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im so alone (11)

1 Name: awrootbeer526 : 2013-03-23 15:31 ID:YezL8lL9 [Del]

my parents are gone all the time and i barely talk to my friend about my personal life. ive always hidden my personal life and fear that im a outsider in the inside. only 1 person knows the real me and i dont even trust her and i dont think she likes me...the way i do. and i always have a simle on my face even when its fake...and ive been heartbroken,used,brused,hurt, and just pissed but i always look happy. i just need someone who feels the same...

2 Name: zolraK : 2013-03-23 16:15 ID:7EKhrBFZ [Del]

You could start by working on that God-awful grammar.

3 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-23 16:28 ID:T/afJMCI [Del]

I feel the same, don't worry.

4 Name: awrootbeer526 : 2013-03-23 16:41 ID:YezL8lL9 [Del]


5 Name: cody : 2013-03-23 19:46 ID:EM4Uy/W+ [Del]

@zolark really really just go bully some kid on the play ground will you and @awrootbeer526 I know how you feel and stay strong if you feel lonely you can always talk with the dollars most of us are good people unlike @zolark

6 Name: Sid : 2013-03-23 20:00 ID:bDwMpw1z [Del]

I used to always put on a fake smile when I was younger. I don't really know when I started smiling for real though. I always had to lie and put on a facade when telling people about my bruises, cuts, and welts. I always was smiling just to hide the truth of my dad beating me. Later I just ended up depressed as hell and not caring anymore, but it got better in due time. My english teacher in high school made me realize that just writing is a form of therapy. It helped me understand my lingering depression and the things cuasing it. Depending on how deep this stems it could be a while before you smile for real. Just as a reference mine took about 2-3 years after writing to figure out and deal with all the stuff bothering me.

For the most part just stick with it and do what you want to do. By doing that you might end up having a real smile on your face.

I have read things that you could not understand what the person was trying to say due to worse grammar. I can understand what this person is conveying and what they want help with. They could slighlty improve grammar, but they didn't make it a complete disaster by throwing all grammar out the window.

Also if some things are mispelled, or hard to comprehend, it is due to me being a bit intoxicated.

7 Name: awrootbeer526 : 2013-03-23 21:30 ID:YezL8lL9 [Del]

my music teacher really got me into music and i find it as a escape route to ignore my problems.
i'll really try for something real this time.

8 Name: Shamrockχ : 2013-04-23 16:05 ID:keOvqDlH [Del]

>>5 You can click on the number to the left of the post to add it to your reply. It will come up in the text-box automatically.

>>7 You might like the song "Listen to the Music," by Danger Man. It may be a little difficult to find, so here's a link:

9 Name: Kai : 2013-04-24 02:33 ID:G3YQ41Fh [Del]

i see , but try to open yourself more , dont be such a lame , boring ,and scaready cat

if you are fake yourself , then no world will accept you , just tell someone your shitty life and dont always use fake smile , just accept , and overcome yourself

10 Name: Hana : 2013-04-24 18:02 ID:iOqXbQFX [Del]

You say only one person knows the real you and yet you doubt her? There must be a reason she's the only person you've ever opened up to. Not that I particularly care about your reasons. To cut to the chase, why don't you try to make her your friend? Who knows, she might be just what you need. And if that doesn't work, you always have us to talk to. :) x

11 Name: human!Zh77W8MOoU : 2013-04-24 22:48 ID:K7f11XRE [Del]

man lifes ruff on my humans so i will give more crappy advice and tell a story, i hope this helps

while im in school i always have to deel with simaler things fake smiles and a lack of understanding from anybody so im just really loud and obnoxius to MAKE people hate me because if ur an outcast than theirs bound to be other outcasts around you, people who care (like the dollars) and want to help you and want to talk to you because they know that sometimes people put up walls not to keep people out but to see who cares enoph to break them down give people a distant look and a sad smile and talk to them or hell even make up a cooler life by lyeing about evry thing... it dosent matter but theirs gotta be some one who cares enoph to talk to you so take advantege of that aspect and talk to THEM as well ok?
i hope i helped