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I'm happy if she's happy… right? (7)

1 Name: Matt : 2013-03-31 09:20 ID:aKEdUu+g [Del]

"I never say 'I love you' to just anyone." I post a month ago or so. I didn't have to make it that noticeable, I knew she'd see it. She always goes through every single one of my posts when she logs on.
"Why?" She asks a month after, why don't I want her to die. I kept giving her reasons but nothing was good enough. I was in tears but I wasn't going to tell her that. "… I love you." I press send on the text and completely break down. The next thing I know she won't stop apologizing. I tell her everything's fine aslong as she stays alive and keeps fighting through. She then says it back, and I'm left speechless.
A few days pass and I'm looking through her posts out of curiosity. Guess what I find? "I have a girlfriend." Followed by the date of a day before. I didn't know what to do. I didn't cry. No, not a single tear. But my heart was racing. I couldn't breath. Just when I had gathered the courage to make her my girlfriend she goes on without me.
But I shouldn't complain. She told me two days after I saw the post. I told her I already knew and that was the end of that. I shouldn't be so depre asked about it. I mean, we know each other for more than half a year and my feelings for her haven't changed. If she has another then it only means she doesn't feel the same way. Right? That "I love you" she texted me, I guess it was only something she knew I wanted to hear. I shouldn't push on her. But what now? It's a pain admitting my feelings and to have them thrown aside like that just makes me want to disappear.
I should be happy if she's happy. I am happy for her. That she can find someone to make her happy. I am happy. Of course I'm happy. I stay up thinking about my lost chance, but I'm happy. I'm happy… am I happy?

2 Name: Suki : 2013-03-31 12:40 ID:GCJS1fNL [Del]

I can't answer that question for you...
I think... I think you should try and move on. I mean, the love you have for her could still exist, but just reduced to a much smaller size.
It's okay, things will turn out fine in the end. You'll find someone else. :/

3 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-03-31 13:21 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

Here's something a friend told me once which i think may help you. "It's your choice to be happy. You have to choose to be happy. Do you choose to be happy?" It's not about how happy she is. It's more about are you going to let her actions hold you back or are going to move on, accept that it didn't work out, and choose to find happiness somewhere else?

4 Name: shogun : 2013-03-31 15:18 ID:RQdQOSX4 [Del]

same as me but i am still trying to get through this.

5 Name: sean king : 2013-03-31 17:22 ID:FZD1YwN5 [Del]

you need to learn to be independent. that SHALL make you happier than you are now.

6 Name: Matt : 2013-03-31 17:25 ID:aKEdUu+g [Del]

Yeah, I know what you guys mean but the thing is, she keeps saying it. How can you get over something when it keeps getting thrown back in your face?

7 Name: ♤Spadez1679 : 2013-03-31 18:39 ID:KMRCNR9i [Del]

Something similar happened to me too, I couldn't move on but eventually things move on as you do. You'll find someone else eventually you will become happy no need to feed up on the past is all I can say :/