Dollars BBS | Personal
















Better than death (21)

1 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-12 11:24 ID:ayzE+jNh [Del]

Well I already made a thread about how my life has spiraled out of controll but I'm making this thread because there are going to be other people in the future who will reach this point somehow. My mother has been on a tirade of rage and anger. She has been insulting me at every turn since my discussion about my future career choices, I have now accepted the better job opportunity as a way of making things right, but in the long term I now see one dangerous fact. My mother will resort to holding everything she has done for me against me, she will attempt to make me regret my birth and my existence. I deem this as abusive and it will happen again one day. In order to avoid falling deeper down the darkness of my life. I am leaving my family. I never wanted to resort to this but I know I'm not truly safe anymore. I must leave to secure my future. I'm packing later today and I'll not change my mind. This is a big deal to go through with this. But I'm 20 and I have money to get me around and I have a RTA card. I'm scared what my parents will do but they have really made life with them unbearable. I decided this is better than taking my life. I'm giving myself a new life by running away. I won't go back home. It's not safe anymore.

2 Name: ice : 2013-04-12 14:24 ID:be7pLoNq [Del]

i would say go to the aturites first or someone also you should try talking to a friend for a place to stay.

3 Name: ice : 2013-04-12 14:24 ID:be7pLoNq [Del]



4 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-04-12 17:02 ID:i4SX/Rro [Del]

Before I start, I just feel the need to say one thing. I understand that you feel emotionally compromised about what's happening right now, but when you explain things to people be careful not to overindulge in some of the "poetic" phrases you decide to use. You don't need to tell us about the "darkness of your life" because some of us have lived it. If what you're saying is real, we'll get it.

I can understand how you feel, somewhat. And despite >>2's good intentions I can assure that sometimes the authorities aren't the best option. So I would first say you need to assess your situation more, since what you've posted seems wholly emotional in context. For example, if you haven't made a plan, you might as well go home now. Leaving because living conditions are unbearable is one thing, but leaving because someone upset you is childish. You step out into the world thinking that anywhere is better than there, but unless you've got somewhere to go and nothing to go back for, you'll find yourself in shit before too long.

Of course it had just occurred to me that while it may seem snobbish of me, I'm not going to lend any help beyond what I've stated until you've proven to me that you've put real consideration towards your actions. Simply, the more I see your post, the more a see a child running away because his parents are mean to him, than a man who has really taken all he can bear.

5 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-12 17:20 ID:a3kXnW6h [Del]

I have my own bank account and I get monthly disability benefits, I have a discount on RTA busses due to my disability benefits, I have people helping me reach shelters along the way as I head to a very close friend in New York, I have bags packed and essentials handy, I have pepper spray for defense and I have cell phone charger and some items that I can sell to get by. I have resources that are waiting along the way to New York, most of my friends always have been in different states and now they are all offering me shelter. I have a I'd card and water and other traveling gear. I know how to survive. But any tips are welcome.

6 Name: Zeckarias : 2013-04-12 18:10 ID:i4SX/Rro [Del]

If someone has offered to take you in and you have no major issues getting there, then I don't see much more you need to worry about until arriving. Unless you have some highly-generous friends you'll need to pave your own way from there, in terms of work, education, anything else you might need. Though, knowing the way things work that may be no different than had you chosen to stay. In terms of education I don't know much about the area in question, but if you plan on going anywhere take any chance you can for benefits and scholarships. There tend to be many, it's just a matter of finding them. With them a few hours of effort can save you thousands a year. As for work, well something is always around, it just may not be worth much. Unless you've got a setup already I'd say just take what you can get for a while.
Also not sure of your metrop/rural standing, but if you're trying to stretch cash stock up outside the city, it tends to be cheaper in general. If you end up staying out somewhere in public overnight, keep as much as you can tight against you and conceal yourself as much as possible, even if it means staying somewhere slightly less accommodating.

I don't know your exact reasons for leaving, but if you're dedicated to it, you can come out clean. The most important thing is to keep trying, with enough effort and some decent support something will come up.

7 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-12 18:20 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

I'm very lucky to have benefits, I know there is restrictions to what I pay for using government issued money but seriously, seeing as how I'm running to New York, every part of this is justified. It is pretty sad that I'm leaving my family behind me but In the long term I am better off seeking my own way. I don't want it be assumed that I feel my parents are horrible but the things my parents have said to me to hurt me, no true mother would have said. I'm stable money wise since currently I have about $500 in the bank. Social security money gets sent to me monthly so I'll always have some to survive on. I'm very lucky that while its bad it came to this, I am not going in this unprepared. If any of the Dollars live in Ohio, phillidalphia and Massachusetts depending on far I can go. I would love some help. Any help is welcome.

8 Name: Flow : 2013-04-12 19:34 ID:zfWeyi3u [Del]

I would love to help but i'm Georgia-
If you needed help coming through this area i'd be more than happy to help. PLease keep us updated.

