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A Boy Between The Ears (37)

1 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-03-25 12:46 ID:L6Wb3EDp [Del]

I am a girl, but I like to ware boys cloths. I act like a boy, I talk like a boy, my best friend Colby said
“it’s weird seeing you in a skirt. I always think of you as one of the guys.”
Well I like it that way, but my mom however dose not. Every time I walk out in guys cloths at a store she gets mad and yells
“let me know when you want to have your sex change!!”
It makes me sad to know my mother doesn't accept me for who I am just cuz I feel more comfortable in men's clothing.
Now that its time for prom I want to go in a suit, and mom is demanding I ware a dress. What should I do?

2 Name: Zelda-Max : 2013-03-25 13:34 ID:h/hJvDR+ [Del]

you could wear a skirt with a classy top or dress lolita, i dress in punk lolita but i would go with aa skirt with black leggings, a tang-top, and a classy top. c: there is also the guilt trip, tell your mom that you want to express yourself differently than other people and you want to try something new. also tell her of how whe she was youger, that she probally tried new stuff and that your NOT her. welp, good luck c:

3 Name: Di Nardo : 2013-03-25 15:06 ID:E2m9UwMr [Del]

Try going in a suit, but instead of pants wear a skirt. She will like that more, which will be easier on you, and you still get to pick out an awesome bowtie. Good luck!

4 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-03-25 17:42 ID:kxa6eBc5 [Del]

Easy, you wear a suit and don't care what your mum says. Determination will get you everywhere eventually. At my school, girls aren't allowed to wear pants, shorts can be worn for sports, but sports only. When I started at the school, I wore a navy version of the guy's pants (The guys pants are grey and the sports shorts are navy), and acted as if it was normal. After being told off by the teacher multiple times, tey finaly gave up on me and let me wear my pants, saying that they "Looked like the sports uniform anyway". So instead of a skirt on warm days and a skirt and tights on cold days, I wore the sport shorts on warm days and my navy pants on cold days. Soon, other girls that didn't enjoy skirts followed my lead.
So screw what your mum thinks. If you must, wear your suit, but with a long sleeved dress over it and take it off when your mum's not looking.

5 Name: Sleepology !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-03-25 19:07 ID:U9Hs994+ [Del]

if i was your mother i would disown you.

6 Name: Sleepology !8NBuQ4l6uQ : 2013-03-25 19:09 ID:U9Hs994+ [Del]

God hates you!

7 Post deleted by user.

8 Name: looney : 2013-03-25 20:40 ID:aWdhGgSh [Del]

sleepology enough already and shut the fuck up if you ain't got nothing good to say about peoples lives

9 Name: Coraline : 2013-03-25 20:43 ID:3WXdmJXf [Del]

Sleepology I don't think that's very fair, sure Its okay to voice your opinion, but its not okay to put somebody down.

I believe you should do whatever you feel is right. I don't think its right for your mother to put down who you really are, but you need to stand up for yourself and be proud of yourself. Don't make a decision that you will regret later down the road, just be yourself and live in the now.

10 Name: dollar : 2013-03-25 21:14 ID:YJy77hI6 [Del]

If u want to waer a suit then wear a suit your mom just have to face the facts that you like boys clothing and she can't change it.

11 Name: shadowhide : 2013-03-25 21:26 ID:ElWDKLWB [Del]

sorry for sleepology I believe you should do what you want and not have to try to dress in a dress to just please your mother. I feel that someone's family should love them unconditionally no matter what, so if I was in your position I would wear the suit and not care what my mother would think, but at the end of the day this is your choice so you take what ever course of action you like I might just be someone on the internet but I support you no matter the decision you make. Good luck.

12 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-03-25 23:52 ID:AjB3/u+v [Del]

>>8>>11>>9 I'm pretty sure that's the troll acting like sleepology.

13 Post deleted by user.

14 Name: mizzah : 2013-03-26 00:00 ID:z2C54Jgq [Del]

Listen, you're a girl. You should listen to what your mom tells you. She does everything to make you perfect. Think about it.

15 Name: Ritsucka : 2013-03-26 00:10 ID:AjB3/u+v [Del]

How about u wear dress pants and a nice blouse then it won't be as uncomfortable? And it makes both of you happy.

16 Name: M : 2013-03-26 00:42 ID:553hXzSX [Del]

Don't listen to her and her rude remarks! Learn to ignore them and just do whatever makes you comfy and happy! (:

17 Name: AceOfHeart : 2013-03-26 03:52 ID:mgi1+hoh [Del]

i think you wear the dress bring the guy clothes secretly and then when you are at the prom go change to boy clothes :) as simple as that

18 Name: Kazu : 2013-03-26 03:59 ID:AiX4tCFJ [Del]

Be yourself, she may be your mother, you may be blood but if she doesent respect you why should you respect her? BE YOUSELF fuck everyone who says other whys. you are fine how you are.

19 Name: Kuroneko !TeRybnCeqs : 2013-03-26 12:10 ID:HhMXyeNF [Del]

>>12 Yeah. The trip code is the same as GHF.

So if anyone has NOT noticed, GHF has resorted to posing. Wow. Talk about a dirtbag.

Bringing the clothes sounds like a good idea, like >>17 said. I can't understand your mother... I'd be PISSED about the sex change comment... Must hurt.

