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romance or friendship? (6)

1 Name: Neko : 2013-03-31 22:09 ID:cHPlWSGN [Del]

I don't know what to do I have feelings for a girl I've known for like ever. how could I ask her out ad not have ruin our friendship if she turns me down or it ends badly. what do i do?
she's my best friend but i have fallen for her.
plus it's even harder to ask considering the fact we're both girls.

2 Name: nerdyanimegirl : 2013-04-01 00:26 ID:SEBJbRoH [Del]

I not gay. but I understand you want to say how you feel to a person you have feelings for without ending the friendship that you care about. its the same way I think everyone feels once in your life. cause you spend time with that person. get to know them. but before you tell that person your feelings you must know what their type is and who they want to be with. then just say it exactly how you feel and ask her how you feel towards you and does she feel the same with. also if she says no then ask to pretend that it never happen then never bring it up. who knows maybe she'll change her mind cause of that it'll show her your good at being there for her. not if not go find someone else. but also before you do anything make sure your feelings are true because sometimes we feel this mask of love because we had spend time with the other person. if your feelings are true your words will be and when you tell her she'll see your feelings. I wish you luck

3 Name: Neko : 2013-04-05 22:08 ID:MCJKoEDF [Del]

thank you nerdyanimegirl i'm going to take your advice tomorrow wish me luck that she returns my feelings :D

4 Name: Ajax : 2013-04-06 13:22 ID:L0TIAhy4 [Del]

lol gotta love the " im not gay or, no homo." My advice is just tell her how you feel, be yourself. Always be yourself. For years I tried to act like a wigger like all the other kids, I hated myself, then i realized Its better to be yourself and hated, then to be hated for something your not

5 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-04-07 03:40 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

I personally am straight but have found myself in similar situations and here's what i've found out. You either have to be an amazing lier or you may as well just ask. I personally am a horrible lier when it comes to these things and if any one of my friends found out it may as well have been on the news. Yet i never asked. I would sit around making a fool of myself thinking things like "i doubt she'll say yes" and "i dont want to ruin what i have" but the fact is, you wont know the answer until you ask and if you dont ask and someone desides to be a dumbass snitch, it is much harder to mend the relationship. Long story short, tell her how you feel(unless she is a known homophobe in which case you should try and slowly introduce the idea). And seeing how you two have been friends for some time, it shouldnt hurt your relationship too much if she says no(unless she is a known homophobe).

6 Name: Neko : 2013-05-05 14:38 ID:NLRIpMl6 [Del]

Thank you thank you thank
I told her
She didn't get mad or anything she didn't say we could go out but she didn't act freaked out or anything looks like I won't lose my friend and we might start dating
:-) I am so happy!!!