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What do I do? (8)

1 Name: Anon : 2013-03-30 00:30 ID:w7+9hDTh [Del]

So, right now, I'm pretty much in a tight spot. Let's get the fact that I'm a guy out of the way, so no one gets confused. So there are a couple of guys that I have had a crush on for a while now. But, there are multiple problems with that. No one has any idea that I'm bi. I actually left off the impression that I'm a homophobe protecting that secret. Then, both of the guys I am pretty sure are straight, so if I told either of them, then every one would know. To add on to that, they would be awkward around me, treating me like I was some weirdo. I don't want that to happen but I want to tell them.....

2 Name: Arya. : 2013-03-30 02:41 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

Dont tell them.

Im bi too and I once asked a girl out she acted like I was a weirdo...

Give up on them if you dont wanna get hurt.

3 Name: HAM : 2013-03-30 11:33 ID:vx4eBqVa [Del]

>>1 I'd tell them. It's better to accept that your bi and that you like them rather than to lie to yourself. One day in the future you might regret not telling them, even if in the end you get hurt. If they treat you like a weirdo afterwards then they're assholes and you need to move on, and it'd be easier to after you get your feelings out.

4 Name: Suki : 2013-03-30 15:59 ID:GCJS1fNL [Del]

I would tell them.

If you really like them, then you should always tell them.

And if they're acting weird around you, and not accepting the fact you're bi, then they're not worth your time anymore...

I know someone who's gay, and he confessed to the person he liked... it wasn't awkward at all, and he's still friends with that person ^.^

5 Name: Dux : 2013-03-31 16:23 ID:XnmteCMZ [Del]

I'm not exactly an ardent supporter of anything but heterosexualism, but I'll try to help anyway. Firstly, I would want to get something straight. What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to tell MULTIPLE guys you like them? Or do you just want to make it public that you are bisexual? If it's the first, then I don't understand you. What are you looking for exactly? A relationship? If so, then you should wait, and narrow your interests down to one person. Then you know you want to start something.

If it's option two however, then you should be careful who you tell you're bisexual. Start with people you really trust, and gradually start telling others in your surroundings. Just make it clear to any homophobes: you're not some guy who's going to rape them and do gay things to them or whatever. Make them understand you'll be like before. But then again, I don't see the point of people knowing if you're not looking for a serious relationship...

6 Name: sean king : 2013-03-31 17:17 ID:FZD1YwN5 [Del]

i have multaple out of the closet freinds, and i am dissapointed in you. to pretend to be a homophobe in order to protect your image is pathetic, and crule.did you ever think that you where hurting people like you by protecting yourself. being in the closet is your own descision, but hurting other people in your position is despicable. think about that.

7 Name: Saki : 2013-03-31 22:16 ID:rFHh75cE [Del]

Confessing IS the only way that they will ever know your true feelings, you say that you think they're both straight but then again they think your straight to so you could be wrong what if one of them actually does feel the same way. Be honest with them if they think less of you once you tell them then maybe these friends arent worth your time, i kow what I'm saying sounds way easier than it is but i think you should at least consider this as an option.

8 Name: nerdyanimegirl : 2013-04-01 00:36 ID:SEBJbRoH [Del]

I see your trying to confess your feelings without lie about being a homophobe. but make sure there bis or gay a least cause if you tell the wrong people cause then they may expose you. telling and not telling depends on whether or not it's what you want or think is right and if its worth it or not. make your decision by how important is your feelings towards them or protecting your self and lie