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I'm sick of having to deal with this... (12)

1 Name: HAM : 2013-04-07 10:58 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

To put it simply, as a young kid I had to witness a terrible divorce, and as I grew up had to deal with a terrible mother. I ran away and am now living with my dad full time (all my siblings are out living on their own btw). Around a year or two ago, he got a gf, and she's really nice and smart so I hate to have to say this but I'm getting sick of her. And her kids. She has two kids that are a couple years younger than me. I told my dad I hated them last year and then while I was at a friend's house, he moved them in. He moved them into my house, not even bothering to tell me #1, and #2 after I told him what i felt about them.
And I know there's gonna be a fair amount of you that'll say something like "you're his kid and it's house he should be allowed to do what he wants", but I'm sick of it. I'm not a little kid - my bday is coming up and I'm going to be a mid-teenager.
And I know that's still young but it's not young enough to have to be told "shut up and listen to daddy."
And also I'm not jealous of them, I know some of you will think that but no; I'm literally SICK of them. I don't care if they spend time with my dad, I care if my dad puts them before me and doesn't even care to acknowledge that I do stupid things like starve myself to get his attention and see, what I feel like Hell, is what I'm going through. I also care if the kids literally try to take away MY dog. I've had him since I was 2 and have been through everything with him and now I have to deal with these little kids trying to take him away from me and telling me "he isn't your dog."
But what the heck can I do? I'm sick of this I'm sick of everything and I can't do crap about it; I can't live on my own, I don't have any friends in real life to help me (the friend I mentioned earlier won't even talk to me) and I really just need some advice right now...:/

P.S. Sorry for the long post

2 Name: anubis!AnUBiS6/LQ : 2013-04-07 13:07 ID:JjLkqAqU [Del]

Get your dad alone and tell him exactly how you feel and why you feel this way. Write it all down so you have it in logical order and you don't forget anything important. Don't act like a whiny kid when you do it (you come off a bit whiny in this post), instead act calm and collected.

Stop doing stupid things to try to get your dad's attention, actually try to achieve things for yourself instead. Live for yourself, not to get the attention of someone who's acting like a jerk. Try talking to people in real life who have similar interests as you, join a club or a sport or something that you enjoy. Take care of that dog, walk him, feed him, play with him, and when they try to say he's not yours, point out that you're the one who take care of him, you're the one who's known him longer, he was bought for you, he's yours.

Be the mature one with the kids. When they try to put you in your place, ignore them, don't stoop to their level. They're younger and younger kids often act like brats, I'm sure you did too.

3 Name: Otoshi-gami !vBOFA0jTOg : 2013-04-07 15:23 ID:8WIcwbv5 [Del]

Dang anubis, you're good at giving advice.

4 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-04-07 16:18 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Well, parts of this situation is over your head. You cant tell them to get up and leave because that is not your place. For that problem, it is best you sit down with your dad and respectfully talk to him about how you feel he's not going to kick them out but you could get him to set some rules like the kids are not alowed to enter your room, so on and so on. Compromise with him and try to find a solution you, the gf and your dad can live with. The other part about the kids is in your control. Simply put your foot down and show them you are higher on the food chain than them. Dont be a bully but set some guild lines and enforce them. The dog will do what it wants to do because it is a living breathing animal so you are going to have to learn to share the dog. One thing you could do is during the breaks from school you could visit your siblings at their house to get away from them if you are close to any of them. But yeah. You should sit down with your dad and have a respectful conversation where you let him know how you feel in a way that does not sound like you're whining. I wish you the best of luck. 2A

5 Name: Omnia Ravus : 2013-04-07 17:03 ID:tzyQ7T2C [Del]

I was in a very similar situation - although reversed, we were the ones moving in, and with older kids who were drug addicts. I hinted at my annoyance on occasion (I do not want secondhand weed smoke, thank you). For the most part though, I tried not to bug - the parents are probably going through some problems with it too, even if you don't think it. I know my father - and probably yours too, from what it sounds like - is doing some things he normally might not do to impress his girlfriend.

We had a dog when we moved in. Later, a friend of the girlfriends gave us an extremely old dog that the friend could no longer take care of. Guess which dog went to the shelter when money for dog food got tight. If you are able to, maybe you could ask your dad if you could take full ownership and care of your dog, which would probably settle the dispute about that. I would've done that if I could.

If you can, ask your siblings how to approach your dad about the problem. They might have some experience dealing with problems with parents; specifically, yours. All parents are different, so if you're on speaking terms with them, siblings are a good choice for advice.

Also, just focus on what you will do when you are able to go off on your own. That's one thing that helped me. You're in your mid-teens, so you have a future ahead of you, when your life will be in your own hands. Hang in there.