20 Name: Orcist : 2013-03-26 13:03 ID:yt5SLMNe [Del]

go naked, everyone (at least guys) will be happy ^^

21 Name: zolraK : 2013-03-26 13:43 ID:7EKhrBFZ [Del]

I second this. (Srs) You'll really stand out.

22 Name: Len : 2013-03-26 20:51 ID:ffxCspxf [Del]

Enlighten her about different kinds of people. By the level of her conservative actions I am guessing she is along the lines or a Christian-like faith. Itd be best to enlighten her about people like you. There are lots of girls who are tomboyish and i personally know two. If push comes to shove then use your most powerful tool. DECEPTION. Buy a suit and go out in a "normal" attire but then stop by a friends and change.

23 Name: OukaSilverwing : 2013-03-26 22:44 ID:qVIfauTQ [Del]

>>21>>20 As fun as being naked is, she might get arrested. Don't do it.

24 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-03-27 00:28 ID:0TSXuqVH [Del]

I'd say wear a suit if you want to. About your mother, you have to at least have a sit-down with her and make her understand how you really feel.

25 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-03-27 11:04 ID:a8JYp713 (Image: 224x224 jpg, 21 kb) [Del]

src/1364400273090.jpg: 224x224, 21 kb
thanks for all the ideas guys, honist;ly i didnt expect to get any replys to this.
>>5 dont be such a jerk, people like that are giving us dollars a bad name.
>>19 yes it dose hurt, and i have tryed talking to her. but she dosnt listen.
>>17 that is the best idea i and my fellow dollars here in washington have heard.

thanks everyone, keep the good ideas coming.

26 Name: L.B14 : 2013-03-27 14:38 ID:a8JYp713 [Del]

i know how you feel, my parents couldnt cair less about how i feel~about anything~

27 Name: Evangeline : 2013-03-27 16:52 ID:jbzwwZcK [Del]

You should inprovise and make a suit dress thingie just to see what everyone will think! Also, you need to talk to your Mummie so you can discuss what she thinks is right or not! It would be important to know!

28 Name: zolraK : 2013-03-27 17:06 ID:7EKhrBFZ [Del]

Again, I recommend the naked idea.

29 Name: Reggie : 2013-03-28 09:06 ID:LJ1YmSHX [Del]

Would it be that bad to wear a dress?
I mean, come on.

Or you could just wear whatever and deal with the repercussions.

Or you could not go to prom.
High school proms are mostly for assholes anyways.

30 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-03-28 17:11 ID:HYJVUibc [Del]

>>29 yea, i normaly wouldnt go but i made a promice to my chick-friend that i would take her. and this would be a good chance for me to dress like a gentleman and throw people for a loop. i may be a goof ball with most people but even i could be well manored if i wanted to.
>>28 im not going naked -_-*

31 Name: Atomos : 2013-03-29 01:30 ID:MSKWgwy+ [Del]

Be yourself. Trust me it'll work.

32 Name: Arya. : 2013-03-29 02:36 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

Your mother should accept you for just who you are.
You must talk to her face to face.

Here is my advice for the prom;
Wear a dress. You know dresses which are comortable and tomboyish? Wear it. Dont wear a suit because you mother will get mad, just listening to her once wont hurt you, right? Wear a tomboyish dress or dont go.

Trust me girl, I had the same problem and now I dont regret going with a tomboyish dress. It was actually great.

I believe that you wont regret too if you do what I say.

33 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-03-29 12:34 ID:L6Wb3EDp [Del]

the reason i havent broke and agreed to whare a dress is because im tired of her thinking that im gonna whair a dress when ever she wants me to.
besides, as long as i look presentable and am well manored, why shouldit matter ifim in a dress or a suit?

34 Name: Arya. : 2013-03-29 14:48 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

If you think that way go to prom with a suit. You dont have to listen anyone be yourself, do what you want.

Dont wanna wear a dress? Dont wanna wear a tomboyish dress? Dont wanna be naked or wanna go to prom?

Wear a suit. Thatd be the best for you, I think that if you make your mother listen to you face to face I believe that she will understand. I think that she is afraid that you wont find a guy and is scared tat you will be a lesbian...

*had the same prob here*

35 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-03-29 14:55 ID:a8JYp713 [Del]

A) im bie and she knows it.
B) im not going naked!

36 Name: Arya. : 2013-03-29 15:39 ID:W5BjX6T2 [Del]

Im bi too and you know mothers are creatures which are hard to understand.

Go to prom with a suit it doesnt matter.

37 Name: ArtisticAnarchy!!1iXgfdW/ : 2013-03-30 21:02 ID:HI9/cGWz [Del]

If you can drive, store the suit in the back of the car you are planning on taking. Put on the dress to make your mother happy. Half way there stop somewhere and change into the suit. Have a great time at your prom. Half way home stop somewhere and change back into the dress. Arive at home and act like you never changed into the suit. Problem solved! If you can not drive, put on suit. Get into huge argument with mother and call a friend if your mom refuses to drive you. Have a great time at your prom. Return home and refuse to talk to your mom. Refuse anything given or done for you by your mom and do everything you need to do by yourself. Continue this for a few days(however long it takes). Mom will eventually reflect on behaviour and will probably try to make some kind of deal. Make deal with mom in which you are both happy. Problem solved! Hope it helps. 2A