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I want to disappear (33)

1 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-22 09:44 ID:+XvRBoCf [Del]

I want to disappear.
I don't feel much anymore.
No one talks to me because they assume that I don't talk much or I am simply a person who isn't fit for talking with others.
My interactions have become futile according to my peers and there's nothing else I could really do.
I try and I try, never wanting to leave but it just seems like now, no one wants me to try.
I don't know whether or not that I really want to disappear but the thought continues to cross my mind.
I'm lost.
I want to disappear.

2 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2013-03-22 12:20 ID:KVpBQDC9 [Del]

and the point of this, aside from trying to get attention, was..?

3 Name: anonoperative687 : 2013-03-22 15:02 ID:qspWjEaI [Del]

Lilia-san ignore sleepology. I have been where you are before. I would like to be your friend. We could be online pen pals. My email is I know that sometimes all it takes is having one friend. Do not do anything rash

4 Name: Kuroneko : 2013-03-23 04:30 ID:m0AZf+7l [Del]

If you feel like talking Lilia-san, email me at

5 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-23 13:41 ID:T/afJMCI [Del]

I was not searching for attention.
I was simply posting my feelings without anyone having to judge me or to yell at me for anything.
That is all.

6 Name: anonoperative687 : 2013-03-23 14:28 ID:8pBEM6wI [Del]

I Believe you. Its good to be able to say how you feel without someone judge you, or put meaningless and undesired labels on you

7 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-23 14:30 ID:T/afJMCI [Del]

Thank you.

8 Name: awrootbeer526 : 2013-03-23 15:22 ID:YezL8lL9 [Del]

hey, everyone has everyone and anyone can help. and do you no one would care if you dissappered? i dont even know you and i would already hurt for someone to just leave. dont dissapper....

9 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-23 16:28 ID:T/afJMCI [Del]

Thank you for saying that.

10 Name: awrootbeer526 : 2013-03-23 16:45 ID:YezL8lL9 [Del]

i'll take bullets for friend... and hearing someone wanting to leave... i don't know. just stay. :)

11 Name: cody : 2013-03-23 19:36 ID:EM4Uy/W+ [Del]

I have been where you are and was very close to doing something very stupid. don't let ignorant people get to you. you do have a purpose. stay strong and don't let evil people like school bullies and @sleepology get to you. that goes to everyone who feels alone and lost. <3

12 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-23 19:41 ID:1MLZB055 (Image: 500x565 jpg, 57 kb) [Del]

src/1364085695832.jpg: 500x565, 57 kb

13 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-23 23:15 ID:T/afJMCI [Del]

Anon makes a very valid point.

14 Name: Anonymous : 2013-03-24 00:40 ID:1MLZB055 (Image: 499x287 png, 213 kb) [Del]

src/1364103654956.png: 499x287, 213 kb
I left out the most relevant part.

15 Name: Kuro-san : 2013-03-25 00:52 ID:zMXGZJo+ [Del]

back then I'm the same of your situation. But mine is much worse. I have many friends then but when the time passes their getting cold to me and find other friends by that we make a group of friends but I usually get replace. And it feels that they don't need me anymore so I usually go alone by my own, and the same to you I usually think its better to just disappear.
But thanks to my new best friend he did his best to make me think that someone needs me and I have more purpose to live. He really do a lot of things just to help me move on, he usually leave his friends just to help me and accompany me on the times I'm alone and it really surprise me. He really meant to me.

So I want you to think that there will be a person who will understand what you feel and be your best friend. You will not know who. It surprisingly comes like him, me and him is not so close then. I really don't assume to be his best friend but now it happened, and I'm happy to be his best of my best friends.
Smile and cheer up, stay strong buddy Dollars are here for you to help.

16 Name: Skipper : 2013-03-25 07:18 ID:3XLWaWxM [Del]

I was once thinking that, I thought about suicide but, It just wasn't worth it.

I thought of my Parents, How they Raised me and I didn't continue the suicide plan.

I experienced being an outcast at school, Although I have a group friends, I felt like it because They're all freaking pretty and I'm all Trash.

If your friends turned you down, You can always have the DOLLARS
have your back.

