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how to cope with liking a straight girl (6)

1 Name: pyotr : 2013-04-04 22:55 ID:G6S9h2XX [Del]

well first off I am bi and I just couldn't help liking this straight girl. she is amazing. I am not sure if she is bi or bi curous but she is most likly not. I'm not sure if I want to tell her my feelings because it would make things awkward and honestly I'm scared I'll be rejected but I want her to know. So I am just wondering what to do. personal expirence would be very helpful because I suck with feelings and shit. I'm hopping I could learn a thing or two. :)and I know this sounds a tish childish but I am kinda out of people to talk to (all my friends are straight) thanks :)

2 Name: HAM : 2013-04-05 07:53 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

I'd tell her. Even if she rejects you at least you can move on. And hopefully you'll still be friends afterward. (I'm a straight girl whose had lesbians like her before)

3 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-04-05 09:33 ID:rhMGbfaA [Del]

I am telling you that you need to be very very careful.
I've been in this situation before, many times and it's very....shifty of a problem.
As HAM said, just tell her. If she doesn't accept, then move on and hopefully, you both can still be friends. Better than nothing.

4 Name: KiddoRawr : 2013-04-05 19:50 ID:8mh6bPol [Del]

Oi.. I went trough this. It worked out perfectly when I told her, were even dating know (3 month anniversary coming up). But yea just like HAM said, just tell her. If she was a good friend and all she would understand and talk things over. When you tell her she might have some questions so be prepared to answer questions like:: What led you to like me.? ; Since when do you like me.? ; Is there anything I can do for you to stop feeling that for me.? ; You know I'm straight right.?. and such. If you need anymore help I'm here for you ^_^

5 Name: Reggie : 2013-04-06 02:24 ID:GPstzcKB [Del]

OP: confirmed for middle school bisessual.

6 Name: Ajax : 2013-04-06 13:25 ID:8pBEM6wI [Del]

Tell her the worse she can say is no. If she does ik it may seem like the world ends, but soon you will be over her and find your true love. Theres someone out there for everyone, remember smile the world isn't as bad as it seems