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Can I even find a place? (11)

1 Name: long_road : 2013-04-04 14:16 ID:TKBgE6eW [Del]

I just love drawing manga and Japan itself.It's my biggest dream to publish my own manga.But I'm not Japanese,so as much as I love Japan,I feel like I can never belong in there.It's such a pain to live with that.

2 Name: Fiorin : 2013-04-04 14:52 ID:/OGuudgV [Del]

I think I understand how you feel. If you love the japanese culture that much you should consider living there. The language seems hard to learn, yes, but I'm sure, that if you do your best you can fit in. If you don't feel like going this far why don't you go on a trip to Japan?

3 Name: Sgt Hugo Stiglitz : 2013-04-04 20:02 ID:kxa6eBc5 [Del]

Yeah Japan seems awesome to me as well
I suggest that you pursue your dream and go with the flow c:
I'll definitely support you!! \'.'/

4 Name: zceska@1495 : 2013-04-04 21:16 ID:mWE5yPEo [Del]

Going to Japan is like a dream to all otakus world wide......

I support you >.<

5 Name: long_road : 2013-04-05 02:35 ID:3Z4BCoi3 [Del]

Thanks for your support!! ^^

6 Name: England : 2013-04-05 09:04 ID:rRMlMHPJ [Del]

I hope you become successful in manga and that you are able to visit Japan! I agree with >>4 that all otakus want to go to Japan. I say, just save up, plan a lot, and think things through. You never know when you will get the chance! I support you too! Good luck! :P

7 Name: Yamada : 2013-04-05 17:51 ID:2CX9GclZ [Del]

You don't have to be Japanese to publish manga. Just know Japanese and have good manga.

8 Post deleted by user.

9 Name: IDK : 2013-04-05 18:51 ID:/nL1z6d6 [Del]

Well actually, English is harder than Japanese... English is stupid, I mean were still learning it right? We have English as a course and our teachers have to teach us how to write an essay and proper grammar... I'm learning Japanese, because they offer it as a course at my school, and really it's so easy. I actually get it. Sure some things like particles are weird, especially が (There's no way to explain it in English lol) But really it's not that hard, it's probably as hard as learning French. がんばて!

10 Name: HAM : 2013-04-06 07:05 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

>>9 In Japan, they have to take Japanese classes, too. And I'm pretty sure in France they have to take French and so on. I do think just learning basic words and hiragana and katakana is easy, but once you get onto kanji it'll get harder xD

11 Name: Rivee : 2013-04-06 15:42 ID:sprGK8gR [Del]

Don't worry about it. The best you can do is ignore what people say or think about you and just keep on expressing yourself. You'll find other people like you regardless of where you are. I'm in a similar situation, but inversed, people make me feel like I don't belong in the USA because I "act too Japanese even though I'm not and need to act more like X" However, I've found friends that have those same interests and encourage me to go forward with it.