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wat do you do? (6)

1 Name: izokai : 2013-04-14 14:07 ID:m+jQ2L70 [Del]

Wat do you do when your dad takes you sister after saying hes packing his stuff and leaving and then he calls ur mom and she asks where they are and he says none of your bhsiness. Guys please help im freaking out and i know that if i ever see his face hes gonna punche... i feel like its my fault. My mom had errands to run and i volinteered to go with... if i had stayed home he wouldnt have her and id know where she is. I need help guys please.... i dont know what to do............

2 Name: Dissonant9!HOi5X8RW3E : 2013-04-14 16:26 ID:8+Mni2IB [Del]

Tell your mom that its time to call the cops.

3 Name: izokai : 2013-04-14 16:38 ID:m+jQ2L70 [Del]

But my mom wont... and we cant afford any trouble right now... my mom is trying save enough money for a divorce, but its hard....

4 Name: Dissonant9!HOi5X8RW3E : 2013-04-14 17:25 ID:8+Mni2IB [Del]

Do your grandparents know?

5 Name: Nobody !nNP0bPAimE : 2013-04-14 17:37 ID:Hx4UeIDQ [Del]

Yeah... really do call the cops.
That is what you do at this point.

6 Name: Omnia Ravus : 2013-04-14 21:52 ID:KhWB7i7h [Del]

Depending on where you live, there are different rules that apply. If he takes your sister out of the state, he is more likely to be criminally charged. If he keeps her away from the mother, without saying what town they are in, for x amount of days, he is more likely to be criminally charged. Do your research on the specific laws; you should Google "parental kidnapping laws in (your state/area)". It is still probably a good idea to call the police and let them know around when they left. If your mother won't do it, you should take the initiative. It's important. Explain as much as you can to them. It's not trouble, it's just doing what is best - the police will be understanding, and probably as unobtrusive as possible. It's not your fault. He would've taken you, too. Please, don't blame yourself - things are bad enough as is. Is your sister old enough to recognize the situation and run away from your father? If she is, keep an eye out for that.

So remember: research local laws, call the police, be cooperative, try not to worry. I understand your situation completely, and I know it is an extremely touchy subject, but I can't emphasize this enough. I sincerely hope everything works out.