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confidence problem or do i need to man up? (3)

1 Name: Acid : 2013-04-06 13:09 ID:KV7GcauC [Del]

So, I have this huge problem with never saying no to anyone and I mean it's bad. With the fact that I never say no to anyone I've realized I do it because I fear if I say no this person (whomever the situation involves) they'll dislike me even though I probably already dislike them. I can identify why I do it but I don't know how to approach this and change, I've gotten into dangerous situations that even involved police. My best guy friend said people walk all over me and he says it's cause I'm nice to even the mean people and do what they want. I never thought saying a word like no would be so hard. I can identify this as a problem now because of recent being bullied events and I probably brought on myself so how do I change so I don't get hurt so much? How do I approach this problem?

2 Name: Ajax : 2013-04-06 13:17 ID:L0TIAhy4 [Del]

Man up, get a little mean- say NO run away after words if its hard and take some deep breaths. I used to have the same problem

3 Name: Rivee : 2013-04-06 15:36 ID:sprGK8gR [Del]

Same happened to me a lot. Especially with a particular person. Realizing the cause and acknowledging that you do this is the first step to change! Congrats. Saying "No." Is just something you have to do. When you feel that feeling that you simply just don't want to, that's it's not what you want, then go ahead and I say "No." What got me to start saying "No." Was realizing that by not saying it, I was letting other people control my life. I'm a go-with-the-flow person, but that time comes when you just simply CAN'T. Just go ahead and say it. Say it a fee times to yourself, then to others. If it's an honest "No." You'll definitely start feeling better about yourself.