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Being your self but not being your self (5)

1 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-30 10:39 ID:Kcu7gXCI [Del]

Ok now many people out there with Asphergers syndrome have been told this at some point when discussing "professional behavior". Someone says "to work in a professional setting, you need to be yourself but not be your self." And then we feel like everyone is forcing us to be someone we truly are not. There is a confusing line between acting as you should at work and completely altering who you are to suit everyone else. It's hard to grasp but the real truth is no one is really telling you your personality is wrong and must be as others see fit but it is that in the work place you must be playing the role of -insert your own name here) the professional. You are not changing who you are, your acting. (I know by now you want to correct my use of the word Your, I don't feel like being a English teacher today but please correct me if you must)
If you wish to discuss how you feel about personality suppression or how you feel about others telling you how to feel, when to feel, and where to feel it, please comment.

2 Name: NekoIzaya : 2013-04-30 12:56 ID:QIdmXw9J [Del]

I have this syndome, and I've been told and told again by my parents 'don't doodle on your school work' and junk. So 2hat if I doodle? In my own way it helps me focus. Also, not many people in my school know I have it, so I get picked on for my behavior. I snapped a few weeks back when this girl flipped on me just for being nice. Anyways... I think that we shouldn't suppress who we are just to "fit in". I don't WANT to fit in! I want to be original! I can't help that I was born with this syndrome! I am proud of who I am and I think everyone should be too. Don't act like wjo you're not. Act like who you are. "Let your colors burst", as said by Katy Perry.

3 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-04-30 19:25 ID:JjLkqAqU [Del]

Don't force yourself to be something you aren't just to fit in. However, you may need to alter some of your behaviors in order to keep a job. Everyone does it, some just do it better than others. Some are bothered by it more than others. I don't have a disorder, I was just raised differently than most people. I was painfully aware that I didn't fit in at my work over the summer, I just stayed calm around all my coworkers and was nice without being fake.

Don't try to change your feelings for others, but learn to control your reactions to your feelings. For example, you wouldn't hit someone just because you got mad, you express your anger and move on with your life. It's the same with work, you can show your emotions but you can't always act on them the way you normally would.

Good luck with finding your place in life.

4 Name: NekoIzaya : 2013-04-30 23:20 ID:QIdmXw9J [Del]

>>3 Very well said.

5 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-05-01 10:49 ID:9/jAhnKb [Del]

(I'm not saying I am an English teacher, I used that as an example of the joke i made.)