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Its been 3 years (3)

1 Name: Kumiko : 2013-04-22 23:43 ID:fWiYX+bF [Del]

I had this problem for 3 years now i am just gonna let it out.
Are my friends really my friends? i had been having trust issues with them, and they dont know that sometimes i cant trust them. I had been friends with them for at least 7 years and still have trouble. Im lonely. Whenever in school we choose partners they always choose each other, i ask my other friends that are not so close to me they always have someone else. There are people that i hate!!!! i dont want to be partners with them. I am a loner at school,even though i have friends at school they just kinda ingore me. I dont want to transfer schools since i been with my class for 8 years, and yet i dont know what to do.

2 Name: Nai : 2013-04-23 13:13 ID:EgdLqL4m [Del]

Just find others who are better than that, you deserve better than that. It's not impossible to ind other friends they just haven't shown up yet. Hope I helped a little. (^_^)

3 Name: Ashleigh-Jade : 2013-06-30 04:43 ID:rlM6KSDk [Del]

This may not quite be the same, but I guess I know how you feel, to an extent.
I have a group of friends at school, and it's not that I don't trust them or anything, but it's sort of like I'm here and they're there and there's this wall in between us. Amongst our group everyone has certain people that they're closer to than the rest, and it's never me. I'm not sure if it's partially my fault, because I tend to fade into the background, but it's generally always me that's left out in the end.
I guess, what I'm saying, is that it's a complicated situation. Yours will be different to mine, and mine will be different to someone elses.
That being said, I wouldn't really know what to do. I know I'd be terrified to simply cut all ties to them in hopes of finding others, but you shouldn't give up on trying to find someone who you can truly connect with.