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Purpose of living (8)

1 Name: Sama Kami : 2013-04-30 06:15 ID:TI7MxUxX [Del]

I just want to know peoples opinions on our purpose of life, I believe that their is no purpose to life until you make one yourself and if you think the same way I do what is your purpose of living if you have one? I believe that it is my purpose in life to help people so when I get older I will be joining the police force so that I can help people so what is the purpose in living and what is your purpose of living
Sorry if this is a duplicate I went down to like 800 and was like screw it I am going to make a new thread because I couldn't find one like this

2 Name: Xeniar : 2013-04-30 06:22 ID:oqQpAszH [Del]

My opinion is that we all don't have one in the beginning. We must search for it as we grow. Life is full of surprises, after all.
As of yet, I do not have a permanent purpose. It currently is "just to be happy".

3 Name: Xeniar : 2013-04-30 06:24 ID:oqQpAszH [Del]

I apologise for double posting but to find for a specific thing in the long list of threads, click "View All Threads" and then hit "Ctrl F". That will bring up a search bar where you can find what you need. c:

4 Name: Dstar89!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-04-30 23:19 ID:8NS6Xtpv [Del]

I believe each person's purpose of living is to benefit another one's which is to benefit someone elses, and so on. Whether it'd be helping one guy at the grocery store, or stopping world hunger.

5 Name: Kami : 2013-05-28 16:53 ID:BvfCxVCc [Del]

Well I think that you must give life a purpose.
Like you said, there is no purpose until you make one your self.
Also the most important thing is that you don't give up and live until the very end.

Every one has a reason to live, you won't find out the reason until you live your life till the very end.
You were born because life is trying to teach you something, tell you something, it's preparing you for something.
Something that happens after Death. :)

6 Name: Doug : 2013-05-28 18:04 ID:2vf/h4Hf [Del]

>>1 I actually agree with you in a sense. Personally I feel we have two meanings in life. One being physical and the other being meta-physical.

Physical meaning is the biological imperatives such as eating, sleeping, reproduction, etc.

Meta-physical is your personal, emotional and spiritual meaning for living. It's the meaning you set out to find for yourself and use to define for why you live.

This is why i feel we have the gift of the mind, because with our mind we're able to define ourselves further than just one meaning that seems cold and heartless.

7 Name: Sama Kami : 2013-06-03 22:53 ID:dFHxb8YZ [Del]

>>6 Yes that is what i wanted the Meta-physical way
i want to know peoples opionions on how they wish to live their livies and what do they believe is their true calling(not sure if used correct wording their)

8 Name: Stitched : 2013-06-04 09:05 ID:EeUtV0xs [Del]

I think the purpose of life is to be as happy as possible in the end. That and I think that everyone should do something in some part of their life to make the world a better place before they die.