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Chaos<xx> (7)

1 Name: Saki-San !C5LRbHQgUw : 2013-05-07 14:53 ID:3lVozads [Del]

ok. well, this is kind of hard to explain, but ill try.
First off, ive been having some depression issues. like, its gotten so bad that i ended up cutting myself. and someitmes i still have that prickling sensation... umm ok so i guess ill explain it. my family life isnt so great as what i say it to be. my dad anf mom divorced, and now my dad and stepmom fight every time me and my siblings come over. not exaggerating. and they are loud. my mom is overyl protective, and once she slapped me across the face all over a stupid remark that i had said. it left a red mark. my grandpa, (i call him Opa), is very, very ill and i dont even know if hes still alive or not. it really aches me to see him that way. my mom would care less for me, and doesnt like me hanging around people much. i cant take it. she lies to me, and it hurts to see that. i dont know what to do.......

2 Name: Lewdacris !dl1gC1QXbA : 2013-05-07 15:14 ID:VdtUWrJW [Del]

You should definitely hang out with your friends or at other people's houses. Some of my friends ask consent from other parents if they can stay in their house to avoid their family lifestyle. I know it's hard to endure, but cutting yourself won't make them notice you... If there there are a few safe people that you can confide them, go to them for most of the day.

3 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-06-04 11:33 ID:9/dHNdVN [Del]

there is an old saying, if the ties are bad then they are better off severed.
move to a friends house, obviously your family is past the point of no return, but don't take it out on yourself.
please, don't hurt yourself.
find a new place thats less stressfull.
but not a guys house, it's in the dna to get with a girl by any means, so stay with a female friend you can trust and don't lose hope on the rest of the world.
p.s. if you're bi then still stick with the girl, more respect.
good luck

4 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-04 11:37 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>3 ...The hell are you doing? These threads are so dead... WHy are you bumping them? It's not like OP bumped them to say that he/she still needed help.

5 Name: HeartLock : 2013-06-04 11:51 ID:VhLNGR+k [Del]

you got some bad experiences man but to tell you the truth, it happens to anyone. divorce, family fights, health problems, etc. can happen to anyone.

the only thing i can say is moping around and cutting yourself won't get you anywhere. you're not a masochist, right? your mother and father have their own problems. if helping them is something you have to do, then do something, if not, then don't do anything. some things are better to leave it and forget it, just focus on what can still be fixed.

Remember, not only you has the problem worst than everyone. every problem has a solution

I don't know if you're a christian or something, but it's best if you pray about it.

hope this helps :))

6 Name: Dark Stormer : 2013-06-04 11:53 ID:9/dHNdVN [Del]

>>4 and the thread lives, see?
you never know with these things.
if it was from this month then I'll coment.

7 Name: Magnolia!2ipznOcc5g : 2013-06-04 11:58 ID:ZY9N057R [Del]

>>6 It lives because YOU BUMPED IT. It's old. Just let it die.