I know how hard it is. I come from the same background. I ended up joining the Air Force and starting my journey there. You are not alone out there in this crazy ass world.

9 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-12 19:54 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

Guys I trust all of you with my life. Being in this group helps me feel like I could run even without my bags and still survive. You all are The Dollars. We are everywhere. So I want to point out now at some point I'm certain my cell phone service might get cut off or my parents might not pay it, I could but its in their contracts. So until then I'll give my number to you guys, call me or text me if you can or wish to aid me. I'm very gratful I have this resource.

10 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-12 20:37 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

Just to make it easy for me to tell its one of our members, please call my number once, I'll check it and not answer cause I won't recognize the number, but if you call a second time very shortly after the first call I'll know it's one of you. I tend to love codes. It's fun. So here's my number.
1 (440) 463-5190

11 Name: Platinum : 2013-04-12 21:26 ID:/dG2R4+I [Del]


12 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-12 22:10 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

According to my maps, had I been smarter years ago and took drivers Ed, I would be gone and in New York already, from my current location the place I'm going to in New York is 8 hours and 7 minutes away by car!

13 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-13 14:16 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

I'm working on making my trip less risky. I ordered a Dollars necklace on Amazon so as I travel if I meet any of you guys you will know. Now once again if anyone lives in Pennsylvania or near Brooklyn then I would appreciate any help you can give. By car the location I'm heading to as I said is 8 hours away from where I live now. (8 hours plus a few additional hours for pit stops and traffic.)

14 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-04-13 14:39 ID:JjLkqAqU [Del]

Well, good luck.

15 Name: Reggie : 2013-04-13 17:25 ID:O0unNssT [Del]

>>10 Oh-hoho-oh.
Bad idea.

16 Name: Eneliph : 2013-04-13 18:21 ID:iQ/9u1a4 [Del]

Hey Axel, wouldn't they be able to track you each time you draw money out of the bank? And if you did dye your hair red, wouldn't you be easily remembered as you travel?

Just a thought.

17 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-13 20:50 ID:4ctlip3m [Del]

>>16 I considered that too but the rules for getting my benefits cash was that I had to be the account owner, there fore my parents can't cut my account, or track it if I change some info. I do know some of my actions will make me traceable, but I'm a person that has learned from a lot of tv, school, movies, books, I have seen how to avoid people, the reason I'm staying for a bit longer is so I can switch some things into my control only. I have a lot of ideas, but I know even if my phone can get tracked, I just need to run faster. Still would be better if I had a car or a motorcycle. Anything faster than busses.

18 Name: Anonymous : 2013-04-14 01:33 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I have a few questions... first, you said that your parents pay for your phone, correct? Wouldnt that mean that they can track your phone? They will be able to guess the place you're going by looking at the direction you're going... Second off, how are you going to get the dollars necklace if you're on the run...? You have no address to ship it to... finally, how are you even on this site? If you're on the phone then you are basically sending a red flag out for anyone who may be looking for you. It's the same with using anything in your name. The fact is, if they are looking for you, they will find you if you dont ditch everything connected to you... only pay with cash, never use atm's or your credit card, never turn on your phone unless in emergencies, and using any card in your name is giving people exactly where you are.

19 Name: Dissonant9!HOi5X8RW3E : 2013-04-14 05:05 ID:8+Mni2IB [Del]

Why not first mention the problem before being drastic. That being said, if you're already 20, it's probably expected that you'll leave them at some point.

20 Name: Axel Faraday : 2013-04-14 10:11 ID:G4MN81/2 [Del]

>>18 I'm taking more time to prepare, taking out money a little at a time, getting phone numbers for my doctors and such to change it to my control. >>19 my problem is my mother's abuse when I make my own choices. She tells me I am ungrateful any time I don't do exactly what she wants. Since she worked at the Cleveland Clinic I should want to too, I don't like hospitals. I want to choose my life but everyone tells me what I should feel, when to feel it, and what I like. I am giving myself a new life rather than give them my death. I'm taking my future. Yes sounds poetic but it's true

21 Name: Dissonant9!HOi5X8RW3E : 2013-04-14 17:12 ID:8+Mni2IB [Del]

>>20 Well, in that case, so long as you have a plan and know Murphy's law well enough, you are 20, so she probably doesn't expect you to stay forever. Just realize that everything is harder than originally planned. Anyways, we all must make our own decisions and mistakes if need be. Personally, my strategies in life involve more social stuff like talking about the problems, but if someone won't listen then sometimes you just have to act. I recommend making a calm, rational,decisive decision based on all known facts on what to do. Then follow through with the move, or don't. >>18 Also, since you're 20, you don't need to run exactly. You can legally just leave. Sure, you could be traceable, but if your mom comes after you, you can just say no to coming back.

In the end, you need not run. You can walk out calmly and decisively. Or you can confront in the same manner. Good luck either way. All answers look like they will probably suck.