6 Name: HAM : 2013-04-07 18:48 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

Thanks guys! Sorry if I came off as whinny, I was in the middle of a breakdown which is why I wrote this post in the first place. The next chance I get I'll try to have a conversation with my dad about it. I have tried before, but last time he ignored it and didn't even reply to me :/

7 Name: Chiron !zBg38AUVCM : 2013-04-08 08:16 ID:Qz/wj4um [Del]

I've never really had this problem before (to me or any of my friends) so I don't know it's appropriate for me to say anything. But I'll try and if I offend you, I'm sincerely sorry.
For me, I think you should list the things that could happen after your conversation with your father. List the various outcomes that could happen.
Also remember that YOUR well-being matters most because right now YOU are the one most important. Don't starve yourself and don't destroy yourself for attention of someone else because right now YOU need to give YOURSELF attention. Be a little selfish!
I certainly pampered myself when I finally realised who the hell cares what these bastards of my school called me or who the hell cared if my biological mother left me days after I was born, I have a wonderfully dysfunctional family that are split into two sides of a war and trying to destroy one another! Okay that probably isn't good but I still cherish them. ^^
Before talking to your father when you get the chance that is, try breathing exercises before or listen to calm relaxing music, just do anything that'll help calm you down. Don't go into the conversation nervous, sweaty and forget to talk about important things.
Oh and don't worry about the fact that you're a mid-teenager! Just because someone isn't an 'adult' yet doesn't mean they don't know about the down side of life. Hell some adults I know are still naive about the world. Look at me for instance! I'm younger than you and yet I've already been abandoned, betrayed, lied to, used, called things and a number of other things not worth mentioning.
I dearly hope your situation gets better!
Again sorry if I've offended you!

8 Name: HAM : 2013-04-08 13:53 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

(I'm currently using my iPod)
>>7 Don't worry, you didn't offend me! And you're right; I shouldn't be doing harmful things to get attention from other people. But at the time (and still a bit now) I didn't know what to do. And I was surprised to read you were younger than me; you sound way more mature than I am :p

9 Name: Day/Dia : 2013-04-09 12:54 ID:HSgFH6hM [Del]

>>1 Why are you sick of her? She's nice and smart. 'Preciate that shit.

Stop complaining. It's not your choice. You can voice your opinions, but ultimately, you have no say in whether they move in or not.

Sit down with your father and talk to him and tell him what he's done and what is happening and how you feel. Maybe then you can voice yourself to him and get what you want.

You are jealous of the kids since you're (unnescsarily) going out of your way to get your father's attention. Just fucking talk to him.

Also, stop doing dumb shit liek starving yourself. It'll get you nowhere.

He's your dog; your dog knows this; you know this; that's all that matetrs.

Dude, just 'cuz you're old doesn't mean you're not still a kid, and just 'cuz you're young doesn't mean you're not an adult. You, however, are a kid. You're complaining and bitching and moaning when you don't have to. This whole thing doesn't matter.

10 Name: Dstar89!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-04-09 16:13 ID:8NS6Xtpv [Del]

Hi HAM. Here's what I have to say. It seems like to me that your father kinda lost track of his relationship and life with you, I don't know how long you lived with your dad, but still. Seems like when he got this smart and nice girlfriend, he realized the quality in her and decided to try and impress her to give the upmost attention to her and her kids. I don't think it's nothing to deal like he doesn't love you, it seems more like a slip up of the mind.

On your side, by what I read, it sounds like your sick of the girl and her kids because they're destroying the nice life you had when it was just you and your father together, and you didn't want nothing to break that. But something did, and now you are having troubles with him and this girl and her kids, because deep in the core of your heart, I believe it's because one; it's not the way you were set to live with your Dad, and two; the whole reason you ran away is to keep away in motherly figures, because your real mother may have been terrible enough to make you not want to have any sort of "Mom."

Now onto your actions. This thing about starving yourself, will not work, and it's wasting your time and life. Like I said, your father is most possibly caught up in the process of trying to impress his girlfriend to 100% by socializing and interacting with her family rather then you.

So, my finally conclusion on your problem is this: Childhood feelings that were stored away in your heart are creating a negative emotional wellbeing occur within you, causing you to hate this girl and her kids no matter what they do or how nice they are, overall because she represents a near to possible motherly figure, which is what you ran away from, so you hate this girl because you may think what you ran from has chased after you.

11 Name: HAM : 2013-04-09 21:31 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

>>10 That's actually really interesting o_o
I do have to point out that I do not starve myself or anything anymore, because I do know it won't help anything and plus, it didn't work for the way I had in mind (actually getting my dad's attention).

I also will admit that one of her kids is nice. She'd be tolerable if she had manners...I know most kids don't have them but still, I'm a human and I have pet peeves! xD

The other kid on the other abusive. She literally hits her mom and her sister, and then sees nothing wrong with it. It's not like the "I don't understand why this is wrong," either. It's more like the "I can do whatever I want and everyone else is wrong and are idiots." And I hate the fact my dad thought I'd be fine with them moving into my house in the first place, not to mention having to deal with this...brat. (she was like this even before she moved in, too.)

But thanks, I think that made me realize why it's hard for me to like my dad's gf :/

12 Name: Dstar89!0UZD1OR/j. : 2013-04-12 21:57 ID:8NS6Xtpv [Del]

You're welcome ^_^ Always glad to help.