17 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-25 09:47 ID:+XvRBoCf [Del]

It makes me least a little better that I can rely on the Dollars, even for a little bit.
I mean, really, I'm talking to a bunch of strangers....

But I can feel a little bit relaxed.

18 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-25 12:04 ID:8FSeL4X3 [Del]

I want to thank all of those who had given the time to try and help me with advice.
I really appreciate it.

19 Name: *Cecile* : 2013-03-25 12:46 ID:7T2FROMv [Del]

When I was younger,I was just the same as you,Lilia-san...Don't worry,it DOES get better...Not in the school you're attending now,but when you grow up and change schools,you'll have the opportunity to meet new people and start again.BUT...You have to become more sociable.Why don't you join a club of what you like??That way,you'll socialize more and you may get the chance to make friends.

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21 Name: Ashley : 2013-03-25 16:38 ID:aWdhGgSh [Del]

Lilia-san, I've felt the same as you before I always felt like an outcast and I just felt like disappearing I felt like disappearing so so bad, inside I felt so sad and alone I tried to make my self feel better by trying to hate people and society, but you see as I grew older I realized that I didn't want to disappear anymore because I really liked seeing changes in life rather the good or the bad and I felt like maybe I could get used to this kind of life style, soon I realized that I didn't need a lot of friends just the ones I could truly trust which is about two, or my family members. I did have friends but I felt alone because they never really talked to me so I found a person that I could trust we had the same interest and train of thought. And I find enjoyment in watching complete idiots in life fight and yell at each other (come on it's hilarious), so yeah back then I guess you could say I was kind of emo I mean like I didn't cut myself or anything but I was quite a downer. You see when some says something mean to me (such as Sleepology) I say this in my mind ( they need to fuck off my life ain't none of their business, I didn't ask for their opinion)so yeah that's what I say.

and make sure no one ever puts you down, don't make life a lot harder for then you need to, and like Skipper said we the dollars always got your back you can count on it.

22 Name: AceOfHeart : 2013-03-26 04:00 ID:mgi1+hoh [Del]

killing yourself or wanting to disappear is okay as long as you don't make it a reality... i am mostly hated at school and try to be friends with them again but never succeed but i gave up and keep living and make new friends :)

The world is not as bad as you think *DRRR reference*

23 Name: meh : 2013-03-27 04:24 ID:X+YwRJkn [Del]

Not all dollars are nice, such as the infamous Sleepology and me (I guess) But there are some nice people. If you have problems. just tell your parents. It's true that they'd worry about you, but they'd never consider you as a weirdo; they care about your well-being. Chin up, teens always go through this emotional phase.

24 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-27 09:34 ID:+XvRBoCf [Del]

It's not for the fact that I don't trust my parents.
It's the fact that I don't even consider them as my parents.

25 Name: Setton-san : 2013-03-27 13:06 ID:deQR7gVu [Del]

You should always try to find something that's worth living.There are so many things in the world and you will definitely find something.

And there is always someone crying if you decide to take your life.I made this experience

If you want to talk with me, just tell me and you get my e-mail adress ;) and then we will get the fun back to you :)

26 Name: Mydget14 : 2013-03-27 13:59 ID:a8JYp713 [Del]

lilia-san, i know your pain. my 'family' dos not consist of people that cair. is you look at my thread A Boy between the ears you will see what i mean. i have no reall friends around me besides the dollars. i can not tollarate people with no seance os loyalty.
but if it makes you feel anny better, i would dissapear with you if i could.

27 Name: Moonlight : 2013-03-27 14:36 ID:gk7jCO7E [Del]

Im the same way my mother is not a parent to me bec she left me so my dad took me and my brother in I have not seen my mother in 3 or 4 years

28 Name: Lilia-san : 2013-03-31 11:49 ID:DrHAqzUC [Del]

I'm just not too sure anymore.
I didn't want help.

I just wanted a release from all the pain.

29 Name: awrootbeer526 : 2013-03-31 12:33 ID:YezL8lL9 [Del]

but if you disappear you will miss all the good things and feelings in life.

30 Name: aria : 2013-04-01 00:00 ID:El5Zrhns [Del]

thats a summary of my life right there!!!!

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