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I need some help. (4)

1 Name: Len : 2013-04-05 18:42 ID:jrZyQzq0 [Del]

I usually am the one giving advice but now I need it.

My closest friend was in a relationship with a girl who could be called the school slut now. After they had sex his mother filed rape even though she forced him to. He was bullied for close to two years now and several times they attempted to coerce him into committing suicide.

Not five minutes ago I got a phone call from his mother telling me that his teacher contacted social services because he looked depressed and now hes in a mental institute in the city of Alhambra diagnosed with severe depression.
I have no Idea what to do except excact vengeance. Can someone help me please.

2 Name: Omnia Ravus : 2013-04-05 21:33 ID:tzyQ7T2C [Del]

Don't go out for vengeance. It's not healthy for you, either. Growing up in a fairly bad school, I understand the situation. Although I don't think the teacher and social services should have intervened, it's probably better for your friend to go to the institute, as long as it is legit. My brother went to one after trying to commit suicide. I never heard it directly, but everyone believes it was from his ex's influence. He's doing much better now.

As for you, just try to think that he'll be happier afterwords. If the institute allows it, maybe you could write an encouraging letter to your friend or send him a gift (my bro was allowed the occasional candy bar). I think it would help you both.

3 Name: Ajax : 2013-04-06 13:37 ID:J3YKKGnr [Del]

I know what it is like Len. Stuff like this gos on at my school all the time. Kids get arrested, go to prison, etc etc. Do not go after vengeance. Instead be there for your friend, and try to help him out of his depression

4 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-04-07 03:21 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Im sorry to say there is not much you can do other than what was said before. Letters and chocolate is all you can do right now. Remind him how much he means to you, and that there are more people like you in the world willing to help. Try to convince him that everyone putting him down are just dumbasses looking for power by trying to beat down the weak and remind him that the person you know can rise above them all and fight on. Im sorry im not much help, but as i said before, the situation is out of your control. Best of luck to you and your friend. 2A