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Statutory Rape (7)

1 Name: Akiva : 2013-04-07 22:02 ID:UkfNnUGC [Del]

me and this girl are like in love with each other and her parents love me but my parents are not okay with it. what should i do? we met when i was a jr in high school and have been great friends ever since. any advice?

2 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-04-07 22:10 ID:keOvqDlH [Del]

Why not just abstain from sex? I know you may not want to hear this, coming from a Christian, but think about it. If you are really in love, why not just wait a year or two for each other? It may even strengthen your relationship.

3 Name: InstinctiveAnalysis67 : 2013-04-08 01:58 ID:QaIAmiwA [Del]

highly agreed

4 Name: PresidentWalrus : 2013-04-08 17:56 ID:eN0i8qFV [Del]

yay for laws

but yeah id say your best bet is to put off the whole sex thing until its legal, it sucks but its the law, even if they are dumb ya gotta follow them

5 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2013-04-08 18:40 ID:DuKwTbPi [Del]

I personally think you should both do whatever you're comfortable with. If you're not going to enjoy the sex because you're afraid of being caught, then don't do it. I don't really see the point in sex that you can't enjoy it or feel guilty about afterwards. If you both don't give a flying fuck about that law, though, go right ahead. Just don't whine to us afterwards if/when you get in trouble.

That's just me, though.

6 Name: Reggie : 2013-04-09 00:22 ID:GPstzcKB [Del]

>>5 "I don't really see the point in sex that you can't enjoy it or feel guilty about afterwards."

You don't understand sex, Baba.

7 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-04-09 08:38 ID:HSgFH6hM [Del]

>>1 If you guys wanna do it and you both consent, do it and try not to get caught or in trouble. Don't care about the law and just enjoy yourselves. If you can't enjoy yourselves, don't have sex.
