have more but those are the memorable ones.

15 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-11 14:41 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>13 "Self-afflicted scars aren't a mark of honor in any form so much as a plea for aid"
That was really deep and I seriously respect that.
Feel free to take a picture of your white hair, because I think that's pretty awesome.

Worse scar I got is on my arm. It doesn't look as bad anymore, but I got it while I was amateur skateboarding down a large hill, and the board was too unstable. I actually cherished the scar until I found out that with it, it meant I couldn't do modeling photos anymore. :(

16 Name: Acesa : 2013-05-11 15:25 ID:cqWScRi5 [Del]

I have one scar on my lower back where I got stitches cause the doctors thought I had a cancerous mole (It wasn't though). I also have some on my legs and arms from when I was a clumsy kid

17 Name: person : 2013-05-12 13:13 ID:AC9CVPaS [Del]

One on my left foot from when I was 5. I was playing with a balloon, and there was this soon-to-be-put-up light covering that goes over the light bulb on the ceiling. It was square with pointed edges. My balloon went over to where the light covering was on the floor in the corner, so when I shot forward to catch my balloon as it went over to the corner, the corner of the light covering cut my foot. I now have a scar on the top of my left foot shaped like a seven.

18 Name: Jobro : 2013-05-12 14:52 ID:Wp/WDem2 [Del]

you dont need scars to have a fun life you could be a dare devil and have no scars cuz ur careful and good at what you do and some people get scars cuz there clumsy so no you dont need scars

19 Name: ~AI~ : 2013-05-12 15:04 ID:9Z+JUWap [Del]

I have many tiny scars because of playing when I was little and because of my cat. The biggest of those is a large one on my elbow. I played with my sis and hang at a perch, she went away and I couldn't hold on to it any longer. I fell down on my left arm and it broke, so it had to be operated. This happend on a easter sunday and it was pretty hard for me not to swim during summer. .___.

20 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-05-30 04:10 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]


21 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-05-30 18:15 ID:W/VURVYA [Del]

I have a scar on the top of my head from when my dad accidentally (Emphasis on accidental!) crashed the car boot/trunk/whatever-you-call-it-in-your-country door on my head. I was curious about something in there and dad was about to close it, so I stuck my head in and my dad didn't see me, so he crashed the door on my head. Luckily, we were parked riiiigggghhhttt next to a hospital, so I got myself glued up pretty quick.

22 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-05-30 18:17 ID:W/VURVYA [Del]

I also have a less interesting scar on my lower back from being stupid in the bathtub when I was, like, four.
I tried to stand up and the tap/faucet/whatever was behind me and...yeah...

23 Name: stitchedpanda : 2013-05-30 20:01 ID:EeUtV0xs [Del]

I have a scar on my forehead from when I fell onto concreate steps, face first, when I was little. And I have a few on my arms from before I knew how to cope with things. Scars are like permanent journals. I like that they make you remember things, but I think it is better to try not getting them XD

24 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-05-30 20:12 ID:W/VURVYA [Del]

>>23 Face first? Ouch!

25 Name: stitchedpanda : 2013-05-30 21:46 ID:EeUtV0xs [Del]

Yeah, tell me about it. My mom freaked out when I stumbled up to her with hole in my head, a face full of gravel, and blood running down my face and arms. Now I laugh about it though. Oh, and I've acquired the nickname, "Harry Potter."

26 Name: Misaki Yata : 2013-05-30 21:56 ID:1fDrZ4QF [Del]

yo man, I have 12 scars on me!

27 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-05-30 22:33 ID:7u5nCGJa [Del]

>>25 Lol, I laugh about my head scar a lot too. That injury probably increased my IQ by 70 (I was really dumb before that), so I do not underestimate head injuries. Positive outcomes from suc injuries are a 1 in a million chance, and I took that change from 999,999 people, and if my head was hit even a tiny bit differently, I might not even be abe to type. But I still laugh about it. I can say "I was hit on the head by a car", and I still technically wouldn't be lying. XD

28 Name: Emiri : 2013-05-30 22:52 ID:a65XmxJO [Del]

I agree that no scars equal a boring life. I have scars that r both inward an outward and way more then I can count!

29 Name: RedWingedZeera : 2013-05-31 07:47 ID:OC44EuVa [Del]

I'd think its better to say no scars equal you're lying basically. Everyone has a scar of some sort, a burden they carry throughout their life, something they try to get over. It could be physical or emotional. I have plenty of both myself I have a big scar on my knee, plenty on my chest (from a cat), ones on my knuckles, and some around my knee I've had forever and don't know where they're from. I've got a lot of internal scars too. I struggle with them at times but I push through.

30 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-05-31 08:26 ID:jSEJAx3x [Del]

Technically speaking, our belly buttons are just massive scars.
I have a bad habit of ruining everyting with science and over-literal thinking...

31 Name: Solace : 2013-05-31 09:36 ID:SNR9RE5N [Del]

>>30 Then if the big bang theory is right isn't the universe just one giant scar? I mean a scar is the after-effects of an old wound right?

I dunno.